Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 535 The Daughter's Divine Assist

Chapter 535 The Daughter's Divine Assist
Chapter 535: The daughter's divine assist
She has already received a call from Lan Xin, knowing that she will come to the store to help.



The atmosphere was quiet, and there was a slight chill in the spacious library.

Lu Haocheng had just returned from lunch with his three children.

Watching the three children plunge into the world of books again.

Lu Haocheng suddenly felt ashamed.

He also loves to read, but not as much as the three brothers and sisters.

Last time, he had something to do, don't you feel something?
But this time, he didn't have much to do.

Seeing the three of them so fascinated, he really felt that his three children were super cute.

As soon as I read the book, I forget everything.

Looking at the children around them, how could the three of them be so self-disciplined.

Lu Haocheng was holding a management book in his hand, but he couldn't read a single word.

He was dressed in white casual clothes, and on his handsome face, a pair of eyes as bright as diamonds shone with a look of contempt for everything, with a soul-stirring aura.

The people around looked at him with burning eyes.

Lan Ziqi was sitting next to him, she raised her head slightly, and looked at those people who were reading. When she wasn't reading, she just looked at Uncle Lu.

She glanced at the two brothers and saw that they were fascinated, she whispered: "Uncle Lu, take me out."

Lu Haocheng looked at her suspiciously, but didn't say much, and went out with his daughter in his arms.

Lu Haocheng looked at his daughter and asked, "Qiqi, what's wrong?"

Lan Ziqi glanced around, she had already reached the stairs, she said in a low voice, "Uncle Lu, put me down, I'll sit on the stairs."

"Qiqi, I hold you."

Lan Ziqi said: "Put it down, Uncle Lu, I have something to tell you."

Lu Haocheng carefully put her down.

Lan Ziqi glanced around and said, "Uncle Lu, tell me the truth, do you like my mother or not?"

Lu Haocheng: "??"

What is Kiki trying to do?
He smiled and said, "Qiqi, I don't like your mother..."

"Then why are you staying at my house? You don't like my mother?" Lan Ziqi quickly interrupted him, with a look of disappointment flashing across her bright eyes.

Lu Haocheng looked at her disappointed little face, this girl was so anxious: "Qiqi, don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet, I don't like your mother, but I love your mother very much. When your mother was young, we I just got to know you, your mother and I are childhood sweethearts. Everything my uncle does is to wait for your mother to come back."

When Lan Ziqi heard this, she looked at his handsome face and smiled brightly like a flower, "Uncle Lu, we look alike, and we are very similar. I am just waiting for you to be my father? You go back to accompany my mother, I must marry my mother back."

When Lu Haocheng heard his daughter's words, his moderately thick red lips showed a dazzling smile.

His daughter is an assist from God!

"But Qiqi, your mother doesn't like me pestering her." Lu Haocheng was a little discouraged. Thinking of what happened last night, he was in pain.

He sat all night, and at dawn he took the three brothers and sisters out.

Lan Ziqi looked at the big BOSS Uncle Lu in front of her with a speechless face, and said earnestly, "Uncle Lu, you really don't understand my mother. My mother is very lonely. You should spend more time chatting with her, but don't mention it." About our dad, other things, she will not be angry if you say anything. Besides, my mother likes to learn various things, taekwondo, dancing, long as she has time, she is never idle.

So, Uncle Lu, you now know how to do it!My mom packed her time because she was lonely.

Seeing my mother working so hard, we three brothers and sisters worked so hard. "

Lan Ziqi felt that she was too worried about her mother's affairs.

When Lu Haocheng heard his daughter's words, his heart ached.

"Qiqi, with Dad in the future, you won't have to work so hard." Lu Haocheng gently stroked her head.

When Lan Ziqi heard the word "father", she looked very sad. She quickly explained: "Uncle Lu, thank you for not despising us three brothers and sisters, but don't worry uncle, we three brothers and sisters will not be dragging you." bottle.

We can make money to support ourselves, and we won’t embarrass Uncle Lu in the future. My paintings can support me, and my elder brother and second brother can also support themselves, so they won’t cause trouble to Uncle Lu. "

Lu Haocheng's expression was in severe pain. His daughter looked carefree, but her mind was close to a monster.

Tuoyouping, these three words, what kind of meaning did they bring to them?
Let her have such thoughts in her heart?
He squatted down slowly, his black pupils were as clear and dazzling as obsidian, and there was great pain hidden under the seemingly calm eyes.

"Qiqi," he said in a solemn tone, "you are not oil bottles, I am your father."

Lan Ziqi smiled slightly, with mist in her big eyes, "Uncle Lu, anyway, you are willing to love my mother. Thank you very much. My mother is afraid that the three of us will be wronged, so she doesn't fall in love. Even Uncle Le, was turned away by my mother."

Lu Haocheng's proud thin lips curled up slightly, "Qiqi, your mother turned your Uncle Le away just to wait for me?"

With the help of his daughter, are you still afraid that Lan Lan is not his?

"Uncle Lu, come on!" Lan Ziqi smiled while holding her little pink fist.

This Uncle Lu didn't dislike her mother taking the three of them, she was very happy.

"En!" Lu Haocheng nodded heavily, "Qiqi, don't worry, I will work hard, your mother can only be mine."

Lan Ziqi smiled and said: "So, future father, go to my mother quickly, you are here, so that everyone does not read books, but only looks at you."

Lu Haocheng: "??" Future father?Why are your ears so swollen?
"Hehe..." Lu Haocheng smiled softly, "Qiqi, just call me Dad."

Lan Ziqi: "!!"

"Future dad, aren't you now? The expectation that can be met is worth looking forward to; the expectation that can be fulfilled is valuable. In the future, I will call Dad."

Lu Haocheng looked at her pink and tender face with gentle eyes, "Qiqi, I will go back with you, you can't even walk now. Your mother can't be idle, I guess she must go to find your aunt Shen .”

Lan Ziqi narrowed her eyes slightly, and nodded, "So, Uncle Lu, you, please spend more time with my mother. It is said in the video that chasing women these days should be generous and thick-skinned."

Lu Haocheng: "..."

Daughter taught him to fall in love!
Lu Haocheng nodded with a smile, "Qiqi, I'll listen to you."

"Listen to her, you will only be kicked out by my mother!" The indifferent tone came, and Lu Haocheng and Qiqi looked over quickly.

I saw Lan Zijun came to the bookshelf behind them at some point, leaning slightly on the bookshelf, with his arms crossed, his expression calm and introverted.

(End of this chapter)

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