Chapter 546 You Are My Sunshine
Chapter 546: You Are My Sunshine
Lu Haocheng frowned and said, "Lanlan, I don't even have a girlfriend now."

After speaking, he looked at her with shining eyes.

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Xiao Ruoxuan."

Lu Haocheng: "..."

He looked displeased: "Lanlan, the girlfriend you agreed to cultivate a relationship with, if you don't come with me, who will I cultivate a relationship with?"

At this moment, Lan Xin really felt like shooting herself in the foot with a rock, why did she say that at that time!

If I don't agree now, it seems that I have no integrity!

She smiled and said, "Then let me tell my mother not to wait for us."

Lu Haocheng looked at her and said, "I've already told my mother."

"Er..." Lan Xin, this completely left her no way out.

"Okay, where to eat, you decide." Lan Xin smiled.

emmm! !
She agreed to go to the movies with him tomorrow night, and Lan Xin was very depressed. Maybe it was because her unchanging life was disrupted all this time, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

When the two entered the elevator, Lu Haocheng suddenly received a call from Ou Jingyao.


Ou Jingyao, who had already reached the first floor: "Xiao Ruoxuan and her manager are waiting on the first floor, and the reporter is still there. Be careful and protect Lan Xin."

"I see." After Lu Haocheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He sent a WeChat message to Mu Ziheng, asking him to buy vegetables and deliver them to his villa.

Mu Ziheng was going to the villa now, and he was shocked when he saw Lu Haocheng's WeChat. Does this Lu Haocheng want to cook by himself?
Mu Ziheng replied to the message when he parked the car at the red light intersection.

@On the way to pick up the fried chicken rich woman: [Lu Haocheng, you are sure you are right, you want me to buy vegetables and go back to your villa.Look at me, can such a noble person go to a place like the vegetable market?I can't tell the difference between garlic and leeks. What should I do when I buy garlic for you? ]

It was only then that Lu Haocheng noticed that Mu Ziheng had changed his WeChat name.

He couldn't help frowning, he really fell into Le Jinyan's trap.

@C. Y [Forget it, let's go out to eat. ]
After finishing speaking, ignore Mu Ziheng.

Mu Ziheng, when you saw the word "forget it", you were instantly amused.

Suddenly, his phone rang again, seeing that it was Lu Sien again, he frowned, why did this call come to him every day.

Mu Ziheng hung up the phone a little annoyed, and continued to drive home.

As for Lu Haocheng, he still took Lan Xin down the elevator on the second floor, and went out through the small door that he came in in the morning.

Then he changed a car and took Lan Xin out from another exit.

The people standing at the gate have been waiting for a whole day, but they haven't even seen Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin.

When they got to the road, Lan Xin asked, "Have the reporters waiting at the gate left yet?"

"En!" Lu Haocheng nodded slightly.

Lan Xin was stunned, these reporters are very dedicated, it is not easy to squat under the sun for a day.

Lan Xin glanced at Lu Haocheng, her eyes suddenly focused on Lu Haocheng's bright red lips, Ning Feifei's words came to her mind.

If you haven't seen Lu Haocheng's lips, you don't know what a rose looks like?
However, this man's lip color is really redder than the average man's lip color, and upon closer inspection, it is really a bit rose-colored.

It has to be said that a woman's critical eye is always good, and those ways of idolizing Lu Haocheng are pure heart and brave protection.

No wonder she was scolded so badly by those people.

Lu Haocheng noticed the way Lan Xin looked at her. Did this girl notice that her brother Haocheng was also pretty good-looking.

Lu Haocheng thought narcissistically, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Lan Xin saw him smile and said, "Lu Haocheng, why do you like me?"

Lu Haocheng was choked by her sudden question, "Lanlan, haven't I told you? We have been engaged since childhood, and you are the sunshine in my life."

"Sunshine in life?" Lan Xin chewed on the meaning of these words. In this way, has he always been important in his heart?

Lan Xin was thinking, when the phone rang suddenly, she looked down at the phone, it was Le Jinxi calling.

"Hi! Jinxi."

As soon as Lu Haocheng heard the word Jinxi, his hand holding the steering wheel became inexplicably tighter. This Le Jinxi always wanted to ruin his date.

Le Jinxi: "Lanlan, where are you? Do you have time to escape? Do you want me to rescue you?"

Lan Xin: "..."

"Le Jinxi, I'm out of the company now, you want to be a hero to save the beauty, wait in line for the opportunity!"

Le Jinxi: "Did Lu Haocheng bring you out?"

Lan Xin: "Yes!"

Le Jinxi: "Hey! This is the first thing you can do if you are close to the water."

Lan Xin: "..."

"Jinxi, Yanyan will be back next week too."

Le Jinxi said: "Well! My sister can't bear you, she wants to be wherever you are?"

Lan Xin smiled and said, "That's right, the three of us are of the same heart."

Le Jinxi said: "Didn't I let you not befriend relatives?"

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Le Jinxi, although you don't like it, it does exist, please allow it to exist."

Le Jinxi: "Where are you now?"

Lan Xin: "Go out to eat!"

Le Jinxi's tone was faint: "I know who you're with, hang up."

Listening to Le Jinxi's last words, Lan Xin was full of sadness and anger, she pursed her lips slightly, that was the only way to go.

She has been sorry for Jinxi all her life.

Jinxi's family background is also very good, overseas investment is also very successful, Jinxi is also a very motivated person, with his own efforts, he made a fortune and became the richest man in Fan City in one fell swoop.

It can be said that he is on par with Lu Haocheng, and it is unreasonable to treat her even better. Because he is so good, she never thought of letting him get involved.

Moreover, she really didn't have any extra thoughts about Jinxi, and love didn't even exist. She always felt like the big brother next door to Jinxi.

Lu Haocheng saw that she had a bad face after answering the phone, and he said, "Lanlan, let's eat at Jiangshi Grand Hotel!"

Upon hearing this, Lan Xin frowned and said, "No, go eat seafood."

That place was psychologically stressful for her.

Lu Haocheng smiled: "Okay, it's up to you." The doting tone made people's hearts soften.

Lan Xin smiled slightly: "Lu Haocheng, you bought Huazhong Entertainment."

Lu Haocheng nodded slightly, and said: "Lanlan, I invest in a lot of industries under my name, and there are also a lot of entertainment circles, but don't you like acting? I have to go back and ask him if he can sign a contract under our company's name, so as to develop his future , and the brightest little star right now."

Lan Xin smiled and said, "I have no objection to this, as long as Ranran and Jinyan have no objection." They are all a drop in the ocean of this era, as long as they are healthy and healthy, they can do whatever they want.

Live up to your youth, live up to your original intention!
The three of them liked it, and she never stopped it.

(End of this chapter)

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