Chapter 552

Chapter 552: The face is crooked

Mu Ziheng sneered and said, "Director Yang, haven't you seen the news on the Internet?"

The other side was silent for a while, then asked with a smile, "Mr. Mu, what's the news?"

Mu Ziheng said: "Your news."

"What news from me?" The other party was obviously confused.

Mu Ziheng smiled and said: "Director Yang, you must have indulged too much last night, and you haven't woken up yet, have you? Call me when you wake up, or get out of here." After Mu Ziheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone .

He had just taken over the company when this happened, and his face was distorted.

It's just crazy, there are so many things waiting to be done by myself, it's crazy.

Ou Jingyao said: "Congratulations, you will be busy again."

The corner of Mu Ziheng's mouth twitched, and he did not look at Ou Jingyao with a smug smile, "Secretary Ou, congratulations, all the documents passed over from my side have to go through your hands before reaching Mr. Lu's office. I also congratulate you, you finally have the opportunity to work overtime."

Ou Jingyao said: "Even if I work overtime, I don't work as much overtime as you."

Mu Ziheng's face twitched. Is it really reasonable to say such disrespectful words with such a good looks?

Mu Ziheng shook his head and said, "Jing Yao, you are such an excellent person, and my language suddenly seems to be lacking. There is no language that can truly express your excellence, and no praise can really be worthy of you! You It is the ultimate in brotherhood, remember, if you marry a wife, you will share half of the bed with me."

Ou Jingyao frowned slightly, knowing that Mu Ziheng was teasing him, he smiled, his innate elegance was unmistakable, he fought back, "Mu Ziheng, I am not as good as one hundred thousandth of yours, you are the one." The best person, but after you marry a wife, you don't need to share the bed with me, I don't have your hobby."

Mu Ziheng: "..."

What are his hobbies?Did he want him to show brotherhood?
He retorted: "I don't have such a bad habit?"

Among the four, he was always the one who was abused.

These days, how can brotherhood be priceless?
Mu Ziheng returned to the office with an unhappy face.

And Lan Xin, also reminded by Ning Feifei, knew what the Lu Group had clarified for her.

She is not an artist, but just a commoner who is working hard to make a living, and she also feels quite wronged by this kind of Internet hacking for no reason.

But these, now have no effect on her settled heart.

Ning Feifei smiled and said: "Director Lan, you can finally feel at ease now. This is the information from the Planning Department, and the product has already been released. The fashion show launch conference will be held in the middle of next month. The venue is also owned by the Lu Corporation. During the layout, Director Lan, you just need to go over and look at the scene layout and lighting."

Lan Xin asked, "Where is the venue?"

Ning Feifei smiled and said, "On the fifth floor, all the models are ready."

The Lu Group's system is much easier than working in other companies.

I believe that it won't be long before the Lu Corporation will become powerful and dominate the business world.

Ning Feifei smiled excitedly, she has a future and she has to work hard.

Lan Xin nodded slightly, and asked, "Have you finished talking about Mr. Mu's spokesperson?"

Ning Feifei shook her head slightly: "Director Lan, there is still no news."

Lan Xin said: "Write an application to Mr. Lu. For this fashion show, the make-up artist is Lin Haotian." He was a person with a unique vision. She had only met him once, and she knew that that person would definitely have The shocking side.

"Okay, Director Lan." Ning Feifei smiled and continued to work.

On the other side, Gu An'an, who hadn't been happy for a long time, suddenly saw the news on the Internet that Lan Xin had successfully cleared her name overnight, and her eyes were wider than copper bells.

As for Xiao Ruoxuan, who was completely strangled at the bottom of the valley, it was even more difficult to turn around than to climb to the sky.

Lu Haocheng always saves his hand and waits until the last moment to show it, which can always give someone a fatal blow.

"Hmph! Lan Xin, don't force me." She angrily threw the phone on the table.

Lin Mengyi heard her words just as she left the room door, she frowned and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Gu An'an's face instantly turned into a gentle smile: "Mom, it's nothing? It's just that Lu Hao became that woman named Lan Xin. Xin was blocked."

When Lin Mengyi heard that all the responsibilities were put on her daughter, she immediately asked Gu An'an angrily, "You hide at home every day, and you don't know the real situation, so how can you put all the blame on Lan Xin? You framed Lan Xin, and I pushed their mother and daughter downstairs, do you know that such a thing would make me feel guilty for the rest of my life."

Lin Mengyi's tone was agitated. Whenever she thought of this incident, her guts would turn green with regret. That was her daughter, her granddaughter!

Although Lan Lan was not angry and recognized them, she knew that the child still had a lump in his heart.

Therefore, the relationship between their mother and daughter is still very strange.

In the past few days, Lanlan didn't take the initiative to call her, and she was very sad in her heart. The child was very tolerant since she was a child, and even if she was wronged, she couldn't bear to let others be blamed.

Her Lanlan, even though she didn't grow up by her side, has always had a kind heart.

"Mom..." Gu Anan looked at her mother strangely, how did she find out that her mother had changed.

"Stop talking, because of what happened to you last time, don't you know how much it has affected me? I was scolded cruelly, and it's all because of you." Lin Mengyi looked at her with an angry face, and looked at her warningly: "You are now You are the daughter-in-law of the Lu family, you should pay more attention to your words and deeds. Don't cause trouble again, and ruin everything you finally got."

Lin Mengyi's naked reminder made Gu An'an tremble and seemed to wake up.

Everyone wants to have a vigorous love in their hearts, especially when they are young, who hasn't read a few vigorous love novels?

And those glamorous love stories have created dreams for many women.

She, Gu An'an, is also one of them. She wants to get the love and tolerance of those domineering presidents in the novel.

She whispered: "Mom, I will."

Lin Mengyi looked at her deeply. She heard what she said just now clearly. What does she want to do to Lanlan?
"Mom, I'll go back to my room to rest." Gu Anan said, and returned to the room with her head down.

Lin Mengyi looked at her back with very different eyes.

This Gu An'an, has he been pretending in front of her all these years?Although she, Lin Mengyi, was despicable, she absolutely loved her children. She never thought that she would teach such a child.

(End of this chapter)

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