Chapter 558 Pei Yaojing

Chapter 558: Pei Yaojing

Lu Haocheng said: "Lanlan, you have been a very strong girl since childhood."

Lan Lan, thank you for your persistence over the years. It is because of your persistence and bravery over the years that we can meet like this.

Seeing her gentle smile every day, he felt that everything was worth it.

Lan Xin lowered her head and took a sip of the milk tea. Her mouth was filled with the taste of strawberries, bringing a sense of sweet happiness.

Looking at the affectionate Lu Haocheng in front of her, she didn't know what to say?
There is nothing but gratitude in my heart.

Lu Haocheng smiled and said, "Idiot, you were so focused on crying just now, you haven't even eaten this popcorn."

Lan Xin smiled, "The plot of the movie is very touching, I even went to the movie, besides, I ate a lot of dinner, and I don't want to eat it, so take it back for Kiki to eat!"

Lu Haocheng nodded and said: "Lanlan, this is the first time I went to the cinema to watch a movie. But I am really happy with you. At that time we agreed to go to the movies. There was a movie when we were young. It's called "Childhood", and it's very popular. I promised to take you to see it on Saturday, but before that day, I lost you."

Lan Xin thought for a while, her eyes sparkled, "Lu Haocheng, I watched that movie later, I like the little heroine in the movie, she has a halo all over her body, and she interprets her childhood wonderfully, although she is not very good at studying. Well, but a good girl."

Lu Haocheng looked disappointed, "I haven't been there since then. When I was in junior high school, I was looking for you everywhere. When I was in high school, I was also looking for you. After I went to college, I started my business, but I was still looking for you. After I stepped into society, I was still looking for you, looking for you, and I really found you."

Lu Haocheng thought for a while, and then said, "Lanlan, we buried our wish under the tree at the gate of your house. You didn't show it to me at the time. When we have time, we will go back and dig it up." Come out, I want to see what you wrote at that time?"

Lan Xin looked at him slightly surprised, did they do such a thing together when they were young?
It feels so romantic!I feel so stupid, life is ever-changing, and I don't know when it will be cheated.

She asked excitedly: "Lu Haocheng, is this also your idea?"

Lu Haocheng shook his head quickly: "Lanlan, am I not as boring as you? It was your idea. You watched cartoons at that time and wanted to do this. Later, I couldn't hold you back, so I did it with you. "

Lan Xin: "..."

Lan Xin was a little embarrassed, would she still do such a thing?

She suddenly wanted to know, what secret was buried by her back then?
She said: "Then when we have a chance, let's go back and have a look."

"Yeah!" He smiled softly, "Lanlan, let's go back!"

"Let's go!" She got up, and he was still holding her.

Lan Xin looked at the hands held by the two, and there was a ripple in her bright eyes.

This man, if you don't know him deeply and only look at his appearance, he will always give people a feeling of inhumanity.

But if you walk into his life, you will find that he is a very gentle and kind person.

Lan Xin said: "By the way, they are going to start school soon, but you can make some arrangements for the filming, and wait for the other departments to make arrangements. I'm afraid it will be too late. With this kind of relationship between us, you can go through the back door once."

Taking advantage of his good mood now, she said by the way.

However, filming was also very hard. Moreover, after Yanyan came back, she had to start all over again, and it was difficult to start. Over the years, her contacts and network were also in Fan City.

In Fan City, she was able to get along like a duck to water, but in Jiang City, the largest in country A, it was somewhat difficult.

Yanyan drinks a lot, and gets drunk every time she has a social event, but every time she wins a contract, she is very happy, she will chat with her for a day, and then she must take them to have a big meal together, and they are all She treats.

"Hehe..." Lu Haocheng smiled, "Lanlan, it's no problem, as I said, everything I have is yours, even me is yours, what do you want, what do you want? I will satisfy you immediately."

Lan Xin said: "I'm relieved to have your words, but if you don't say anything like this in the future, it will hurt my positive heart. Although being a rice worm is very comfortable, I don't want to be a rice worm. I don't want to be a rice worm. I feel ashamed." Her last words were also a joke.

Lu Haocheng's head was full of black lines, and he didn't want her to be a rice worm, "Fool, there are so many things for you to manage, you can't do it even if you want to be a rice worm."

Lan Xin cooperated with him and smiled, "That's right! But, I'm pretty good now, I really can't afford the things you gave me." She likes to get together with her own strength, so that she can be fulfilled.

Lu Haocheng smiled and led her into the elevator without saying a word.

In an upscale coffee shop.

Light music brings a sense of happiness to people, and the romantic and fashionable decoration gives people a gorgeous visual sense.

There are not many people in the coffee shop, and everyone chats happily.

Sitting by the window were two stylishly dressed women.

One of them was Gu An'an.

Gu An'an also didn't expect that he had the mentality of giving it a try, but Pei Yaojing agreed to see her.

Gu Anan ordered two miso grilled cod and two cups of coffee.

So she sat and waited, she raised her eyes, and looked at Pei Yaojing who was wearing a bright red tight skirt in front of her. She had a devilish figure like a model, her facial features were considered exquisite, but they could be combined together, but there was a trace of love between her eyebrows and eyes. Domineering, compared with Li Yina's gentleness, the Pei Yaojing in front of her is the type that men like.

She smiled and said, "Mr. Pei, I'm really happy and surprised that you promised to see me."

When she called, she specifically said that she was Gu An'an, the daughter of the Gu Group, and that she and Lan Xin were candidates for Li Yina.

But in the end he lost the election.

Although this matter has not been made public, many people in the industry already know it.

After Pei Yaojing found out about this, she had the same idea as Li Yina.

When she said this, she would definitely attract Pei Yaojing's attention.

Sure enough, Pei Yaojing agreed to see her.

Pei Yaojing smiled generously, the queen's red lips made her look charming, "I want to see, what kind of person is Li Yina's favorite candidate? I am also a straightforward person, and I don't like to be around the corner. , show me the work you brought."

Gu An'an picked up her latest design and handed it to Pei Yaojing.

Pei Yaojing was full of vigor, she took it, casually flipped through a few pages and then closed it.

Pass it back to Gu An'an.

Gu Anan took it over with some anxiety, and said with a smile: "I made the teacher laugh, I just started working, and I still have a lot of inexperience. But I have been studying hard. I hope this world can give me a blue sky and let me display my own skills." talent."

(End of this chapter)

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