Chapter 570 Very Serious

Chapter 570: Very Serious

Lu Haokai refused to help, and she didn't want to drag the Lu family into trouble, as long as Lu Haokai didn't help, then Lu Haocheng would definitely not sit idly by.

One must have the wisdom of not competing in life, and some things cannot be forced.

Instead of dragging Lu Haokai down, it is better to drag Lu Haocheng down. In this way, Lu Haokai can benefit from the fisherman, and she can also see Lu Haocheng's begging side.

So, last night she went too, but didn't say a word.

Gu Yicen was very angry, so he argued with Lu Haokai endlessly, and finally got into a big fight.

In the end, all three ended up in detention.

As for Lu Haokai, he said before that he would treat her well, but she didn't believe Lu Haokai at all.

She would rather believe that there are ghosts in this world than Lu Haokai's bad mouth.

Unexpectedly, something happened to the Gu family the next morning.

As Pei Yaojing's assistant, Gu An'an worked in L. P Company's office is spacious, bright and luxurious.

Pei Yaojing was dressed in a white suit, capable and majestic, with the demeanor of a runway queen. She just walked into the office, she looked at Gu An'an with a look of disdain, and said coldly: "An'an, something happened to your family." Her tone was very unhappy, She didn't know about the Gu family before.

If she knew, she would definitely not accept Gu An'an, please.

As the saying goes, it is easier to invite God than to give it away. Now that she has separated her relationship with Gu Anan, I am afraid that she will be drowned by people's spittle.

Gu An'an heard the displeasure in Pei Yaojing's tone, she smiled and said: "Teacher, don't worry, the Gu family is a family, and there are many families with good relationships in private, this matter will pass soon."

Pei Yaojing crossed her arms, leaned on the desk, looked at Gu Anan with a sneer, "Then just wait."

Gu An'an instantly understood what Pei Yaojing meant by all this and so on.
She knew that if the Gu family collapsed, Pei Yaojing would definitely find a reason to kick her out of this office.

She managed to achieve it overnight, and she must not be kicked out.

She knew that Lu Haocheng had always felt guilty towards Gu Yilan, and he would not let this matter go.

What happened to the Gu family was reported by various media.

Lu Yike also saw the news.

But before he took any action, Qin Ningzhen found the company again.

Lu Yike didn't intend to stand by and watch, after all, they and the Gu family were friends of two generations.

Although he can't help much, he should be able to solve the supplier's affairs.

As for the piece of land their family bought, there was really nothing he could do.

He took Secretary Liang, and just as he was about to leave the office gate, he ran into Qin Ningzhen who rushed over in a hurry.

Qin Ningzhen looked at him and knew where he was going.

She said in a deep voice: "Yike, we can't control the affairs of the Gu family. Don't forget, our little Kai was beaten by the two boys of the Gu family because he didn't help the Gu family. He is still in detention now." Where is the place?"

Lu Yike frowned and said: "Based on the relationship between our two families, can I not help? Besides, An'an and Xiaokai have already received their certificates, and we are like this, not to mention what people outside will say, and we will lose face."

Qin Ningzhen sneered and said, "How much is face worth? The Gu family is a mess, you can't help at all, it's a tens of billions of projects, who dares to help, who has the ability to help?"

Qin Ningzhen's words made Lu Yike hesitate.

Qin Ningzhen knows Lu Yike very well. At this moment, she also knows that he is hesitating. She said earnestly: "Yike, with the current situation of our company, it is not the time to be brave. It is difficult to do business now. Jiangshi clothing market, Lu Haocheng It can be said to cover the sky with one hand, if our company is dragged down, who will save our company? Lu Haocheng? He hates you so much, how can he help you?"

At this time, Qin Ningzhen did not forget to add insult to injury.

Sooner or later, the Lu Zhen Group will belong to her, Qin Ningzhen. She, Qin Ningzhen, has paid a lot for the company, and she will have the Lu Zhen Group in her pocket sooner or later.

When the time comes, she will divorce Lu Yike and be with the one she loves.

She can't forget Zhai Ye from the bottom of her heart, she still has a long way to go in life, why entrust herself to a bad old man.

Lu Yike frowned three points, what Ah Zhen said made sense.

Now that Ah Cheng had completely severed ties with him, and Sisi said that again, he was really worried that after those two children, he really wouldn't be a father anymore.

Then, the only thing he looks forward to again is Hao Kai.

He sighed and said, "Then let's wait. Secretary Liang, you have been observing the Gu family's affairs. If it's really difficult, tell me immediately."

Secretary Liang glanced at Qin Ningzhen, feeling quite helpless in his heart. After all, he had been friends with the Gu family for so many years, and it was really dishonest to just stand by like this.

But this is a matter between their two families, and he is not qualified to speak.

Qin Ningzhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, helping the Gu family at this juncture, isn't this going to die?
Lu Yike can ignore it, but Lu Haocheng, that little wolf boy, won't stand by and watch. When that little wolf boy's company goes bankrupt, she will buy his company, and the Lu Group will be in her hands.

As for Lu Zhen Group, she has plenty of ways to get it.

The person he can deal with the most now is that little wolf cub Lu Haocheng.

Qin Ningzhen was full of calculations in his heart.

She followed Lu Yike in, and she will stay here all day today. She will never allow Lu Yike to help the Gu family.

Then Gu An'an is just an adopted daughter, and is nothing.

Moreover, she is Pei Yaojing's disciple now, and she can feel like a fish in water after leaving the Gu family.


Lan Xin took a taxi all the way to Yi Tianqi's company.

Yi Tianqi's company is a little far from Lu Haocheng's company. Yi Tianqi is extremely particular about Fengshui. No matter the company building or the residential area, they are all treasures of Fengshui.

For Yi Tianqi, Feng Shui is an invisible science, just like the human soul, invisible and intangible still exists.

And he recognized Lan Xin as his daughter, and he was sure in his heart that in this world, only people with blood relationship can be father and daughter.

There is no blood relationship, and it can be closer than a father and daughter who are related by blood.

If you look down at the high-altitude map and look down at the entire Jiang City, Yi Tianqi's current company location is the best location for Feng Shui in Jiang City.

Compared to the luxury of Lu Haocheng's Lu Group, Yi Tianqi's company is very inconspicuous, with only five floors in total.

Lan Xin quickly entered the hall and arrived at the front desk. There were two beautiful front desk ladies in blue overalls, chatting. There was a crystal-clear Pixiu on the service desk, which was staggered from the entrance.

Lan Xin looked at the two chatting reception ladies and said, "Hi, is Mr. Yi in the office?" Her phone was out of battery, and it was too late to chat with Yanyan last night, and she forgot to charge her phone.

One of the girls said arrogantly: "Who are you? You can't see Mr. Yi without an appointment."

(End of this chapter)

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