Chapter 577 Do You Have a Boyfriend
Chapter 577: Do you have a boyfriend
When Gu Xihong heard this, he was slightly relieved: "Then wait for them to be together."

Lu Haocheng shook his head slowly: "No need, let the three of them eat by themselves, let's go first." Su Jingming doesn't know anything now, if he hears Lan Lan calling them parents, he will surely stab him.

He really can't trust Su Jingming, he is a person who can never keep a secret.

His family's genetics are very strong, he completely inherited her mother?

Lu Haocheng picked up the suit jacket beside him.

Lan Xin stood up and said, "Then I'll go back to the office to get some things."

Is her cell phone still in the office?

"Lanlan, worry about walking, don't walk too fast if your feet are uncomfortable." Lin Mengyi warned.

Lan Xin smiled and nodded, "Okay! Mom, don't worry."

Then she walked out with a smile. Just like what Lu Haocheng said, she was cruel to outsiders, but she really cared about her children.

Lan Xin quickly went back to the office to pack her things. After saying goodbye to Ning Feifei, she sent a message to her mother, telling them that they would not go back for dinner tonight.

Several people called Mu Ziheng and Ou Jingyao, and went to Jiangshi Grand Hotel for dinner together.

When they arrived at the gate of Jiangshi Grand Hotel, they accidentally met Gu An'an, Pei Yaojing, Qin Ningzhen and Lu Yike.

The two met head-on at the gate.

When Gu Anan saw that Lan Xin was with her parents, she instantly became nervous.

How could Lan Xin be with her parents?
Lan Xin didn't expect that she and Gu An'an would have such a good fate, and they would meet each other if they made a mistake.

Lin Mengyi looked at Gu An'an with a very bad expression.

When Lu Yike saw the members of the Gu family and his son, his expression was also a little strange.

Qin Ningzhen glanced at Lan Xin and Lu Haocheng, and smiled indifferently. Lu Haocheng, this little wolf cub, seemed to be really in love.

It's good to be in love, and only those who are in love can catch her.

This damn little wolf cub can save himself from danger every time, and can live well every time.

Gu Anan smiled and said, "Dad, Mom, are you coming to eat too?"

Lin Mengyi remained silent with a cold face.

Gu Xihong said in a deep voice: "Yes! The matter has been resolved. I am very grateful to Ah Cheng and his company. Let's come over for dinner together."

Gu Anan glanced at Lan Xin, and sneered, "Dad, what about Lan Xin? She didn't do anything to help, why did she come here?" She was afraid in her heart, afraid that they would know that Lan Xin was an identity.

As soon as Lan Xin returned to the Gu family, Lan Xin would take away everything that belonged to him. Now the Gu family has an additional 20 billion yuan. The three brothers and sisters all share in this wealth.

Lu Haocheng knew of Qin Ningzhen's methods, so he kept Lan Xin's identity hidden.

Mu Ziheng couldn't listen any longer, he asked sarcastically: "Gu An'an, can you speak properly? As the daughter of the Gu family, what have you done? When your parents were surrounded by so many suppliers , where are you? You didn't even go over to take a look, do you still have the face to criticize others here? "

Gu An'an choked for a moment, Ou Jingyao was usually venomous, why did it change to Mu Ziheng today.

Damn Mu Ziheng, what does it matter to him whether she goes there or not?

"I...I have to go to work, and I believe that Mom and Dad will definitely be able to solve this matter. Isn't it resolved now? Boss Mu, you say that, but you are sowing discord." In the last sentence, she said the yin and yang. of.

Mu Ziheng sneered and said, "Who is sowing discord? We brought Director Lan over for dinner, and you have to take care of it. You are so lenient, why don't you take care of yourself?"

Gu Anan said angrily: "Mu Ziheng, it's not your turn to discipline me yet."

"Ah!" Mu Ziheng looked like you were slapping you and stopped, "Disciplining you? You think too much, I don't even know who you are, I think my mouth is dirty when disciplining you."

"You..." Gu Anan was anxious, she thought that Ou Jingyao's mouth was vicious enough, but this Mu Ziheng was even more terrifying than Ou Jingyao.

In his eyes, he is like a dirty thing.

"Mu Ziheng, be careful what you say." Gu An'an warned him coldly.

Her parents, father-in-law, mother-in-law and teacher are all here, but at this moment, she is being scolded by this man for stepping on her self-esteem.

Mu Ziheng spread his hands and smiled strangely: "Look at you, I didn't say anything, but your ugly and disgusting face and mouth were exposed, and you asked me to pay attention to what I said, you have to pay attention Do you have the attitude of speaking yourself? You are also a lady of the family, you should have learned this saying, respect yourself first if you want to be respected by others. What does it mean that Lan Xin has come here even without doing anything? When you step on the self-esteem of others, Haven't you ever thought that your self-esteem will be trampled back by others?" He had long been displeased with Gu An'an.

Cruel and merciless, and do not know how to be grateful.

The Gu family provided her with food and drink. Not only did she not show any gratitude, but she also did all kinds of bad things secretly. Retribution will come one day.

No, it has already arrived.Marrying someone like Lu Haokai, he doesn't even have the place to complain.

Lu Haokai is just a wimp, he knows that person very well.

"Mu Ziheng, you..."

"An'an, don't be angry." Pei Yaojing smiled lightly and patted the furious Gu An'an.

Watching Lan Xin scrutinizing her for a while, Li Yina really has a unique insight. This woman is not arrogant or impetuous, her eyes are full of confidence. The most important thing is her temperament, which gives people a very comfortable feeling .

She smiled slightly: "You are Lan Xin, Li Yina's apprentice?"

Lan Xin also politely smiled back at her: "Yes."

"You're so beautiful, do you have a boyfriend? No, I'll introduce one to you." Pei Yaojing said, crossing her arms and looking at Lan Xin with a noble face.

She looked more comfortable when she was quiet.

Lu Haocheng frowned, and looked at Pei Yaojing with deep and gloomy eyes.

Lan Xin didn't expect that this person would introduce her boyfriend to her for the first time when she saw her. She was really confident, but she maintained her figure very well, and she was also very beautiful and energetic. Her every move was like a queen. , Walking with the wind, the whole body exudes the independent atmosphere of working women, making people feel that even the brows enjoy a unique light.

But this beauty and temperament were abruptly destroyed by her out of place and calculating eyes.

She has read many books. For a woman like this, her professional ability and self-confidence are her real success.

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Thank you Teacher Pei for your kindness!"

Pei Yaojing pursed her lips slightly: "That's a pity, but it's the first time we meet, I just say such words, don't be abrupt, miss."

Lan Xin said: "How could it be? Teacher Pei is also kind, but I don't have that blessing."

(End of this chapter)

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