Chapter 584 This Is Success

Chapter 584: This is success

Qin Ningzhen sneered and said, "The exhibition area of ​​the Lu Group." This little wolf cub really surprised her.

Every time it can give people a feeling of shock.

This time, because of Lan Xin's design, she was dismissed from her position, allowing this little wolf cub to take advantage of such a loophole, and because of Zhai Ye's appearance, she was frustrated for a while, and now she cheers up, but it is too late to stop this. everything.

Lu Haokai sneered and said: "Mom, let's go, I believe we will have a good response this year."

Qin Ningzhen glanced at him, didn't speak, and looked back at the exhibition area of ​​Lu Zhen Group. There were more employees than people, so how could there be any reaction?
This stinky boy struggled to deal with Lu Haocheng every day, but he didn't do anything to Lu Haocheng?
Pei Yaojing walked a few steps inside and looked at the clothes in the exhibition area with a look of shock. The styles of these clothes instantly attracted her.

The fashionable clothes on display are very eye-catching, and they just got the biggest trend preference of young people.

Different styles of clothes show different styles of vitality, and even more so, they show a kind of brilliance of autumn!

Pei Yaojing glanced at Lan Xin who was standing in front of Lu Haocheng, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, Lan Xin might be on fire this season.

Lan Xin became popular, and the beneficiary was Li Yina.

Once the relationship between the two was exposed, Li Yina won her quietly in this match.

Pei Yaojing turned around and walked towards Qin Ningzhen with a sullen face.

When he arrived in front of Qin Ningzhen, he sneered and said, "I'm afraid that this season, Lu's Group will become the champion, and I'm afraid there will be nothing like you or our other multinational companies."

As soon as Qin Ningzhen heard this, he knew that the guess in his heart was correct.

Gu An'an asked: "Teacher, is Lan Xin's design really that amazing?" Hearing Pei Yaojing's words, Gu An'an was also mad with jealousy, who is that person, Gu Yilan!

In the memories of the Gu family, Gu Yilan has always been a smart and sensible child.

Pei Yaojing said: "You can go and see for yourself. Many foreign-funded enterprises are very interested in the Lu Group. This is success."

After being in this circle for so long, even she and Li Yina have never been so amazing.

"Let's go!" Qin Ningzhen glanced coldly at Lu Haocheng's back, then turned and walked towards his exhibition area.

Lu Haocheng turned around and looked at Pei Yaojing and Qin Ningzhen with weird eyes. Nothing good will happen if there is a pile of shit.

Lu Haocheng took out his phone, went to the corner and made a call.

"Hey! Pay attention to Qin Ningzhen and Gu An'an's every move." After explaining, Lu Haocheng sneered.

Looking at the backs of Qin Ningzhen and the others leaving, a stern look flashed across his eyes, and the legendary ruthless and ruthless Lu Haocheng was vividly interpreted at this moment.

He could see Qin Ningzhen's thoughts at a glance.

Turning around, facing the woman who was easily recognized in the crowd, his indifferent handsome face instantly turned into a smile like a spring breeze.

He walked over and whispered in Lan Xin's ear: "Lanlan, you did it. In the last issue, there were no foreign companies in our exhibition area to learn about it."

Lan Xin: "..."

Is this considered a success?
Lan Xin raised her eyes to look at Lu Haocheng, and seeing the man's flamboyant and gentle smile made her feel like she was bathing in the spring breeze.

If her design could bring more benefits to his company, then she would feel less guilty.

She smiled and said, "Lu Haocheng, I hope the Lu Group will go abroad." His company has just been established, and your current achievements have amazed the world!

Lu Haocheng whispered in her ear: "Lanlan, with you here, it will definitely be possible."

Lan Xin smiled, charming and charming.

Li Yina turned around and looked at the two of them, and said, "Lan Lan, Auntie still has a schedule today, you can go shopping first, at eleven o'clock, I will come here to see you, and then we will have dinner together."

Lan Xin nodded: "Okay, Auntie, we will wait for you here."

Li Yina nodded with a smile, then turned and left.

Lu Haocheng also said, "Lanlan, let's go for a walk!" It was only him and her, and Lu Haocheng felt even happier.

All along, I have been looking forward to doing the things I like with her when she comes back.

Lan Xin looked at him suspiciously, "Don't we really need to stay and help?"

Lu Haocheng glanced at Ou Jingyao, who was eloquent and eloquent. As the representative of their company, he was more than adequate.

"No, Ou Jingyao is capable." Just one sentence confirmed his trust in Ou Jingyao.

Lan Xin nodded, and the two turned to go to other exhibition areas.

Lan Xin asked, "Don't you need to participate in the exhibitor process?"

Lu Haocheng shook his head slightly, "Someone from our company will go, I will go there later, there will be an exchange meeting between designers and partners, but it will be at noon. We will go there together at that time. But Lan Lan, if there is a foreign-funded enterprise to cooperate with today , will also go to our company for an in-depth investigation, and you will receive it in person when the time comes."

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Okay, if you're lucky, I'd like to do it for you, but our company has always been positioned on the basis of green, fashion, and technology. , it will also be very beneficial in terms of cooperation.”

If she wants to be recognized by others, she must first improve her own value. Now that the clothing industry as a whole is undergoing transformation and upgrading, she has not let go of every trend, and the integration of various elements can catch up with the trend market.

Lan Xin thought for a while and said: "Our company's fashion show will be in a few days, and our partners will also come. If there are foreign-funded enterprises, this is also a good opportunity." She is also looking forward to the design of this issue.

Lu Haocheng really wanted to speak, when he suddenly heard Le Jinxi's voice.

"Lanlan, I'm here."

Le Jinxi's excited voice made Lu Haocheng's expression gloomy.

Is it so difficult to fall in love?

Lan Xin looked over at Le Jinxi. Le Jinxi was wearing their company's main style of casual suits. Wearing them on him, he looked sunny and handsome, but also mature and steady.

She walked towards Le Jinxi with a smile, and said, "Jinxi, are you also in Hall No. [-]?"

Le Jinxi smiled and said, "Girl, many houses in Jiang City are in Building No. [-], so of course I am too!"

Le Jinxi smiled proudly, pointed to the exhibition area behind him and said, "Lan Lan, have you seen that, this year's exhibition area, we and your exhibition area have the most people."

Lan Xin glanced behind him, smiled and congratulated and said, "Jinxi, congratulations." Le Jinxi's achievements from starting a business to today's achievements cannot be separated from his dedication day after day.

When she was working overtime, Jinxi was also working overtime, and when she was not working overtime, he also made time to be with her.

The corners of Le Jinxi's eyes and brows were filled with excited smiles, and Lu Haocheng was completely treated as air.

(End of this chapter)

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