Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 595 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 595 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 595: The Lion's Big Opening

Seeing that she didn't believe her, Lu Haocheng turned slightly sideways, and said, "Lanlan, on the day you went to Haicheng, she suddenly took another paternity test. I should have done it again to confirm your identity. Therefore, after she got engaged to Lu Haokai, the incident of rolling down the stairs happened, and she wanted the Gu Lu family to suppress you together."

Speaking of this matter, Lu Haokai was furious.

If it wasn't for the secret monitoring, how could Qin Ningzhen and Lu Haokai calm down so easily this time.

Lan Xin sighed, and after a while, hesitated, and said: "I know the reason why she doesn't want me to go back home. She is thinking too much. With the Gu family's face-saving style, even if I go back to the Gu family, I should give it to Gu Anan. The Gu family will not lose a penny, but Gu Anan is not satisfied. In other words, I will not look back at home now, and will always live outside."

Lu Haocheng sneered: "Lanlan, she wants more." As soon as Gu Anan heard that something happened to the Gu family, he immediately clinged to Lu Haokai.

If something really happened to the Gu family this time, Gu An'an would definitely distance himself from the Gu family as soon as possible.

"I know, but we can't stop an ambitious person. If she doesn't cherish her current life, she's tying herself up. President Lu, instead of caring about other people's affairs, you might as well worry about my internal organs. I'm very hungry now .”

Lu Haocheng shook his head helplessly, he was really a little girl who didn't know what to fear.

"Let's go, I'll take you to sacrifice your internal organs." Lu Haocheng started the car and went to his planned destination.

Since he won't go back, he will behave well next time, so that the little woman beside him will be moved.

Xiaojun and the others will start school soon, and he hasn't confessed to Lan Lan about what happened seven years ago. I don't know if he will have a chance tonight.

He didn't want to hide this matter any longer, Lanlan hesitated in her heart because Xiaojun and his three brothers and sisters, she was afraid that Xiaojun and his three brothers and sisters would be hurt.Living under the same roof, he found many problems.

Only then did Lan Xin smile. She didn't care too much about Gu An'an's affairs. After all, worrying about other people is not something she would do.

There are still a lot of things she can't handle herself, and she doesn't have time to take care of others.

She has lived a hard life since she was a child, and now she is strong enough no matter what she is facing.

The distorted childhood, the memories imprinted in her heart, now thinking of the past, she is extremely grateful for the hardships she suffered in the past. This is how the rich life experience came about.

Gu An'an doesn't cherish what he has now, maybe he will lose everything and return to the original point.

She is outstanding in appearance, and her family background is better than ordinary people. As long as she behaves well, is there any worry about her good life?

Just based on her understanding of Gu An'an, how can Gu An'an be a woman who can live with peace of mind?
Lu Haocheng watched Lan Xin remain silent, and reminded: "Lan Lan, Pei Yaojing is a very vengeful person and has a lot of contacts in the design industry, so you must be careful."

Today's incident of pouring red wine is definitely related to Pei Yaojing.

"I know." Lan Xin's gaze sank slightly. During the several years in the design industry, she also consulted many designers' information.

Although Pei Yaojing is a senior designer, her reputation doesn't seem to be very good, and many designers have been suppressed by her.

And her aunt had reminded her.


Qin Ningzhen and Lu Haokai's family have not left yet.

Li Hua checked, and the clothes he was wearing were not new this year at all, so he kept making trouble.

Qin Ningzhen kept staring at her, and when he saw her making trouble, he pulled her aside to comfort her.

"Miss Li, I have told you many times that this is a mistake made by the counter clerk, it is really not our company's fault, and I also promise you that I will give you double compensation." Qin Ningzhen only felt Tongue dry, this Li Hua was angry with Lan Xin, he was in a bad mood all the time, and his face was sullen all the time when he spoke.

She never dreamed that one day she would clean up such a mess.

Li Hua said angrily: "I have always believed in your company. I will buy your company's new models every season, but you actually use last year's old models to wear them for me. Madam Lu, this is not a question of how much money to pay. You are deceiving consumers who have always been loyal to your family. Do you know how much I spend in your family every year? I spend about 20 on clothes for each season, as well as other accessories in your family, and those regular ones. Compared with the company, yours is not that good, but I have also spent at yours, and those costs are hundreds of thousands." Li Hua folded his arms, with an unhappy expression on his face, which has been maintained for a whole day.

Qin Ningzhen frowned, looking at the woman showing off her might in front of her, she had repeated this sentence nearly twenty times, probably more than that.

As for her, she couldn't do anything all day today and kept apologizing to the eldest lady. She had never met such a difficult person to serve, and she couldn't handle it even if the wife of the dignified chairman came forward.

This damned Lu Haokai, he will definitely not be able to spare him this time when he goes back.

"Huh..." Qin Ningzhen breathed out a turbid air, her brows were furrowed, and her face gradually became displeased. She sighed and asked directly: "Miss Li, what exactly do you want to do? I will propose to you You have proposed several solutions, but you don’t agree. Why don’t you talk about it yourself, what do you want?”

The reason why Qin Ningzhen talked with her for so long was that he wanted the other party to compromise first.

But the other party is obviously more difficult than her, so now I can only compromise first.

After living for so long, she hasn't seen any big wind and waves, but today she has learned a lot.

At this time, Li Hua, who had always been sullen, suddenly laughed, as if he had been waiting for Qin Ningzhen's words.

Qin Ningzhen saw that the other party smiled, and her heart became colder, and she was not talking, waiting for the other party to propose conditions.

It was the first time she met Qin Ningzhen so passively.

Li Hua smiled and said: "Ma'am, if you talk like this earlier, we don't need to waste a day."

Qin Ningzhen raised the corners of his lips coldly, and looked at her strangely: "Miss Li, you are the most persistent person I have ever met, and today is also my most patient day, and I spent a whole day with you, since I'll be defeated first, you have the final say."

As long as this matter is resolved, she has nothing to worry about even if she doesn't do anything at home.

Li Hua raised her eyebrows proudly, she spent a lot of money in Lu Zhen Group every year, this time it was their mistake, she wanted to earn some back with interest.

"Since the madam has said so, then I will say it directly. I want your limited edition boutiques for this season, one for each style." Li Hua Lion opened his mouth.

Qin Ningzhen was dumbfounded for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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