Chapter 104 Kissing One (4 More)
half a month later.

Engagement dinner.

Lu Xingyi and Mu Chengxi are on the top floor of the most luxurious seven-star hotel under Dingcheng Group. Everything in the banquet hall downstairs is ready, and guests have arrived one after another. The two are making final preparations, changing clothes and makeup .

The makeup artist in Muchengxi took care of him faster, and he was already waiting by the window. The golden sunset hit him, casting a shadow in the room.

A graphite-colored suit with three-dimensional tailoring, embellished with a few silver buttons, the contours of the stern face became clearer under the projection of the light, and the knuckle fingers were playing with the necklace that Lu Xingyi had been thinking about.

What is so special about this necklace to her?
The photographer came over to capture this beautiful picture.


The door of the inner room was opened, and Lu Xingyi walked out of the room, amazed everyone outside for a moment, the photographer ran over immediately, and the sound of the shutter continued.

The stylist gave Lu Xingyi European and American-style curly hair, which matched with the chestnut hair, which looked very advanced and elegant.

The dress is made of a large area of ​​gold and silky silver threads, which is very valuable at first glance. The carefully selected colors make Lu Xingyi's skin fairer.
The v-neck waist and slit design of the dress fully outline her impeccable figure. With the embellishment of accessories and high-heeled shoes, the whole set is fit and elegant, and will be the focus of the audience no matter where she goes.

Mu Chengxi was very satisfied, a rare smile curled up on the corner of his lips.

"Isn't this dress too flamboyant? There's no need to make it golden." Lu Xingyi looked towards Mu Chengxi.

Mu Chengxi pursed his lips, "No, it's just that I didn't expect to be so exposed. If I knew it, I would have asked the designer to add two more pieces of fabric."

"." Lu Xingyi was speechless, "What time is it?"


The party starts at six o'clock, and there is still half an hour left.

"You two, let's take some photos first. It's just a sunset, which matches Miss Lu's clothes very well." The photographer came over suddenly.

"Okay." Mu Chengxi agreed, took Lu Xingyi's waist and led her to the French window.

Handsome men and beautiful women, even the photographer couldn't help taking pictures while walking.

"Okay, you two, change your position and get closer."

"Yes, very good, be more intimate."

"very good."

Whenever the photographer said the words "closer" and "intimate", Lu Xingyi felt helpless, and even wondered if Mu Chengxi had colluded with the photographer in advance.

Because the man next to him had a smile on his face, and he had never seen him so happy one day.

After dozens of photos,

"Okay, let's take the last five more."

As soon as the photographer said this, Lu Xingyi finally breathed a sigh of relief. All the actions just now, such as hugging the waist, touching the chest muscles, wall-thumping, and shoulder-strapping, she simply didn't know whether she was taking an engagement photo or a wedding photo.

Fortunately, only the last five are left.

"Come on, the two of us, the last few photos are here, can you give me a kiss?"

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
A row of exclamation points exploded in Lu Xingyi's mind!

Does this photographer really have an emotional intelligence? How can he talk nonsense? Could it be that he really took the engagement photo as a wedding photo?
kiss?She and Mu Chengxi had almost no physical contact before today, how could anyone kiss a stranger directly, she just...
In the next second, she stared wide-eyed at Mu Chengxi, in disbelief.

The warm touch on the lips.
 Mr. Mu stood up!
  Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~

(End of this chapter)

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