Chapter 108
Chen Ming knew that they got engaged for a purpose, and he just said that to deceive others.

Mu Chengxi pushed his hand away to toast Lu Xingyi: "She won't drink tonight."

"Ah? Don't you drink on such a happy day?" Chen Ming looked Lu Xingyi up and down, and finally his eyes fell on her lower abdomen, "Could it be?"

"Are you bored?" Mu Chengxi frowned.

Seeing this look, Chen Ming got scared, and immediately restrained himself: "All right, all right, set up a manly character at this time, and don't think about it when there are gossips."

Lu Xingyi agreed with his words very much, and raised his glass to touch him: "I appreciate you."

"Yo, then I would like to thank Dr. Lu. I still remember what Dr. Lu said before that I was incapable."

Three words popped out of Lu Xingyi's mind: Careful.

"Star Shift!" Chen Sutong patted her on the shoulder from behind.

"You're here."

"Yeah, you guys are so lively here, I want to come and see you too, you are so beautiful tonight, you are like a queen when you appear on the stage." Chen Sutong looked straight at that time, and even felt that he could actually be different in terms of gender The card is so dead.

When Mu Chengxi saw Chen Sutong, he remembered that the vaccine for Tuanzi was still a shot away: "Doctor Chen, come tomorrow to give Tuanzi the last vaccine shot."

Chen Sutong and Lu Xingyi looked at each other, and then replied: "Okay, then I will go there tomorrow afternoon?"

"make contact then."


"Chengxi." A strange female voice sounded, and Mu Yuanyuan, Wen Xiujun, Mu Chengxi, Lu Xingyi and the others turned their heads together, and saw a woman in scantily clad walking over with her hips twisted.

Lu Xingyi looked familiar, thought about it, and remembered!
Isn't this the female celebrity who went to Mu Chengxi's house after Song Xueer last time? The one who is not afraid of cats at all.

It's not a good thing to call it intimate.

With so many dignitaries in the imperial capital looking at her, the female star was a little uncomfortable for a while, but she quickly regained her confidence.

"Chengxi, don't you remember me?"

When Madam Mu heard this delicate tone, she immediately saw that something was wrong, and immediately stood up: "Who are you? Xiao Lu is not so close to my son."

When the female star heard that Wen Xiujun was Mu Chengxi's mother, she hurried up to hold her hand: "Auntie, Lu Xingyi didn't call Chengxi because they are not familiar with each other yet, and I am already very familiar with Chengxi."

Although Mu Yuanyuan was a bit old, he could tell this woman's tricks at a glance, and tapped the crutch in his hand: "Xiao Lu is the daughter-in-law recognized by our Mu family, it's not your turn to provoke."

"Daughter-in-law? Uncle, daughter-in-law refers to the daughter-in-law who has passed through the door. They are just engaged today. Look at me, I am also fine. I am sincere to Chengxi, and I am very caring and filial."

Lu Xingyi and Mu Chengxi watched coldly, watching this woman put on a good show by herself.

"The daughters-in-law of the Mu family have been engaged since they got engaged, and they have never been changed." Mu Yuanyuan has been working in the mall for so many years, and he can tell at a glance what this woman wants and what her purpose is: "I don't care about you." How did you come in today, get out immediately."

Marriage in the Mu family has never been a child's play, and anyone who makes trouble during the ceremony is not welcome.

"Bodyguard." Mu Chengxi spat out two words lightly, and dozens of men in black hurried over.

The female star kept struggling and was finally thrown out of the banquet hall.

"Xiao Lu, are you alright?" Wen Xiujun immediately came up to care. This matter is entirely Mu Chengxi's responsibility. Mu Yuanyuan never let her suffer such a crime of rotten peach blossoms.

Mu Yuanyuan was also angry. He, who is emotionally clean and excellent, didn't know how he could give birth to a son like Mu Chengxi. It's really embarrassing.

"Get rid of those Yingying Yanyans you used to have within a week!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~

(End of this chapter)

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