Chapter 111 Sleep Together Tonight (3 more)
In the next second, she grabbed two handfuls of grass from the ground and threw them towards Lu Xing.

Lu Xingyi didn't figure out that she was going to throw grass. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and easily dodged it. When the female star wanted to throw it again, the bodyguards had already arrived and dragged her out again, in order to prevent her from slipping away again. Come in and throw her further away.

When Lu Xing moved back to the banquet hall, Wang Chuan quickly walked over.

"Grandma, you are back."

"what happened?"

"I found Mu Yue. He has changed into a young man in his 30s and [-]s. Kai is watching."

"When did you come?"

Wang Chuan shook his head, "I don't know, but he knows us, so we'd better stay away."

Lu Xingyi suddenly felt a little regretful. He had changed his mind when he knew about the auction, but now it is troublesome.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Wang Chuan went upstairs after handing over the instructions to Lu Xing, fiddling with the computer in the lounge on the second floor, typing something on the keyboard with his ten fingers.

Lu Xingyi approached Kai to confirm Mu Yue's attire tonight, and then returned to Mu Chengxi.

"came back?"

"Hmm." Lu Xingyi obviously felt that Mu Chengxi was a little more drunk than before, and the smell of alcohol on his body was also heavier, covering up the woody fragrance that had been exuding from his body.

"Drink less."

"Don't worry, I won't get drunk."

Lu Xingyi glanced at the man who pretended to be passionate: "I don't care if you're drunk or not."

"We're going to sleep together tonight. You have to take care of me when you're drunk."

? ? ? ? ?

sleep together? ?When did this happen? ?

Lu Xingyi looked at Mu Chengxi in surprise, "Really?"


"Why, it's not a marriage, but a bridal chamber?"

Mu Chengxi spread his hands deliberately, pretending to be helpless: "I don't know, the rules of the Mu family."

"You didn't try the bed once or twice, you just tried another bed, it's okay."

Lu Xing turned sideways, and she stared at Mu Chengxi's serious face, why did she always feel that what he said seemed to be watching a scene.

After staring at it for a long time, she didn't see any flaws, and she also pretended to be indifferent.

"Of course it's fine, as long as you don't move around."

Mu Chengxi looked her up and down.

Lu Xingyi felt terrified after being watched by him, and after holding back for a while, he finally couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing."

Lu Xingyi turned his head and saw Mu Yue coming this way, so he hurried to the west of Lamu City to go in other directions.

But no matter where she went, Mu Yue followed.

Mu Chengxi made a move, stopping her from continuing to hide: "He's here to look for me, follow me, don't hide."

Lu Xingyi looked up, Mu Chengxi's eyes were firm, and his hands were strong on his waist. Naturally, he felt a sense of security in his heart.

Suddenly she felt very at ease, she didn't think much about it, she thought it should be because Mu Chengxi saved her last time.

"Mu Chengxi, we meet again."

Not only did Mu Yue's face change, but he also put on a voice changer, turning into a young man in his 20s.

But Lu Xingyi and Mu Chengxi could still quickly recognize him from his body shape.

After finishing the last sentence, he turned his head and looked at Lu Xingyi, "And you, you are called Lu Xingyi."

Now that he recognized it, Lu Xingyi didn't have to dodge. He didn't have any timidity at all when he met Mu Yue's gaze.

Mu Chengxi's hand on Lu Xingyi's waist tightened, and he hugged her even tighter, meaning to comfort her.

Lu Xingyi sensed it, and said in a cold voice, "Yes, Mu Yue, I didn't expect you to dare to appear in such a public place."

At this moment, she is completely different from her usual temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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