Chapter 123 Not a handsome guy (3 more)
In the lounge, Lu Xingyi slowly woke up from Mu Chengxi.

Another backache.

She clearly remembered sleeping on the sofa last night, why was she on Mu Chengxi again.


Two mosquitoes were flying around my ears, Tuanzi quickly reacted and stared at them, and even tried to jump up to pat them.

Mu Chengxi was under her legs, feeling her stomach being kicked suddenly, and woke up instantly.

Open your eyes and see, it's a dumpling.

He thought he was sick again.

"Crack! Crack!"

Before he could recover, two slaps landed on the forehead.

Damn, why can't this mosquito be photographed!
Bai Tuanzi hopped around for a long time without touching any of them, and became angry from embarrassment, and chased after them.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"


Finally, after a few rounds, the mosquito finally died on the sofa.

Looking at the wreckage on the sofa, Tuanzi pursed his lips in satisfaction.

On the other hand, Mu Chengxi was beaten several times as soon as he woke up, and he couldn't get angry.

Looking around and on the bed, Lu Xingyi was not there.

When he found Tuanzi last night, he didn't see her. Did he not come back all night?

I went to the bathroom to wash up briefly, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table and played Lu Xingyi's call, and the other side of the bed rang.

Where did he go, and he didn't bring his mobile phone with him when he went out.

"Knock knock."

Cui Han heard a sound at the door and knocked on the door.


"Mr. Mu, Miss Lu asked you to meet at the company at nine o'clock, and it's eight o'clock in the morning."

"Lu Xingyi?"


"Got it," Mu Chengxi put on his suit jacket, reached out to pick up the dumpling that was playing with Lu Xingyi's phone, "Go, go to the company now."

Tuanzi jumped back to the table and stubbornly picked up his mobile phone before he was willing to go west with Mu Cheng.

She asked her assistant to make an appointment with Mu Chengxi last night, but she didn't expect that she would turn into such a cat.

What to do now.

The next ward.

Liang Ming pushed open the door, and Wang Chuan with his hair tied up was eating breakfast, with soy milk in one hand and fried dough sticks in the other, very unrestrained.

But no matter how bold her posture is, she can't hide her beauty. Although her facial features are slightly worse than Lu Xingyi's, she is a little hotter, and her charm value is immediately raised.

Seeing someone coming, he is even more unrestrained.

Not a handsome doctor.

"Hi, I'm Lu Xingyi's friend, Liang Ming."

Wang Chuan raised his head slightly, looked him up and down, and said the name silently twice in his heart, always feeling that Xiao Lu seemed to have mentioned it to her.

"Oh, I remembered, you're that good-for-nothing."

"Huh?" Liang Ming was scolded as soon as he entered the door, he was stunned for a moment, and his footsteps stopped in place.

"No, no, I made a mistake, I remember, Xiao Lu mentioned it to me." Wang Chuan changed his words.

Liang Ming could clearly hear the word "useless". Everyone in this hospital respected and admired him, but in front of Lu Xingyi, as far as Mu Chengxi's case was concerned, he was indeed useless.

Originally, he wanted to see a doctor for Wang Chuan, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

These days, it's so hard to flirt with girls.

"Are you still used to being in the hospital? I heard that you came in because of a car accident, with the gentleman in the next room?" Liang Ming asked tentatively.

Wang Chuan nodded, "It's okay, but you don't have a computer here, so you can't even play games if you want to."

Liang Mingmo.
"It's better to take a good rest during the treatment, and don't get too emotional. Are you in a relationship with the husband next door?"

"No, Kai is married, why are you asking this?"

"Oh, so that's the case, I just asked casually." Liang Ming breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that there was a chance.

Wang Chuan drank the soy milk in his hand, "Have I changed doctors? Where's that handsome guy from yesterday?"

(End of this chapter)

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