Chapter 141 Seeing Sex (1 More)
"For sex?" With a slight smile on Mu Chengxi's face, he spit out four words without shame.

I bother!

Lu Xingyi yelled in his heart that he was wronged, if he hadn't been forced by the system, who would have kissed him!

Seeing that she didn't speak, Mu Chengxi thought it was shy, and reached out to rub her soft chestnut hair.


Lu Xingyi looked at his action suspiciously. What does this mean?Warm man design?

"Knock knock."

Mama Zhang came to deliver food again.

Lu Xingyi pushed Mu Chengxi away to keep a distance from him, and then let Zhang Ma come in.

The moment the door was opened, Mu Chengxi stuffed his head into Lu Xingyi's arms, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

The sudden weight was on Lu Xingyi's legs, and the fluffy hair touched her skin, making it itchy.

As soon as Mama Zhang came in, she saw Mu Chengxi lying on the lady's lap, smiled at the lady, put down the dining car and left.

"Let's go, get up." Lu Xingyi patted Mu Chengxi's face with disgust, telling him to get up.

Her only reply was even breathing.

Fell asleep after only 2 minutes?
Lu Xingyi poked Mu Chengxi's white cheek again, but there was still no response.

It seemed that he was really asleep.

Sighing lightly, Mu Chengxi's current actions highly overlap with a warm picture in his head.

Repeating the same action time and time again seemed to Lu Xingyi tormented.

The inextricable blood relationship is the bond of a lifetime.

She raised her head, closed her eyes, and stopped looking at Mu Chengxi, giving herself a piece of peace.

I am sorry.

She murmured in her heart.

An hour later, Mu Chengxi woke up after a deep sleep.

Being by Lu Xingyi's side for the past few days, his difficulty in sleeping has been completely resolved. Just now he just wanted to lie down, but he fell asleep again in such a short time.

Lu Xingyi was awakened by the movement on her leg, she had also fallen asleep in a daze just now.

She rubbed her temples annoyedly, and just about to get up, her legs moved, and the strong numbness made her frown tightly for a moment.


"what happened?"

Lu Xingyi glanced at the mark on his thigh that was pressed red by Mu Chengxi, and glanced at him sharply.

Seeing this, Mu Chengxi smiled and got out of bed.

Just when Lu Xingyi thought that he was about to scold her because he didn't care about her, his body suddenly flew into the air.

Mu Chengxi hugged her firmly, Lu Xing moved to lose gravity, and hung his hands subconsciously around his neck.

The two went into the bathroom to wash up, and finally Lu Xingyi came out blushing and buried his face in the man's arms.

Mu Chengxi looked at the woman curled up like a kitten in her arms, and felt as if she was being gently scratched by a cat's paw.

Let her sit on his lap, and after serving breakfast, Mu Chengxi fed her with his own hands: "Open your mouth."

Lu Xingyi looked at the man's serious expression and was dissatisfied: "Can't you be gentle?"

Mu Chengxi thought seriously for a while, then: "Ah."


Lu Xingyi was drinking coffee and spit it out in one gulp.

Luckily only took a sip.

Mu Chengxi's face darkened, and he took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to her.

Lu Xingyi wiped his mouth, "Forget it, you'd better be serious, gentleness is not for you."

"Lu Xingyi!" Mu Chengxi's mood was even worse, and he said every word: "You, wait, I will definitely let you know what, what, called, warm, soft."

Lu Xingyi looked into his pitch-black eyes, and was immediately shocked.

Opening her mouth obediently, she took a bite of the breakfast in his hand.

The man's complexion improved a little.

【Ding! 】

【The system is about to issue a second mission——】

 Make up for last night's addition~~

  Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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