Chapter 166 Song Xueer's Black Material (3 more)
The director looked at the screen on the phone, his expression became shocked!
No wonder the producer strongly recommended Song Xueer to her, it turned out to be the case.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mu, I should find out and tell you about this matter. It was my mistake as a director."

"Tell the producer and Song Xueer to leave immediately."

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I'll go right away." The director looked at Mu Chengxi's serious expression, and ran out to do some work. Mr. Mu was showing mercy by keeping him on the set, and he had to get this matter done as soon as possible.

After the director left, Lu Xingyi and Mu Chengxi were left in the room.

"Eat more." Mu Chengxi urged, looking at the woman who looked like a chicken pecking at rice.

Lu Xingyi took a symbolic bite, and then resumed his previous frequency.

A WeChat message popped up on the phone, and Lu Xingyi saw it was Tang Li.

Trending again?
Lu Xingyi opened the app and glanced at the title, and knew what was inside without clicking on it.

Compared with her own, she is more interested in the following one about Song Xueer.

As soon as I entered, the page automatically refreshed, and a statement popped up.

It was released by the official Weibo of the variety show group.

She clicked on the screenshot of the statement document and read it carefully, then smiled.

"Ms. Song Xueer participated in the program recording due to improper means, and the producer Mr. xxx will leave the program group immediately and be permanently disqualified from participating."

Unfair means, can you explain it a little more clearly?

Netizens all over the Internet probably guessed what a man and a woman were doing.

Lu Xing slid to the comment section below, and as expected, all the netizens knew about it.

Enthusiastic citizen XX: A man and a woman, unfair competition, are you in a hotel?
5G eating melon aunt: Such an upright program group, the only thing missing is to type the word ps, hahahahaha

Song Xueer's life is black: Song Xueer is really indiscreet, last time she was with Mo Jinsheng, this time she changed the producer again, isn't the producer afraid of getting sick?
Song Xueer is not confused and does not change her name: the day when I change my name is not far away.
Where is there a melon? Remember Aite me: Wow, what a big melon.

The hot search is my home: "Go to bed": Why don't you report my ID card directly.

When the recording continued in the afternoon, Song Xueer was indeed gone.

Not only that, when the whole episode of the show was finished, the contract termination statement between Song Xueer's company and her was already on the hot search.

Lu Xingyi glanced at her with a blank expression, completely unsympathetic to Song Xueer, all of this was her own fault.

Back at the villa, Lu Xingyi worked in the study.

"Hello?" The backup phone suddenly received a call.

"Hi, hello, Mr. Lu? I'm Song Xueer's mother, and my name is Song Lili."

Lu Xingyi turned on the speakerphone and compared it with the number on his regular mobile phone. It was indeed Song Lili's number.

In order not to be recognized, Lu Xing changed his tone: "Hello."

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Lu from Star Entertainment?" Song Lili asked again without getting an answer.


"Hello Mr. Lu, I am Song Xueer's mother, and my name is Song Lili. You should have heard of my daughter." The tone of the last sentence is still slowly proud.

Lu Xing shifted his lips into a slight smile: "Yeah."

"It's like this. Our Xue'er took the initiative to terminate the contract with the previous entertainment company. Is Star Entertainment capable of bringing a high-quality artist like my daughter?"

high quality?What a joke.

"I'm sorry, but your daughter's current qualifications don't meet our company's signing standards. You can find another job."

(End of this chapter)

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