Chapter 182 Pajama Dance (3 more)
As for Yang Ye's words, the comment area has already caused a lot of excitement——

[Yang is also eating CP! 】

[When the camera shook just now, I happened to take a screenshot. Mr. Mu's hand was firmly placed on Lu Xingyi's waist. Wearing a belt is an excuse, we all understand/squinting smile]

[I saw it too, is Miss Lu shy hahahaha/smirk]

[I love Yang Ye, I love whoever helps me eat CP, it’s just so superficial]

【I am too, but Yang Ye was pestering Mr. Mu just now, why did he start asking Lu Xingyi again later, is this the rain and dew? 】

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha upstairs, you are going to kill me from laughing, this word is not used like this! 】

[The representative of the Chinese class is online! 】

[So Lu Xingyi and Mu Chengxi are really rude. They are well-intentioned, and they are not uncommon to talk to each other. The road has turned dark. 】

[Mr. Mu is such a big figure, but Lu Xingyi is a bit unreasonable. 】

[How can there be any excuse, can you be rude if you have money?Everyone is the same]

[Hold my waist, my god, what we're talking about can't be true, if it's not true, it's about to become true]

[Let's get together, I'll pay you fifty cents! 】

[I'll offer a piece! 】

【I dig, get a dime】

[For the CP I love, I am willing!I pay one hundred]

When a group of people walked into the B&B, Yang also greeted the guests one by one, while Mu Chengxi and Lu Xingyi went upstairs to the study room, where the chief director was waiting for them.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Lu, please sit down."


Lu Xingyi was puzzled, why did the director suddenly change his name?

"Mr. Lu, I just called Mr. Mu's assistant Cui and found out that you are Mr. Lu. I've offended you a lot on the show before. I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter," Lu Xingyi shook his head, "Let's talk about today's issue first."

When the director received the phone call and heard Cui Han call Lu Xingyi the president Lu, his heart skipped a beat. Although he didn't know why, the person who could make Cui Han call the president would not be a simple person.

Before, he always got along with Lu Xingyi as an artist, but he didn't expect that there were so many identities behind her.
Not only is he proficient in all skills, he was born in a famous family, he is proficient in medical skills, and he also has an identity in the business world.

In the middle of the chat here, a video suddenly rang on Lu Xingyi's phone. Mu Chengxi accidentally saw the note "hug" on the screen, so he understood.

During this period of time, he would often see Lu Xingyi making video calls with someone around this time of night. It turned out that it was Lu Baobao. No wonder the two had such a good relationship.

But is it reasonable that the relationship between the child and the aunt is so good?Mu Chengxi still remembers the last time he was in the United States. The relationship between Lu Baobao and Lu Xingyi is even closer than that of his biological mother.

Lu Xing moved out of the study room, a door blocked Mu Chengxi's view, so he withdrew his thoughts.

He doesn't need to worry about other people's family affairs.

At night, Lu Xingyi washed up and got ready for bed.

【Ding! 】

[System task: Ask the host to put on pajamas and dance for the subject. 】

? ? ? ? ? ?
What time is it, how does she get to Mu Chengxi's bedroom?

[Friendly reminder: The task is limited to half an hour, the host can turn into a dumpling and sneak past, the current camera is not in the host's dormitory, nor in the subject's dormitory. 】

Amazing, this system is smart enough to even know where the live camera is.

Lu Xingyi sighed a little, lamenting in his heart that it was not easy to earn points, and turned into a dumpling in the next second, twisting his furry body to Mu Chengxi's bedroom.

 The PK will be held this Saturday, everyone will vote more in the next week~
  Xixi is preparing to launch a new update recently, please comment and vote~~~
(End of this chapter)

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