Chapter 184 Heartbreak (2 3 more merged chapters)

Lu Xingyi hurriedly covered his eyes, his center of gravity was unstable and he fell straight down.

But fortunately, it didn't fall on the face this time, and there were two small pads blocking it.

It's soft and useful.

Mu Chengxi was showering in the glass door, and when he heard a "snap" on the shelf, he looked up and saw the dumpling that fell in a strange posture.

Couldn't help but raise his lips.

So stupid, this can fall.

[What a cute little cat, where did it come from? Is it a stray cat? Why can’t I meet it?]

[Mr. Mu actually hugged the cat, the painting style is not right, sisters]

【Susui Nianmu is online】

[Oh my god, this cat is so miserable, why was it taught as soon as it came here?]

[I lost this cat so cute, what are they talking about, the director let me out, I don't dislike Mr. Mu's silly conversation with the cat]

[Why is there no sound, they can't chat or broadcast it]

[Whatever they talk about, who can tell me what breed this cat is, I want to raise it too]

[Cats are indeed the cutest creatures in the world, my heart melts]

【Meow is so cute, what's your name~】

【My heart is moved, what kind of sack does she like? 】

【Don’t grab the upstairs ones from me, I’ve got everything ready】

[I'll go, follow me in and take a shower? ? ?Mr. Mu, I want to see it too! 】

【Man is not as good as a cat series】

[Excuse me, has this little cat paid for it? 】

【Natural member, can't compare to it.】

【be envious】

The next morning, a group of people gathered in the restaurant, except for Mu Chengxi, who rushed back to the company early in the morning to deal with important matters.

The program team prepared breakfast for the remaining guests.

Lu Xingyi, Shang Hui, and Yang also walked out of the girls' dormitory together. Last night Lu Xingyi didn't find a chance to slip away. He slept on the bed in Mucheng West. He only found a chance to return to the girls' dormitory early in the morning. Did not notice.

How soundly you slept last night.

"Xing Yi, what time did you go back to your room last night? I wanted to wait for you, but then I fell asleep for some reason."

"I came back late last night, don't wait for me next time."

"Oh, it's okay, I usually stay up late."

Seeing that everyone was seated at the breakfast table, the director picked up the loudspeaker: "Good morning, everyone, please finish your breakfast quickly. In the e-sports room next door to this homestay, we will start this morning's task. "

E-sports room.

Is the task in the morning related to e-sports?
"Xing Yi, I remember that you participated in an exhibition competition before, and the four headwinds in one area came back! Can you also take us to fly in a while?" The actor who was eating a sandwich next to him said with a smile.

"Yeah, I've seen that game too, it was very popular, Xiao Lu's skills are comparable to professional players, right? I heard that after that exhibition game, many e-sports coaches offered you an olive branch?"

"Really, Xingyi, you are amazing~" Shang Hui had not heard about the olive branch, so she cast her curious eyes on Lu Xingyi.

After finishing the milk in the cup, Lu Xingyi nodded indifferently: "I was in pretty good shape in the exhibition game last time, but I also have some games that I'm not good at."

"For example, Xiao Lu, you have been on the show until now, except for the sailing boat at the beginning, but you are proficient in everything, we are all ashamed of ourselves."

"Yes, yes, you are the hope of all our guests!"

After breakfast, a group of people walked into the room next to the hotel, and were fascinated by the dazzling and cool e-sports style as soon as they entered.

The colorful neon theme renders the atmosphere of the whole room very well, and the black-based decoration style is in sharp contrast with the light strips on the eyes.

There are several rows of neatly arranged high-end computers, RGB keyboards and mice shine on the table, comfortable gaming chairs and earphones are all available, it is simply the dream room of many boys.

The two guests couldn't help but touch the gorgeous keyboard with their hands. The mechanical keyboard feels very good, and the two of them are already ready to sit down and play a game comfortably.

It's better to be the kind that is taken to fly.

"Are you all satisfied with today's e-sports package?" The director said: "But everyone's computer time today needs to be fought for by yourself."

"Please move your eyes to the dance machine at the end of the room. The higher the score, the longer the time on the machine. Everyone wants to get away from Lu Xing, who is very capable in e-sports, so Mr. Lu, you can choose to participate in the dance machine, or you can Choose not to participate, your time is fixed and you don't need to fight for it."

The director made a smooth transition and called out "Mr. Lu" directly.

It caused a group of people to wonder.

Lu Xing moved his lips, and quickly replied: "I will participate."

"Okay, then everyone will move to the dancing machine together and discuss the order of appearance."

"Xing Yi, why don't we go first and test the water for them?" Shang Hui suggested.

Lu Xingyi had this intention, and just as he thought of agreeing, Yang Ye suddenly rushed out from the side:

"Hey wait, Queen Shang, why don't you wait later, Lu Xingyi and I will test the water for you, you can rest for a while."


What she said made everyone present look confused, and Yang obviously had some purpose, but she didn't say it directly, and even found such a bad reason, which seemed very weird.

"Huh? Do you want to come first, that's fine too." Shang Hui generously agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Ye bowed to her: "Thank you, actress, I will work hard."

[? ? ? ? ?Is it just me looking puzzled?Why are you so deliberate]

[My current expression is exactly the same as that of the subway old man looking at his mobile phone, digging the floor with his toes in embarrassment]

[What do you mean, why did you suddenly take the position of Queen Shang and even bow down?]

【Yang is so polite, she deserves to be a sister】

[It's so strange, don't fans think it's strange? 】

[Sister is just polite and educated, so is it normal to be rude? 】

Lu Xingyi didn't say much, she guessed that Yang just heard Shang Hui say to try the water for everyone, and wanted to snatch this position, and got a reputation for selfless dedication.

The two of them walked onto the dancing machine, Lu Xingyi was slightly taller than Yang, but from the back, her body proportions were slightly better than Yang next to her,
The superior waist-to-hip ratio, the long legs that occupy half of the screen, the overall muscularity that is slender but not weak, and the cool temperament exuding from the body, all of them are hanging on Yang Ye next to him.

Among ordinary people, Yang can also stand out from the crowd, while Lu Xingyi can stand out among the artists, exuding his charm and temperament effortlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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