Chapter 188: Pigs Are Not Worse (2 More)
"Is it the one with the lowest unit price for a small apartment? Wait a minute, let me check for you."

"It's a 5-square-meter apartment facing north in Building 30 of our community. The top floor, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, swipe the card." Song Xueer has no requirements now, as long as she has a stable place to stay.

After entering the hospital this time, she realized that the worst decision before was to listen to Song Lili, why not buy a house, all the money she earned before can almost buy a small villa, but now she can only buy [-] square meters Apartment.

If Song Lili hadn't been so able to spend and didn't dare to take more money from Lu Tingfeng, she wouldn't have ended up in such a situation.

Lu Xingyi, Song Lili, when she comes back, none of them can escape.

The sales lady went out to get the contract and the POS machine. As expected of a big star before, she bought a house so neatly.

In less than 5 minutes, she brought the things over and swiped the card first.

Song Xueer handed over the bank card and swiped it on the POS machine.

"This card has been frozen."

Five words are displayed on the screen.

"Miss Song, did you take the wrong card? This card has been frozen."

Song Xueer's face froze upon hearing this.

frozen?She snatched the bank card back and looked at it, and it was correct.

An answer came to her mind.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

She snatched the nurse's own mobile phone from the nurse and entered Song Lili's number.

"Beep. I'm sorry that the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable."

Actually hung up.

Song Xueer called again, and this time it worked.


"Hey, Song Lili, did you freeze my bank card?"

Song Lili heard a familiar voice, put the phone in front of her and glanced at it, it was an unfamiliar call.

"Song Xueer?"

"It's me, answer quickly." Song Xueer said impatiently.

Song Lili looked at the phone in surprise, Song Xueer is so poor that she has no money to pay the phone bill?

"Where are you?"

"You don't care where I am, I'll ask you for your bank card."

"You came out of the hospital?"

"Of course, you open my bank card quickly, I want to use it."

Song Lili turned pale when she heard that Song Xueer had come out of the hospital.


The bank card was frozen, and there was no way to swipe it. How did she get out?
"You really came out of the hospital? You have to pay the medical bills now, right?" Song Lili guessed, asking in a very determined tone.

Song Xueer froze on the spot when she heard the words.

Song Lili didn't pay her medical expenses?She was so heartless.

"Song Lili! I advise you to take all the money I spent and return my bank card to me! Otherwise, I will go through legal procedures!" Song Xueer suddenly turned into a furious tigress, and yelled at the phone yell.

The nurse was taken aback and patted himself on the chest.

"Legal procedure? We are a legal mother-daughter relationship, and it is only natural for me to spend your money. Besides, where do you go to find a lawyer?"

Song Xueer understood Song Lili's tone as soon as she heard it.

All of this was planned by Song Lili, and she had already asked the lawyer, otherwise, with her brain that is not as good as a pig, she could react so quickly?

Just as he was about to refute, the other party had already hung up the phone.

Song Xueer was so angry that she caught a glimpse of the salesman who was still waiting next to her out of the corner of her eye.

Song Lili really humiliated me!
"Miss Song, may I ask you to pay back?" The sales lady who was beside me could hear it all. Song Xueer probably has no money now.

"Can you stay in this house for two days?"

"Sorry, we don't have this method here, it's all first come first served."

"Not even for a day?" Song Xueer asked.

"If you can come to pay within today, I can fight for you."

Hearing this, Song Xueer gritted her teeth: "Keep it for me first."

Then he put on sunglasses and a mask, and said to the nurse, "Push me out."

Just opened.

Song Xueer's eyes were very good, and she saw a familiar voice.

"Hey, beauty."

Wang Chuan, who was casually sitting in a corner of the bar counter, heard someone calling beauty, and raised his eyes subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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