Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 193: Bringing the goods without blinking

Chapter 193: Bringing the goods without blinking (4 more)
[Replenishment replenishment! 】

[Why did it disappear in a second? ? ?I haven't had time to buy it yet]

[Quickly restock, anchor, the corn is so easy to sell]

[Order has been placed, support O'Neill! 】

【Place an order, the one recommended by Ernie is more delicious~~】

[Let’s make up some more, I wanted to buy it, but I didn’t get it]


Lu Xingyi saw a request for replenishment and immediately asked the village chief.

"Village chief, is there any goods in our village that we can replenish?"

"Need to make up?" The village head picked up the reading glasses from the table and put them on, flipping through the little book in his hand that recorded the harvest: "Let me take a look, the amount I gave you last night is actually quite large. Thinking about it is not enough!"

"Corn. Oh, found it!"

The village chief pointed at the line of writing with his finger, and finally read the words on the notebook clearly.

Wang Chuan was already bored of waiting, he let out a long sigh and sat back on the table.

"It can be added, but it can't be added much."

Wang Chuan probed over and glanced at the words on the notebook, but couldn't understand: "Just tell me how much is left, and report a guaranteed amount."

"At most two thousand bags will be replenished."

"Two thousand?" Ji Jiayan was surprised, "The one hundred thousand pieces were instant kills just now, how could two thousand be enough?"

Lu Xingyi flipped through the notes she had sorted out last night, and she remembered that there were other coarse grains.

"My dear fans, there are also purple potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and other coarse grains to choose from. Currently, we only have [-] corns in stock here, so you can choose as you see fit."

Ji Jiayan also echoed: "I'm sorry everyone in the live broadcast room, because what we sell here is grown by the villagers themselves, and there is really no way to replenish the stock, please forgive me."

After reading the fans' replies, most of them expressed their understanding.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Link up!" Wang Chuan counted down quickly, and restocked [-] pieces into the live broadcast room.

This time the speed was faster than last time, almost without blinking.

The fans who didn't grab it still had some complaints, so Lu Xingyi could only choose to ignore it and introduce the next product.

The second product is mango. Mango is a product that is prone to allergies. The selling speed is much slower than that of corn just now. There are not many stocks in the village. In about 5 minutes, all the mangoes are sold out, and almost all the fans who want to buy have been photographed.

Achieving balance is not easy.

So far, the live broadcast room has had millions of viewers.

Lu Xingyi handed over the information to Wang Chuan and Ji Jiayan, asked them to host the live broadcast temporarily, and went to the village chief to ask about the inventory.

According to the number reported last night, the gap with the number of people in the live broadcast room is too large, and it is not enough.

As soon as he walked out of the camera, a file was received on his phone.

From Mu Chengxi.

I didn't click on it, and I plan to watch it after the live broadcast is over. The most urgent task now is to discuss countermeasures with the village chief.

The village head is getting old, and slow motion has reduced a lot of efficiency. In the end, Lu Xingyi directly borrowed the notebook from him and checked the quantity.

The total amount is about the same as the number reported last night, and there is no way to make up for it from the village.

Xiumei frowned slightly, and was thinking about whether he could order some other fruits and vegetables from the company to sell, but time did not allow, the live broadcast had already started, even if he contacted now, he might not be able to make it in time.

The phone in his hand vibrated suddenly.

Lu Xingyi raised his hand, Mu Chengxi called.

pick up.

"what happened?"

"Did you see the file given to you?"

"not yet."

"Watch now."

The tone of the order cannot be refused.

Lu Xingyi turned on the phone to be hands-free, and clicked on the file.

It was exactly the same complete plan as she had thought 2 minutes ago, and the links and channels had been communicated.

(End of this chapter)

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