Chapter 198
on a private helicopter,

Mu Chengxi's face was gloomy, and Cui Han didn't dare to say anything beside him.

Relief supplies were piled next to the two, and the helicopter was flying to Xin County.

Ever since he learned of the torrential rain in Xinxian County, Mu Chengxi's face has been ashen. He quickly prepared rescue supplies and rushed to the dangerous area with a kind of bodyguard.

The helicopters lined up in the air, and the scene was spectacular.

The plane found a more suitable place to land. As soon as they got under the clouds, they felt the wind in the heavy rain here, and the helicopter was a little unstable.

Bean-sized raindrops hit the windows, thunder and lightning never stopped, and the ground was full of potholes and stagnant water.

The bodyguards got off the plane as quickly as possible, made preparations, and opened the way for Master Mu.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the refuge of the villagers in Xin County. The villagers had been here for half a day, and there was no shortage of food, but there was not much drinking water. Muchengxi sent people to bring some over.

Cui Han immediately saw Ji Jiayan standing in the corner with an anxious expression on his face.

"Ji Shao!" he shouted.

The latter heard the sound and looked over, found Mu Chengxi, and trotted over: "Mr. Mu, you are here."

"Where's Lu Xingyi?"

"Yes, that's what I want to say. Lu Xingyi and Wang Chuan organized the villagers here last night to confirm their safety, and then went to the next village this morning."

Mu Chengxi's complexion suddenly sank.

"Which one?"

"I don't know either. They only have a temporary hand-drawn map by the village chief. There are several villages written on it. They didn't say where they went."

At this time, the bodyguard who went out to carry water rushed over: "Master Mu, is Mr. Lu starting the live broadcast?"

Mu Chengxi immediately turned on his phone, but there was no signal.

"I took a screenshot." Fortunately, the bodyguard had the foresight to click on the picture in the album.

In the photo, Lu Xingyi and Wang Chuan, who were drenched from head to toe, were rowing a kayak to transfer the villagers. The current under the kayak was very fast, half of the surrounding houses were flooded, and the water depth was not shallow.

She wears a life jacket on her upper body, her trouser legs are rolled up, her hair is neatly coiled, and her unpainted face is covered with some mud. Even in such an embarrassing situation, her appearance is still unaffected, and the atmosphere of the picture gives people a kind of A fresh feeling that comes out of silt without staining.

Turning to the next one, she took off her life jacket and put it on for the villagers next to her. The wet clothes inside were close to her body, outlining her beautiful figure.

Mu Chengxi's face was completely blackened into the bottom of the pot. In the rapidly dropping temperature, she just stood in the rainstorm with her whole body drenched, and she was in the rushing water and gave up the life jacket to others. Did she die?

Ji Jiayan was also very worried when he saw the pictures. He knew that Sister Lu could do anything, but it didn't stop him from worrying about her. In this extreme weather, he, a big man who was 1.8 meters tall, didn't dare to go out. Sister Chuan, relying on her excellent first aid knowledge, still went out to save people resolutely, he really admired it!

Quickly reacted, grabbed the phone, and shouted while running: "I'll ask the village chief which village this is and how to get there?"

In less than a minute, he came back as fast as he could: "The village chief said that we can go uphill to the north, it's not far."

Without saying a word, Mu Chengxi stepped forward with his long legs and headed north with his bodyguards.

in the live room.

The signal on Lu Xingyi's side is very unstable. She turned on the live broadcast to let the rescuers and outside netizens who are coming to see the situation here, so that they can bring suitable supplies and help the rescuers familiarize themselves with the situation.

The mobile phone was placed on the kayak and left alone. Both Lu Xingyi and Wang Chuan were busy rescuing it.

The strong wind shook the camera, maybe the signal was lost and the screen went black, but the netizens didn't mind at all. The number of people in the live broadcast room also increased rapidly, tens of millions of people gathered soon, and the system almost collapsed.

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(End of this chapter)

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