Chapter 211 Allergies in Mucheng West (12 more)
I almost reached out.


Lu Xingyi has been used to it for so many years, ignoring her gaze, and changed his clothes leisurely.

"By the way, Xiao Lu, I went to the cat cafe today to pick up a cat and came back. Among the cats, she is the most beautiful and comparable to me."


Unexpectedly, Wang Chuan actually brought a cat over.


The downstairs doorbell rang.

"It's so late, it must be Muchengxi again." Wang Chuan said looking at the mini dial on the bracelet.

She removed the previous manicure and customized a sky-high miniature dial bracelet.

The two went downstairs,

Kai held Wang Chuan's cat and opened the door, and the door was Mu Chengxi.

"Cough cough."

As soon as the door opened, Mu Chengxi coughed twice.

Lu Xingyi immediately raised his vigilance when he heard that Mu Chengxi is allergic to animals!

"How is it? My cat is much prettier than the white ball in the west of Mucheng." Wang Chuan asked Lu Xingyi.

"Well, it's very nice." Lu Xingyi responded casually, as if Lamu had left west of the city.

Wang Chuan grabbed her wrist: "Hey, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Mu Chengxi is allergic to cats."

"Huh? Allergy? Then why isn't he allergic to the white ball?"

Mu Chengxi coughed worse, Lu Xingyi quickly explained, then went downstairs as fast as he could, and closed the door with a bang.

"Did you see the dumpling?"

"In my house, don't worry about it," Lu Xingyi pulled away Mu Chengxi's sleeve, and a rash appeared on his body in just a few minutes, "You go back first, I'll go home and get some medicine."

Mu Chengxi saw her worried expression in his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up gently: "I'll wait for you here."

After finishing speaking, a strong wind blew up out of nowhere, and the leaves were rustling.

Lu Xingyi looked at the sky, a dark cloud floated over, and it was going to rain soon.


Then she opened the door and walked into the villa, took the traditional Chinese medicine she needed from the sun room in the backyard, and found the last dose. When the pouring rain fell, she quickened her pace and brought a big umbrella when she went out.

Mu Chengxi's shoulders were already wet, so she quickly put on an umbrella, and the two went back to the next door together.

As soon as he opened the door, he bumped into the butler who was about to come out to deliver an umbrella, "Master, Doctor Lu."

"Butler Wang, please go and cook a pot of medicine for Mu Chengxi." Lu Xingyi responded quickly and ordered.

Hearing this, Butler Wang's face became worried: "Master's illness has relapsed?"

"Don't worry, it's fine."

"Okay, I'll go right away, thank you, Dr. Lu."

Murong Su came out of the room upon hearing this, only to see Mu Chengxi coming in with a shockingly beautiful woman who was so good-looking that she even envied her.

This is my sister-in-law?
The relationship between the two seemed to be very good, Murong Su decided to hide by the door and spy on their every move.

Lu Xingyi took Mu Chengxi to sit on the sofa and felt his pulse.

Fortunately, the current symptoms are only rashes, and no other complications have been caused.

She took out all the packages of herbs, took out the required amount, added some water, and mashed it into mud.

Turning around, he was about to apply it to Mu Chengxi's rashed skin.

Mu Chengxi looked at the dark mess in the bowl, with an expression of distaste that couldn't be concealed.

"Don't be disgusted. Did the medicine I gave you last time work quickly?"

"Is it always this ugly?"

"It's not about the dishes, it's more beautiful."

Murong Su stared at the two from the door. She couldn't hear their conversation from her position, but could only see it. Lu Xingyi seemed to want to take off Mu Chengxi's clothes? ? ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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