Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 213 The Real Hammer of the Royal Family

Chapter 213 The Real Hammer of the Royal Family (14 more)
The audience who were watching the show saw that the unannounced host was actually Mo Jinsheng, and they were overwhelmed!

[It's actually my husband who hosts it!This show has a future and must be followed]

[Invincible lineup, Mo Jinsheng's last TV series just finished, everyone is welcome to watch]

[I just finished watching the show, so I was bored and just checked out variety shows, but I didn't expect to see the actor Mo again, ah!This is fate! 】

[Oh my god, Lu Xingyi's royal family is a real hammer, and the host is also an acquaintance. 】

[The four people who have been rumored to be gossips are all here, absolutely, is this show a special blind date for Lu Xingyi? 】

[I can't get used to it, get out, Xing Yi has never had frequent ambiguous behaviors with any man, it's all groundless scandals, why didn't you jump out when she donated tens of millions?]

[The CP is mostly because of Sister Lu's good looks, not because she is indiscreet, can't speak and shut up, OK? 】

At this time, the camera turned to the unobtrusive corner where Lu Xingyi was, and her expression on the camera was obviously surprised.

Mu Chengxi was in the C seat of the jury, watching the live broadcast on the iPad, the corners of his lips inadvertently curled up.

The director turned the camera around at the right time.

Mr. Mu's special assistant, Cui Han, called last night and asked him to play more materials that sincere CP fans like. The director quickly smelled a sour smell of love, and he must take care of this matter.

Sure enough, as soon as the two shots were linked, CP fans boiled under the barrage.

The effect is very good.

The host announced the rules of the first competition: "Each trainee has only one chance to compete, and the director will give each trainee a score for the competition. Elimination, the top 10 are divided into five groups of SABCD, with 30 places in Group S, 40 places in Group A, 50 places in Group B, 70 places in Group C, and finally, the remaining [-] places in Group D."

After the announcement of the competition system, the audience was in an uproar.

Except for the organizer, no one would have thought that the first round of competition would result in elimination, and one-third of the places would be directly cut off, which means that these one hundred trainees were finally selected into the show, and in the end they only showed their faces once. Chance, round tour.

The cruel competition system caught everyone by surprise.

Shang Hui panicked, and pulled Lu Xingyi's hand next to him, with nervous sweat breaking out in his palm: "Xingyi, I'm done, I have no stage experience at all, and I can't compare with those professional singing and dancing debut artists. It was brushed down."

"It doesn't matter. This competition system is not as cruel as it sounds. As long as you work hard, you will advance." Lu Xingyi stroked her back and comforted her. She knew that Shang Hui had prepared for a long time before participating in the show, and there were more than one times in the studio. Someone confidently flaunts not being fully prepared.

If you fight an unprepared battle, you will lose.

The trainees in front of the two turned their heads and comforted Shang Hui kindly.

Originally, Shang Hui was just complaining to Lu Xingyi, and suddenly it became a large-scale comfort scene, and she was too late to respond to the left and right.

In the end, I can only take it with a smile.

Mo Jinsheng took the manuscript and continued to announce: "The five judges sitting in the first row will rate the trainees in the most fair and impartial manner. The scoring content is divided into 5 aspects, namely: appearance, Talent, expertise, popularity, charm, each point is 20 out of [-], and the total score is [-]. These are essential factors to become a trainee."

"Teacher, I have a question." A girl sitting in the middle of the row of trainees raised her hand.

Lu Xingyi still remembered her as an Internet celebrity who had earned millions of followers by virtue of her looks.

(End of this chapter)

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