Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 215 Mu Chengxi Gives Lu Xingyi Full Marks

Chapter 215 Mu Chengxi Gives Lu Xingyi Full Marks (Merged Chapters)

After chattering for a while, Lu Xingyi didn't respond, but pursed his lips and smiled.

The sequence of appearances is actually not that important. If there are some, it may have some impact on the last few contestants, and the judges may be tired of watching.

The camera specially cuts the numbered shots of several artists with high traffic volume. The trainees can't see it, but the judges and audience can see it.

Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence that Lu Xing moved to the first number, that is, number 27, who was the first Internet celebrity to ask a question just now.

After confirming my ranking, the first individual competition begins, and the No. [-] contestant takes the stage.

This is an artist who thought that he debuted as a singer and dancer. The fans on the whole network have reached more than 800 million. He wears a JK and goes on stage confidently. He is not nervous at all when he gets the first number.

Mo Jinsheng asked the trainees to briefly introduce themselves, and the competition began.

The stage lights were all turned off, creating an atmosphere that the audience was looking forward to.

Five seconds later, the lights came back on,

The background music sounded at the same time, and the trainees in the center of the stage quickly entered the state,
She chose a song that she had practiced countless times when she debuted as a group in the early days. If Lu Xingyi remembered correctly, this should be the first song of this trainee after her debut.

She knew it in her heart, it seemed that she was bound to make a fuss about this "first song" in a while.

Familiar variety show routines, but she clearly knows that Mu Chengxi, Ren Yu and Ji Jiayan don't follow this routine.

After 5 minutes, the first set of scoring data came out and was handed over to the background for statistics.

[I understand why this live broadcast started in the morning, 5 minutes for one person, 24 minutes for [-] people, [-] hours a day is not enough]

[Ah, ah, my sister is amazing! 】

【What, how long ago was this song, and it's still showing off its sensationalism】

【Ye Qinghui, this memory is dead】

[I miss the combination that shined on the stage before, thank you sister for letting me hear this song again]

[You can’t fast forward even the live broadcast, I’m really speechless]

[I woke up early, and this is the result? 】

[I won’t say anything else, this singing is not very good]

This is the first person, 2000 million people lost in the live broadcast room.

Seeing that something was wrong, the director quickly came up from the backstage to Lu Xingyi's side: "Boss Lu, there is a problem with the live broadcast."

Lu Xingyi immediately picked up the mic on his body and followed the director to the backstage. Mu Chengxi noticed the movement here, but there was a separate camera in the tutor's seat, so he couldn't leave.

The people around Lu Xingyi were dumbfounded when they saw her leaving with the director. Only Shang Hui heard the conversation between the two just now.


The director briefly told Lu Xingyi about the problem he had just encountered.

Lu Xingyi frowned, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

I didn't consider this issue before the live broadcast, thinking that the time limit for the performance could be controlled within one minute and 30 seconds, and I ignored the length of the conversation.

"Immediately send a message to all trainees and mentors, and each person's playing time should not exceed 2 minutes."

The live broadcast is fast-paced, and the problems encountered must be solved immediately and efficiently. Lu Xingyi directly compressed the three and a half minutes of the chat time of the first contestant to 30 seconds, and the strength of improving efficiency can be imagined.

"Director, here are the scores just sent." The logistics team sent over five cards with scores written on them.

With the investors here, how could the director dare to look at it first: "Mr. Lu, please take a look first."

Lu Xingyi took the card and flipped through it. The first player's score was not high, which was about the same as she expected.

The five judges of this show are all recognized by everyone in the company to be fair. Only in this way can the scores be equal to the audience's expectations, and there will be no insider talk.

The artist just now had a good appearance, but there was an obvious mistake in the song change in terms of talent; his specialties were not obvious enough, and he didn't have a single outstanding feature; his popularity can be imagined, and he lost 2000 million viewers as soon as he appeared on the stage, so naturally he wouldn't High; the overall charm value will naturally not be high.

"What do you think of this score?" She tilted her head and asked the director's opinion.

The director took a closer look, and reached out to touch his eyebrows: "Except for Mr. Mu, the other judges showed some kindness."

Mu Chengxi's card: Yan value 5, talent 3, specialty 3, popularity 0, charm 1
There is no face at all.

Just looking at his card, you may even forget that the full score of each grid is [-] points, as expected of him.

After dealing with the problems here, Lu Xing moved back to the trainees' seat to take a seat. As soon as he sat down, he received the gaze of Mu Chengxi from the judges' seat.

She shook her head, saying it was okay.

"Sister Xing Yi, who did you shake your head at just now?"

"What did the director tell you to do?"

"Yes, yes, Xingyi, you have been away for so long, did the director assign you some hidden mission?"

Did they watch too many variety shows? Hidden missions popped up.

"It's okay, let's watch other people's competitions." Lu Xingyi didn't like to talk too much when others were competing, which was also a kind of respect for the guests on stage.

But the trainees in front still didn't give up: "Miss Xing Yi, you know most of our judges, can you tell us what kind of ones they like?"

Lu Xingyi frowned slightly, type?

"Work hard."

"Pfft, sister Xing Yi, let's not be so official when we talk in private." The trainee in front couldn't help but lower his voice and complain.

The trainee next to her was playing with her mobile phone just now, and suddenly patted her eagerly: "Hey, look, the director sent a notice in the group that each trainee should not be on stage for more than 2 minutes, and the connection should be as tight as possible .”

"What, why did the first one last so long? I was almost moved by her, so we can't do it."

"It's so unfair, I would have known that the first two numbers were so good."

Lu Xingyi heard their conversation clearly from behind, and interrupted sharply: "What are you doing, draw the first two numbers?"

"Yeah, this is too unfair, a system that came out halfway."

"Leaving aside whether you can get the first two numbers, do you want to hear [-] stories from [-] people here? Is the nature of this variety show a talent show or a talk show?"

"Okay, okay, why are you so fierce, Miss Lu?" The trainee was obviously suppressed by Lu Xingyi's strong aura, and he didn't dare to mention the time compression: "No wonder Ji Shao is older than you and still calls you Lu Sister, you must be too fierce."

Lu Xingyi only felt a headache and pinched the center of his brows.

may be.

An hour later, the competition for the top 25 performances was over, and everyone felt a little tired from watching. Except for a few people, everyone's level was about the same, and there were very few particularly good or particularly bad performances.

Mu Chengxi has not scored a high score so far, so he flipped down the card,

xxx, xxx, Lu Xingyi!

Pick up the pen and fill in 20 directly in the face value column
His first two-digit score today was also his first full score.

(End of this chapter)

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