Chapter 239 Wife is Right (3 4 more)
The dim lighting dyed the atmosphere very well, and the flickering candlelight revealed a trace of ambiguity.

Lu Xingyi's face burned.

Mu Chengxi was dumbfounded when he saw the woman in front of him, smiled slightly, and took out a small box out of nowhere.

Open the brocade box with one hand, inside is a delicately designed bracelet. "

Lu Xingyi took a closer look and immediately recognized the material of the bracelet, inlaid with blue beads in the middle. The surface of this kind of beads is as smooth as pearls, and the color is indeed the blue of the deep sea. It can only be found in the deep sea below a thousand meters, and the price is cheap. Predictably expensive.

These beads are generally only found at auctions.

Looking at the side, there is a long strip of sterling silver, carved with meticulous patterns, and in the middle is a thin blue thread that has been tied and dyed by hand.

As Lu Xingyi observed, the man's voice sounded in his ears again.

"For you, this bracelet will be as important as your necklace in the future."

Equally important
A necklace has its meaning, and a bracelet is precious just for its value.

Keeping his eyes on the bracelet, Lu Xingyi thought over and over again: "Thank you, but I don't need it."

When Mu Chengxi heard this, the smile on his face instantly sank.

He took Lu Xingyi's hand domineeringly and put it on with his own hands: "Need."

Lu Xingyi:
Two words completely dissipate the atmosphere that has been rendered for a long time.

Mu Chengxi is really not good at romance.

"You arranged so much just to give me this?"

"do not like?"

"not bad."

"It's good if you like it." Mu Chengxi hugged Lu Xingyi's waist tightly, letting her lean against her body, and the distance between their lips was only a few centimeters in an instant.

Lu Xingyi smelled a dangerous smell.

Such a good opportunity should be used to add points.

She actively wrapped one hand around Mu Chengxi's lean waist, raised the other hand, and put a finger on Mu Chengxi's lips, stopping his handsome face that was getting closer.

After the atmosphere was slightly cool, he let go, and the moment he closed his eyes, his lips also touched a piece of heat.

【Ding! 】

[Score for love power +5]

Great!The score is in hand!

Lu Xingyi jumped for joy in his mind, and fell into Mu Chengxi's offensive in the next second, and gradually sank.

The next morning.

The two sleeping together were awakened by the ringing of their mobile phone.

As soon as Lu Xingyi opened his eyes, Mu Chengxi had already unlocked the phone's lock screen with his fingerprint, and a video call with the remark "Super Invincible Pretty Girl" popped up on the screen.

Lu Xingyi was still in a daze, the phone had already been connected, and two heads, one big and one small, squeezed into the screen.

"Wow! It's not suitable for children!" Baobao just took a look, and saw the extremely intimate scene, covering his eyes shyly.

The boy's voice was really loud, and Mu Chengxi quickly lowered the volume.

When Lu Xingyi heard a familiar voice, he suddenly woke up!
It turned out to be a hug! ! ! ! ! !

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, she looks like a mother! !
Forget River!And Mu Chengxi, the two culprits! ! !
Mu Chengxi blinked, and the head that was resting on his arm just now was gone, and then there was a sharp pain in his waist.

Lu Xingyi pinched himself.

Instead of being angry, he smiled, and looked at the shocked two people on the other side of the screen in a good mood.

"Damn it, Mu Chengxi, Lu Xingyi, you two aren't you!" I'm such an open person as Wang Chuan, I didn't expect that the two of them would be together after only a few days.
"It's not Lu Xingyi, do you have principles! When you finish recording, come back and see if I can wake you up!!"

"I didn't." Lu Xingyi made a sound from under the quilt, which was her last stubbornness.

They really didn't do anything last night, she just fell asleep accidentally, who knew that Mu Chengxi shamelessly hugged her, and the two of them fell asleep together overnight without knowing it.

However, she really didn't do any of the things she shouldn't have done!

Except for the initiative for the task.

Compared to Wang Chuan's shock and anger, Hug Huo seemed a little calm and joyful.

It seems that the method he gave to Uncle Mu has been used by Uncle Mu, and the effect is very good!
"Uncle, you took my aunt away."

Mu Chengxi pursed his lips: "What other toys do you like? Uncle asked his assistant to buy them for you."

Lu Xingyi, who was listening to the conversation under the quilt, sensed something was wrong, and poked his slightly disheveled head out of the quilt.

"Lu Baobao, if you want a toy, tell me that you are not allowed to join forces with your uncle!" Just after she finished speaking, she turned her head and glared at Mu Chengxi: "What did you teach him!"

The woman half lying on her body is now like a cat with fried hair. Mu Chengxi has no intention of repenting at all. He hung up the extra phone with one hand, rubbed Lu Xingyi's head with the other hand, and gave her a haircut Silk.

"It's nothing, dear."

Lu Xingyi is not the kind of woman who is easy to coax. She snatched her mobile phone, turned her head and turned her back to Mu Chengxi, her puffy face was more like a cat with gills.

Mu Chengxi pursed his lips, and hugged her soft body from behind.

"If you get angry again, you will be seen by others when you leave my room in a while."

The warm breath of the man brushed past her ears, and her ears seemed to be dyed and flushed.

Mu Chengxi could clearly feel the changes in the woman in his arms, and he felt better.

"get out."

After a while, she spit out a word with a little confidence.


Mu Chengxitian has developed a good voice, and if he spills out any sound, it will be too sexy.

Lu Xingyi couldn't control herself!

Turning over, pushing the man away with both hands: "I don't want to get up, you go out, go to my room, and pretend that we have changed rooms."

The embarrassment on his face was ready to come out, and even his IQ was lowered.

Mu Chengxi originally just wanted to tease her. They are the investors of this show and have the full right to speak. Why do they have to pretend to be in place?Notify the director directly.

Mu Chengxi immediately picked up his phone and sent a notification to the director.

The director, who was still asleep, was awakened by the sound of special concern. After being puzzled, he replied "received".

"Hurry up." Seeing that Mu Chengxi didn't intend to move, Lu Xingyi pushed him again and urged.

The man turned around and hugged her into his arms again: "You don't have to go, I've notified the director."

Lu Xingyi struggled hard to get out of the man's embrace, but failed due to the disparity in strength, and punched him on the muscular chest in frustration: "What's the use of the notification, in case someone passes by."

Mu Chengxi made a thought, then nodded: "Well, my wife is right, I will send supplements to the director."

wife? ? ?

Is Muchengxi undergoing transformation?President Bingshan has since embarked on a black-bellied path?
Although he thought so in his heart, but his body was more honest, Lu Xingyi blushed.

Just how sleepy she was last night, she landed on Mu Chengxi's bed.

Taking advantage of Mu Chengxi's typing, she quickly slipped out of bed, ran to the door as if fleeing, and said: "It's not legal, don't shout."

After returning to the room, Lu Xingyi leaned against the door and calmed down for a while before recovering.

From last night to this morning, what did she and Mu Chengxi do!

Although they got engaged under the witness of everyone, it was fake. Now their behavior is more and more like a real engaged couple.

(End of this chapter)

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