Chapter 245 Master Mu is angry (3 4 more)
Seeing Mrs. Mu staring at Huo Bao's face, Lu Xingyi felt a "thump" in his heart, and immediately stepped forward to hold Huo Bao's other hand.

"The child had a slight cold these two days, and I asked him to wear a mask."

Wen Xiujun was distracted by Lu Xing, and smiled: "It's okay, it's normal for children to have minor illnesses and pains."

After Lu Xing removed the prescription last time, she obviously felt that her physical condition had improved, and she was grateful. In addition, Lu Xingyi brought a friend's child here, which shows that she also likes children very much, and they don't have to worry about it after marriage. aspect.

Mu Chengxi will come from behind, taking advantage of the opportunity to go upstairs to Lu Xingyi's slender waist.

There was no sense of flesh at all, his face darkened slightly, and he asked the housekeeper to buy more meat and send it to him when he went back.

The attention of the three people in the living room was also attracted early in the morning. When Mr. Mu heard that Lu Xingyi agreed to come over, he specially asked the housekeeper to prepare expensive fruits that were airlifted from abroad.

"Hi, grandpa and grandma~" Lu Baobao was the first to speak, greeting the three people in the living room.

Lu Tingfeng and Song Lili knew that the other person with outstanding temperament must be Uncle Mu's father. Like Uncle Mu, he looked very deep and shrewd.

He will become such a strong man in the future!
Without giving Lu Tingfeng and Song Lili a single glance, they went straight to Master Lu.

He stretched out a small hand in a gentlemanly manner: "Hi, grandpa, my name is Lu Baobao, and I am the child of Aunt Lu Xingyi's friend."

Master Mu saw the child with a straight back in front of him, very well-bred, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Hi." Shake hands.

Lu Xingyi couldn't hold back even if he wanted to hug him. For the first time, he felt that being generous with hugs was also a shortcoming.

But in the final analysis, this matter is also due to her mother.

Several people sat down, and after Lu Baobao said hello, he rushed back and sat on Lu Xingyi's lap. It was the most secure and comfortable to sit on Mama's body.

Besides, there was Uncle Mu beside him!
Lu Tingfeng was dumbfounded the moment he saw the hug coming in. The child's eyes were exactly the same as Lu Xingyi's when he was a child, starry, as if hiding a starry sky.

Unfortunately, some things later caused Lu Xingyi to hide the stars in her eyes. After returning to China this time, he never saw them again.

Song Lili didn't care about these things that came up suddenly, the purpose of coming this time was very simple, it was to find a marriage with the Mu family, after being engaged for so long, there was no sign of getting married.

Originally, I thought that the Mu family was so rich and powerful that they could get a dowry gift when they got engaged, but they didn't expect nothing. Now that the Lu family's situation is so bad, Lu Tingfeng's going out to socialize every night is not getting better, and Song Xueer has no income from that useless thing. , she couldn't sit still as a member of the family.

"Second elder of the Mu family, let's continue the topic just now."

As soon as Song Lili opened her mouth, the kindly expression of the second elder clearly changed.

Lu Xingyi caught it keenly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that Song Lili really doesn't know how to be a human being, and she still has this attitude when she asks for help.

No one answered, and she continued on her own: "It's time to arrange the marriage of the two children. I think it's better to hit the day if you choose a date, or you can get the certificate tomorrow, and the wedding can be postponed for a while." .”

"Why don't you talk about today?" Lu Xing moved out. Song Lili was really out of her mind. Why don't you just put the word "money" on her head.

"The elders are chatting, why are you a junior getting in the way." Song Lili changed her forbearance and yelled at Lu Xingyi ferociously, then turned back and resumed her smirk, as if she was performing a face-changing show.

"Our elders are also for the sake of the younger generation, right? Since we are already engaged, why don't we just get married sooner? By then, it will be over for a few years, and after a few more years of pregnancy, we will become old mothers when we give birth. Oh no."

It seemed that he was thirsty, so he paused and picked up the expensive cup on the table to drink.

"I told Mrs. Lin two days ago that she was the second child born at an advanced age and almost died on the operating table."

"Shut up!" Mu Chengxi couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted in a low voice.

Song Lili was so frightened that she froze in place.

"Let me tell you clearly that the Lu family has nothing to do with Lu Xingyi. Even if they get married, the Mu family will not help the Lu family." Mu Chengxi was too lazy to act with a fool, and directly exposed her purpose.

Song Lili's complexion instantly turned bright, blue and purple for a while, and it took her a long time to regain her confidence: "Why is it okay? Mr. Mu, Lu Xingyi is a member of the Lu family, and the Lu family is also an important property of the Lu family. It's related."

Master Mu tapped on his crutches, unable to sit still.

Song Lili was able to cover up just now, but after Lu Xingyi entered the door, she couldn't cover her fox tail. While secretly mocking Xiao Lu, she wanted to rely on her to make money.

Shameless! !

"The Mu family is not a place for you to play tricks, and no one in the Mu family is a fool!" Master Mu's face was full of anger: "We all know Xiao Lu's experience, why should I remind you of what the Lu family gave her? ?”

Lu Xingyi was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Master Mu to investigate his own information.

Those experiences that she doesn't want to recall, she should feel ashamed when she sees them.

I suddenly felt a little grateful in my heart, grateful that Mr. Mu and Mrs. Mu never mentioned the past before, and never asked questions, but just silently remembered it in their hearts.

Song Lili never felt that there was anything wrong with what she did, and continued to retort shamelessly: "The Lu family has provided Lu Xingyi with food, clothing, housing and transportation since he was a child. Which one is not in place? Even if she has not been in the country for the past five years, that is the same. It happened after she became an adult, I don't think the Lu family owes her anything, Master Mu, you must have misunderstood."

"Nonsense! Ma Ma, this grandma is talking nonsense! She is talking nonsense!" Hug Huo couldn't stand it anymore, pointing at Song Lili and shouting.

Mu Chengxi's face was completely dark, and he called Cui Han in.

"Mr. Mu, I'm here." Cui Han came in with a stack of documents in his hand.

The man gave him a look, and Cui Han immediately photographed the document in front of Song Lili.

"After reading this document, I hope you can still speak."

Song Lili panicked just hearing these words, swallowed, and opened the file with trembling hands.

The entire living room was as quiet as a chicken, only the sound of papers being flipped.

Lu Tingfeng couldn't help being curious and leaned over to have a look. It was Song Lili's unsightly beauty when she was young.

Song Lili's face became paler and paler, her lips trembled, and she couldn't say a word.

"Do I have to say these things to keep your mouth shut?" Cui Han asked.

"But these are all mine. What does it have to do with Lu Xingyi?"

The sneer on Lu Xingyi's face has faded away, leaving only the cold light in his eyes: "I want to see the documents in my hand, that's fine, but I think it's better to call the police to come together."

Originally, Song Lili definitely didn't believe that Lu Xingyi could find something, but now with Mu Chengxi's help, she didn't dare to bet.

"I, I'm not feeling well. Let's go first, first, first."

"It's not that easy to leave." Master Mu said majesticly.

(End of this chapter)

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