Chapter 248 Drunk (2 more)
He drank it all in one gulp, then picked up the cup from Mu Chengxi, and finished it before the man stopped him.

Next, she picked up the wine bottle directly.

Mu Chengxi held the wrist she was about to put the bottle to her mouth: "Drink less."

The tone is gentle and light, which is different from him at any time, like water.

Lu Xingyi stopped the movement of his hands: "Mu Chengxi, you speak so softly, I won't listen."

The man smiled slightly, "Then why don't you drink?"

"Just drink again slowly, afraid of getting drunk." The lesson of drinking herself last time is still vivid in her memory, she must control herself!
Mu Chengxi took the wine bottle from her hand and poured it into the two cups that Lu Xing had drained just now.

Give her a cup, and hold a cup for yourself: "Drink with you."

Lu Xingyi squinted his eyes: "You want to get me drunk?"

Mu Chengxi didn't answer in a hurry, and drank the wine in the glass: "What can I get if you get drunk?"

Lu Xingyi was silent for a long time, then raised his head and drank the scarlet wine, and said in a small voice, "Everything is possible."

She had a premonition that she was extremely impulsive now, and she might do something terrible in a while.

The two had a drink each, drank each other, and chatted.

An hour later, the whole bottle of red wine was drunk.

Lu Xingyi held the slender stem of the goblet with one hand, and wrapped his other hand around Mu Chengxi's neck, leaning against the man.

"I've been sitting on your lap for an hour, isn't it heavy? Your leg is numb." She said dizzily, already very drunk.

Mu Chengxi lifted her chin, so that her tender, fair and pitiful face was facing him, and her heart felt like it was being scratched by a cat's paw.

"You're so light, it's fine to sit all night."

"Really?" Lu Xingyi smiled innocently: "Then sit down, I don't want to move"

The long tail is very charming.

The drunken state of this woman is so alluring.


The old and the young sat face to face on both sides of the chessboard, watching the game in front of them.

It was only after Master Mu and Baobao played against each other that he realized that this kid was extremely talented, but his chess skills were already very good at such a young age, even comparable to him.

A sunspot fell on the board,
"Grandpa, I lost." Huo Bao immediately conceded defeat, he was very clear about the current situation and his thinking was clear.

Master Mu nodded: "I won this game, but your spirituality is very good, and you will definitely surpass me one day."

"Grandpa praised me a lot. We only talk about winning or losing at the moment. When I improve in the future, you will also improve. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future."

Such a reasonable remark came from such a child, Master Mu couldn't help applauding for him.

The boy liked him very much.

Huo Bao probed to look at the movement outside, Ma Ma hadn't come to him yet, so she probably hadn't come down yet.

"Grandpa, how about we play another game of chess, I want to learn some chess skills from you."

Master Mu took a sip of strong tea, "No problem."

Wen Xiujun, who had been watching the battle, said to the servant: "Go and get some pastries and drinks for the children. I want the freshly made ones from the kitchen, which are healthier."

"Okay, old lady."

"Thank you grandma, just take less, I can't eat it with a hug."

bedroom sofa,
The stamina of the red wine had already fully recovered, Lu Xingyi felt dizzy, his head lost the ability to think, and as soon as he got hot, he saw Mu Chengxi's attractive thin lips and kissed them.

(End of this chapter)

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