Chapter 258 Dark Shadow Infiltrates (2 3 more)
Shang Hui hugged Lu Xingyi's arm tightly for an instant, and even buried her small face in Lu Xingyi's arm, not daring to look at it.

Lu Xingyi kept the blindfold she took off in his pocket just now, found it out and handed it to her: "Don't be afraid."

Strange sound effects began to play in the room. It was originally a normal nursery rhyme, but it was replaced with a particularly creepy singing method, which directly turned into a horror nursery rhyme.

"It's scary."

"I feel that there must be a kid NPC in front of me, the kind with special effects makeup."

"I dare not go any further."

"The door is open, who is going to push it?"

There was another round of in-situ discussions, but no one moved.

Lu Xing shifted his forehead, "Yang Ye, do you dare to leave?"

Based on Yang Ye's proactive performance again and again just now, she probably guessed that she wanted to steal the spotlight, and she couldn't leave with such a good opportunity.

"I can do it too, so can you follow me?" The tone was weak.

"it is good."

"Wait, Miss Lu, I'm afraid too, I want to hold you."

He handed over the other arm without hesitation, unexpectedly the three hands stretched out to grab at the same time, this is the rhythm of one dragging five

Yang Ye lifted his foot cautiously, only daring to move a few centimeters in one step, not daring to take a big step at all.

After finally moving to the door, he stopped again.

"Lu Lu Xingyi, I'm a little scared."

"Let me open it." Lu Xingyi could also understand their little girls' fear of the dark and the unknown. He took a step forward and pushed the door open with his slender arms.



"Mom, help me ah ah ah—"

As soon as the door was pushed open, there was a red light at the end of the corridor. Inside stood a smiling girl with blood on the corner of her mouth and disheveled hair. She was holding a broken doll in her hand and had colored contact lenses in her eyes. Her eyes looked horrifying.

Lu Xingyi felt that his head was buzzing from the four surrounding voices, and he even had tinnitus.

Even Shang Hui, who was wearing a blindfold, was frightened by the shouts of the others, and grabbed Lu Xingyi's arm desperately.

It's hard to imagine how she will take these four people out on the next road.

The directors in the backstage control room are all holding the headsets in their hands at the moment. The moment they opened the door just now, they felt exactly the same as Lu Xingyi. They really can never underestimate the girl's voice.

In order to avoid this situation from happening again, the director decisively lowered the volume of the headset, putting safety first.

The red light faded, and with his good night vision ability, Lu Xingyi saw that the NPC had already left the field, and the white sneakers just took a step forward, and couldn't move anymore.

The three people on one hand pulled her back firmly, but she still couldn't come out from the shock just now.

"Let's go forward, waiting here is not an option, we have to find a way to get out."

"Woooo, I don't want to play anymore, it's too scary."

"Me too, I want to go home."

"I don't want to play anymore, can the director find a secret room that isn't scary and re-record a new episode?"

The four people here have been frightened into stupidity, and they cling to this place and refuse to leave.

Lu Xingyi didn't know what to do, "Then you wait for me here, and I'll go in and explore the way first."

"No, no, you go in, let alone a group of timid ones stay here, what if an NPC suddenly runs over." A trainee immediately stopped him.

"Forget it, let's go together, at least Sister Lu can feel a little safe with us."

"Fine. But I'm still afraid."

Surrounded in the middle, Lu Xingyi quietly listened to their discussion, and finally took a smooth step after everyone agreed.

The corridor was very long and had a turn. Lu Xingyi saw a staircase at the end and went up.

As soon as I stepped on the first step, the light on the handrail was on. Although it was faint, at least I could see a circle clearly.

Lu Xingyi looked back at the corridor. Just now they passed a door-like thing along the way. She tried to push it, but there was no response. Now she saw that it was a locked window.

It seems that it will come down in a while.

Going up the steps, everyone came to a door with a combination lock.

The other five didn't dare to open their eyes at all. Lu Xingyi was afraid that they would be terrified if they stayed here for a long time, so he glanced at the password prompt on the door and directly entered the password on the electronic lock.

"The password is correct."


Another door opened, and the light inside had already shone, and several people pushed the door directly to enter.

director:? ? ? ? ? ?

He just blinked, correct password? ? ?

Did Lu Xing move to see the reminder?Serious research?Has she ever played in the same Chamber of Secrets?
The person in charge of the later stage was also dumbfounded, "Director, how do you cut this?"

Turning his head, the director had already lit a cigarette, and handed him another cigarette between two fingers.

"Hey, just pretend you don't have this password."

"Okay." Later the teacher took it, walked to the window and smoked it.

While the two were smoking, a black figure entered a dark room in the surveillance system, and quickly hid in the darkness without making a sound.

Lu Xingyi broke all the checkpoints in the other two rooms with one drag and five, and a long slide appeared in front of everyone.

Before the slide, there is a row of plum blossom piles that need to be crossed by themselves.

The height of the plum blossom pile is about four meters away from the ocean ball at the bottom of the slide, which is less than two floors away. There are no protective measures within the four meters. Only on the top of the plum blossom pile, there are a few pieces of safety clothing hanging on a rope .

Now that the environment is full of light, Shang Hui's sense of fear is temporarily eliminated, and she volunteers to be the first one.

Lu Xingyi fastened the safety clothing for her, and Shang Hui set off. After 2 minutes, she arrived at the slide smoothly and waited for her teammates behind at the top.

Yang Ye was the second to set off. Except for a moment of hesitation on the two plum blossom piles that were slightly spaced apart, overall he passed smoothly.

The third trainee set off. This one had a slight fear of heights, and he walked smoothly in front of him. In the end, he didn't dare to go. He was stuck in the middle and couldn't go forward or backward.

Seeing this, Lu Xingyi immediately pulled the next trainee who was also afraid of heights and set off together. While leading the latter, he went to rescue the former one.

Supporting one with one hand, the two finally made it to the end. Yang Ye and Shang Hui, who had already arrived, also helped to pull them. After about 10 minutes, everyone passed smoothly.

The six went downstairs along the slide and entered a brand new room.

Lu Xingyi made a judgment based on his excellent spatial ability. The room they passed by just now was not this one, but it should be next door.

Looking in that direction, there is a row of cabinets facing that room.

"Hey, come and see, here is a piece of paper."

"What do you mean, do you want to divide into two groups and enter two rooms to perform tasks?"

"It seems to be, but there is no door in this room, where is it divided?"

Shang Hui looked at the note, and then looked around: "There are research materials here, and it is written on the card that the experimental product should be researched at the same time as the next room, and put it in. It should be the small grid on the top over there, and you can pass through it." This level."


Several people were talking, when there was a strange noise from here.

(End of this chapter)

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