Chapter 268 People are not as good as cats n (2 more merged)
The little white cat stood on the table with its fluffy tail up, eating the Michelin-starred lobster in the bowl, feeling very comfortable.

Chen Sutong, Liang Ming, Cui Han, the housekeeper, and the servants all looked at it. It didn't hold back at all, it ate all over its face, and its pure white hair was a little yellowed, turning into milky yellow.

A large lobster licked its mouth with satisfaction.

Lu Xingyi once wondered if his very small cat's belly had passed through her human stomach, and her eating like this was not a cat's appetite at all!

"Milk." Mu Chengxi ordered in a low voice, and a servant immediately brought a cup of hot milk from the kitchen.

Put it in front of the dumpling and eat it quickly


Xiaobai Tuanzi let out a satisfied sigh, then jumped onto the man's strong and lean legs with his hind paws, lay down, and slept comfortably with his eyes closed.

Liang Ming, Cui Han, and the housekeeper: People are not as good as cats. After getting into trouble, there are delicious and delicious offerings, and they sleep when they are full. I can’t be envious!
"Tuanzi is going to take a nap, let's go." Mu Chengxi's tall body stood up from the sofa, and went upstairs with Furry in his arms.

The three guests who were dominated downstairs could only nod their heads and leave together.

In the courtyard, Liang Ming called Chen Sutong to stop,
"Doctor Chen, would you like to have a meal together?"

Liang Ming on the side: I am redundant.

Chen Sutong stopped, nodded after a little thought: "Yes, where are you going?"

"Come to my house. Fatty has been scratching himself recently, and his hair has been scratched off a lot. I want you to take a look."

"No problem, you send me the address, and I'll drive there."

"Okay." Liang Ming turned on the phone quickly, and within a minute the location appeared on Chen Sutong's phone.

Liang Mingjia,
Chen Sutong put the fat man down, finished the diagnosis, and walked towards the kitchen.

Wearing an apron, Liang Ming was cutting vegetables and preparing the ingredients for the hot pot dinner.

Liang Ming, who changed from a white coat to an apron, was a little different, with a little more life.

"Doctor Liang, I have checked the fat man, and there is mild moss, it should have been a long time."

"Huh?" Liang Ming put down the kitchen knife and turned around, "It's been a long time? But I didn't notice it before."

"How long do you usually take care of the fat man every day?"

"I just feed, pour water, and shovel shit, and I hardly care about it at other times."

Chen Sutong was dumb, isn't the reason obvious?
"Maybe it's because you didn't care enough about it. Although its lesion is only mild, it's been a long time. You haven't taken it out before."

"No. I also disinfect my home every day."

Chen Sutong nodded. As a doctor's occupational disease, she understood: "That's what the fat man had before he entered your house. Keep him isolated. Cat moss can be transmitted to people."

"Okay, I see, thank you."

Liang Ming nodded. Cat moss is a zoonotic disease. He has learned it before. It is not difficult to treat, but it is more troublesome.

It seems that in the future he will inevitably have more contact with Fatty.

dinner hall,
Dozens of rows of seats have been neatly arranged in the arena, and on the red carpet outside, hundreds of celebrities from the entertainment circle are entering the arena one by one.

In the middle seat of the first row, Mu Chengxi's name was stuck on the back of the chair, symbolizing infinite respect and lofty status.

A day ago, the person in charge of the awards dinner received the news that Mr. Mu was coming, and immediately sent someone to arrange a series of measures for Mu Chengxi's arrival, because he alone raised the level of the whole dinner to another level.

Lu Xingyi took Ji Jiayan's hand and got off the commercial vehicle. The flash of light flickered quickly, illuminating half of the starry sky in autumn and winter nights.

High-heeled shoes studded with silver rhinestones stepped on the red carpet, and the pure white skirt fell to the ground. Lu Xingyi, who chose a long white long-sleeved dress, was particularly harmonious with Ji Jiayan, who was next to him in a dark woolen suit.

Following the movement of the previous artist, the two waited a little and came to the center of the interview area.

The host walked in holding a microphone and two golden signature pens, "Welcome Ji Jiayan and Lu Xingyi from Star Entertainment Group, please sign on the signature board behind."

The two turned around and wrote their names on the background board behind them.

"Thank you both. Both of you are from the Star Entertainment Group, and have appeared in variety shows at the same time many times. Are you a very good colleague? Is there anything you want to say to each other on such a special night? ?”

Lu Xingyi frowned slightly, why did she feel that the host's question was implying that her relationship with Ji Jiayan was not simple?
Ji Jiayan handed the microphone to Lu Xingyi in a very gentlemanly manner, and asked her to answer first.

"Ji Jiayan is a very friendly senior to me on the road of being an artist. I hope his future in the entertainment industry will go far and wide."

Very official answer, watertight.

Ji Jia understood clearly, and he joked, "The atmosphere inside the Star Entertainment Group is very good. I hope that Sister Lu will walk into the recording hall with a lot of love tonight, and leave with countless trophies hahahaha."

The host also smiled: "Both of you have very good wishes for each other, then please walk down the red carpet and look forward to your good news tonight."

The two nodded slightly and walked forward slowly.

"Sister Lu, is your injury okay?" Ji Jiayan asked with concern.

"No problem, it's recovered."

"That's good. How about my answer just now? Is it as watertight as you?" Ji Jiayan said to himself.

As soon as he finished asking, he saw the helplessness on Sister Lu's face.

"What's the matter, did I say the wrong thing again?" Lu Xingyi waved his hand: "It's okay, anyway, no one in the whole network takes what you say now seriously." he.

The banquet is about to begin,
Lu Xingyi sat in the fifth row, while Ji Jiayan sat in the fourth row, there was a gap between the two seats.

While watching the countdown on the screen, a familiar figure suddenly broke into sight, occupying a radius.

Mu Chengxi, who was dressed in a three-dimensional tailored black-bottomed suit dotted with gold lines, took a seat in the first row. He immediately turned around to look for Lu Xingyi, scanned half a circle, and met her gaze.

Why did Mu Chengxi come?

When he was abroad, Lu Xingyi had investigated Mu Chengxi. He even attended business gatherings depending on his mood. He was never seen at entertainment banquets. Why did he show up today?

If she remembers correctly, every time she attends a banquet after returning to China, without exception, she can capture Mu Chengxi's figure,
Could it be that in addition to the reputation of being prodigal, the rumor that even if you have money, you can't invite Mu Chengxi is also false.

She suddenly felt that the man's city was deeper.

Mu Chengxi observed the cranky woman in the back row through the gold-rimmed glasses. She was always beautiful after dressing up, and even though she was sitting among the stars, she could catch his attention in a second.

(End of this chapter)

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