Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 270 Happy Newly Married, Early Childbirth

Chapter 270 Happy Newly Married, Early Childbirth (2 more merged)
Wearing a white dress like an angel, Lu Xingyi stepped up the steps, and the silver diamond-encrusted crystal shoe made a moderate sound on the steps.

All the spotlights in the audience moved from the audience to the center of the stage following her footsteps. Professional teachers and seniors presented their trophies and flowers, shook hands politely, and then took a group photo.

Walking to the microphone to deliver her acceptance speech, Mu Chengxi, who was closest to her in the audience, had burning eyes, and Lu Xingyi's attention was unconsciously attracted to him, and their eyes met in the air.

Until he stepped off the stage, Lu Xingyi could feel that Mu Chengxi's fiery gaze never left, and he panicked uncontrollably for some reason, and almost staggered.

after an hour,

Mu Chengxi left the table suddenly, and Lu Xingyi noticed it right away.

Throughout the night, his gaze was vaguely glancing here, and he would bring wine over from time to time, which made her restless.

Lu Xingyi took out his phone and checked the time. It's getting late, what else is Mu Chengxi going to do at this time?

There were endless congratulations around him, and Lu Xingyi responded and thanked them one by one, and then put away the smile on his face.

Shang Hui leaned on her shoulder to rest, the two of them chatted without saying a word, they already held the trophy in their hands, what they have to do in the following time is to keep quiet and appreciate.

"Xingyi, next time you record, will you say that the competition system will be changed again? When will we be in the same group?"

Lu Xingyi smiled, and looked down at Shang Hui on his shoulder: "You want to be with me so much?"

"Of course, everyone wants to be in your group. Whoever is in your group will definitely win."

"The reputation of my royal family has spread among the trainees." She joked.

"Even if you have this reputation, no one will deny your strength. This is something to be proud of."

"Hahaha, okay then."

With that said, the host began to announce the next award——

"The winner of the Best Supporting Actress of the Year (Movie) this year is" the host deliberately dragged out the tone,
Everyone's attention fell on the screen. Lu Xingyi raised his eyes and saw a familiar face.

Song Xueer was actually shortlisted for this award with the same name as her award but in a different field. On the screen, she was completely different from before. She was only wearing an old dress from a big brand, and her makeup and shape were several times worse than before. grade,
At first glance, she dressed herself, without the professional judgment of a professional stylist.

The biggest difference was her expression. The previous arrogance had all disappeared, and Lu Xingyi keenly captured some inferiority complex on her face, as if she was dodging the camera.

Except for the last meeting at the company, she has never seen Song Xueer again, and she doesn't know how she is doing now, but it doesn't look good.

"Song Xueer!"

The host revealed the name that surprised the audience.

Song Xueer herself was also shocked, she was stunned on the big screen, completely bewildered.

"What's the situation? Is this someone scolded by netizens for not being able to manage facial expressions? How do you make such facial expressions?"

"Why did she win the award? Then how bad the other shortlisted actors must be, and those who won the award were all slapped by her mouse shit."

"It can't be her, right? An unscrupulous artist is also worthy?"

There were endless discussions around, Lu Xingyi stared at the big screen with a pair of watery eyes, it took Song Xueer a long time to react, got up and walked on the stage, still evasive.

Those acceptance speeches that she was very familiar with also seemed to be stuck in her mouth, she stammered and got off the stage in embarrassment, and hurried back to her seat.

I thought tonight was the last showbiz dinner she attended, but I didn't expect to win an award.

Song Xueer calmed down, seeing the trophy in her hand and the news of receiving the bonus was displayed on the phone, her heart that had finally settled down was a little restless.

Is this award a hint from heaven to her? She still has a chance, right?

Next, the lights of the audience suddenly dimmed, and then the bright white light source turned golden, as did the spotlight, which fell to the bottom of the stage.

Mu Chengxi in a suit and leather shoes walked out from the point of focus, every step was steady and solid, the perfect body proportions looked even more eye-catching against the backdrop of the camera, the heroic cheeks were sharp and angular, and the big palm with big knuckles held the card in his hand , printed on it was a name that could make the corners of his lips twitch, and his whole person exuded a dignified and arrogant temperament.

【Mom! ! !How can there be such a handsome man]

[Oh my god, the organizer really put their heart into it. I have never felt that Mu Chengxi's appearance is so heaven-defying in variety shows before. This time I finally see it clearly.]

[This lighting, this shooting angle, this face, this figure, this temperament, the hero of the novel must be the kind that matches well]

[Mu Chengxi is senior and handsome, much better than those sissy male artists nowadays]

[Ah, ah, I want to marry him! 】

[Road to fans!Such an amazing face, I was blind before and didn't get his handsomeness]

The man at the focal point slowly helped his frame with his hands and pushed it up. The camera cuts to the profile of his face. The tall nose bridge, two thin lips and Adam's apple draw an irregular arc, which is extra sexy.

The man picked up the microphone, and his deep voice filled the hall and the live broadcast room.

"Next, announce the all-around artist of the year——Lu Xingyi."

The magnetic timbre announced the list of winners neatly. Mr. Liu didn't even have time to take a shot of the five shortlisted artists, and the answer was announced.

Mr. Mu is really efficient.

The person in charge of the backstage quickly took a look at the audience ratings in the backstage. How many people would be lost in the live broadcast room with such an unsuspecting way of announcing it.

Seeing the curve of the number of people, I was shocked.

It has not decreased but increased, and a lot of gifts have been given away!

This is not in line with the consistent laws of all variety shows.

The backstage teacher looked at Mr. Liu in surprise. Mr. Liu glanced at the comments in the live broadcast room and understood.

"This is the enthusiasm brought about by Mu Chengxi and Lu Xingyi. Even if they don't use those old routines, they can still play well."

The backstage teacher was astonished and shocked, and finally uttered only one word: "Bull!"

[It turned out to be Lu Xingyi!No wonder Mr. Mu personally announced on stage]

[The host is no longer worthy to present an award to Sister Lu, so Mr. Mu will come in person]

[? ? ?Not worthy?What kind of Buddha do you think your artist is? 】

【Mr. Mu: My wife will come by herself】

[Sincere cp is reunited! ! ! 】

【do it yourself?Suspected car without evidence]

[Celebrating together, a suit and a dress, holding flowers, this is the wedding scene, sisters]

【I lost, happy wedding】

【Happy newlyweds, early birth of a precious child】

【Happy newlyweds, early birth of a precious child】

【Happy newlyweds, early birth of a precious child】

【Happy newlyweds, early birth of a baby】*10086
(End of this chapter)

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