Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 273 President Mu Was Kicked Out of Bed Again

Chapter 273 President Mu Was Kicked Out of Bed Again (2 More Merged)
Satisfied after getting rid of the man, the woman who was still sleeping turned over and slept soundly.

As soon as Huo Huo opened the door, he saw Ma Ma sleeping on the bed and Uncle Mu sitting on the ground. Combining the movements of the two, it was hard to guess what happened just now.

"Uncle Mu, are you okay? Auntie usually sleeps a little dishonestly." Lu Baobao stretched out a hand to help Mu Chengxi.

The man stood up expressionlessly. Although he was upset, he still gently moved Lu Xing to the middle of the bed, and pointed to the position against the wall: "You sleep in it, I'll take a shower."

"Okay." Lu hugged and wiped his almost completely dry hair, twisted and crawled to the position inside, and his little head got into Lu Xingyi's arms.

He deliberately asked the housekeeper to bring him the shower gel, which smelled so familiar.

Sure enough, when Lu Xingyi smelled the familiar smell, he turned over and hugged him into his arms, his cub hurt by himself.

Lu Baobao smiled with satisfaction, and fell asleep in Ma Ma's arms not long after.

next morning,
The situation on the bed changed drastically.
Lu Baohuo huddled in a corner alone and pitifully, forming a small ball. Lu Xingyi in the middle was already hanging on Mu Chengxi's body, and his legs were still hanging on the man's body without any scruples.

Mu Chengxi was already awake, smiling with his long and narrow eyes, looking at the lovely sleeping face of the woman.

Lu Xingyi's eyelashes are very long, like a feather fan, they are especially beautiful when he is asleep, and his lips are also extraordinarily pink.

"handsome guy."

As he watched, the woman in his arms suddenly said something, and his hands began to move restlessly again.

Is this another dream about a handsome guy? ?
Mu Chengxi's eyes, which were originally full of smiles, instantly cooled down, and he stared at her closely, waiting for the next move.

As expected, those evil little hands quickly moved again, this time not touching the face, but touching the abdominal muscles.

It's really good, I touched one handsome guy after another in my dream, I'm afraid I forgot his fiancé a thousand miles away.

"Why are there so many handsome guys? A handsome guy just left, and another one with a good figure, uh." Lu Xingyi mumbled alone, completely unaware of his dangerous situation now.

I'm ashamed to say, one last night and one this morning, he sees that she is not drunk, but she is in spring!

The alarm clock on the bedside table rang suddenly, Mu Chengxi snapped it off angrily,
The loud noise woke Lu Xingyi awake.

She opened her eyes, and what she saw was the man's eyes full of anger.

Closing his eyes and stretching comfortably, Lu Xingyi sighed inwardly:

It's better in the dream. There is no such man in the dream. When I open my eyes, I see a man with a straight face, and my good mood is gone.
"Wake up." Mu Chengxi didn't care what she was thinking, it was time to settle last night's accounts.

"Hmm..." Lu Xingyi's voice was full of sleepiness, and after answering, he lay down on his strong chest muscles, closed his eyes and rested.

I'm so sleepy, it's all Mu Chengxi's fault for waking myself up so early!


"No. Sleepy."

I slept from [-] o'clock last night until [-] o'clock this morning, and I was still sleepy.

After not hearing a man's voice for a long time, Lu Xingyi raised his neck, eyes sleepy: "What's wrong?"

"Do you have a headache? Let the butler cook sober soup?"

"It's okay, no need."

Mu Chengxi nodded, and after confirming that she was not feeling well, her eyes were full of concern for a moment: "Do you still remember what I did last night?"

last night?Isn't it just drunk and fell asleep, and then dreamed of two handsome guys?
She remembered that she was sleeping very honestly and doing nothing.

The silly expression revealed that her head was empty at the moment. Mu Chengxi frowned, and the word "just throw it" at Lu Xingyi was vividly interpreted time and time again.

"Did the handsome guy who hugged you sleep soundly?"

Lu Xingyi suddenly woke up from his sleepiness!

handsome guy?How did Mu Chengxi know!
"You hugged me and talked in your sleep, and you forgot?" The man seemed to be able to see through her mind at a glance, and replied.

what the hell!It was all a dream, how could she remember it, it all happened unconsciously!

No wonder she looks good and has a great figure. It turned out to be Mu Chengxi.

"Lu Xingyi, how greedy are you for men, you can even dream of it." Mu Chengxi raged.

Lu Xingyi: Actually, I'm not very greedy. I should be greedy after soloing for so many years.

"Huh?" From the corner, a soft and soft male voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Xingyi thought he had seen a ghost, his back felt cold, and his first reaction was to bury his head in Mu Chengxi's neck, hiding and not daring to move.

Why are there more people in the room?
Lu Baobao, who fell asleep and went to sleep in the corner last night, was woken up by the conversation between the two, rubbed his eyes with his fleshy little hands, and blinked over.

At first glance, I saw Ma Ma hiding in Uncle Mu's arms.

"What's the matter, Auntie?"

This time Lu Xingyi heard clearly, it was a hug, he quickly turned his head to look at it, and then earned it back, his bright water eyes were full of surprise and anger.

"Mu Chengxi! You asked Huo Bao to sleep next to us?" The furious character turned to her and kicked Mu Chengxi in a hurry.


The man landed on the carpet again, hitting the floor with a muffled sound.

"Pfft——" Lu Baobao couldn't help laughing out loud. Uncle Mu's current posture and expression are not unrelated to last night's posture and expression, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

Ma Ma mighty!

I was kicked by Uncle Mu twice, and the interval between them did not exceed 24 hours. It was too powerful!
One big and one small hurriedly fled back to their own villa after washing up, the air pressure next door was so low that they couldn't breathe.

Just after entering the door for breakfast, Wang Chuan came back.

His face was full of spring breeze, and his complexion was better than yesterday.

"Good morning, everyone~" She threw the bag she was carrying on the living room table, and lay down on the sofa casually: "I'll sleep well, don't worry about me."

Lu Xingyi and Kai looked at each other, this...couldn't be because they didn't sleep all night.

She remembered that the two of them went to the hotel yesterday afternoon, knowing that it was nine o'clock, and their physical strength was invincible in the world.

"Ma Ma, what did Auntie go out for last night?" Huo Huo gnawed on the piggy bun in his hand, with a curious expression on his face.

Lu Xing was speechless, drinking water tactically: "I don't know, maybe I'm tired."

"Oh, let's talk softly and don't disturb her."

at the same time,

After Nan Qingfeng sent Wang Chuan back, he thought of stopping by to see his good brother, parked the car in the courtyard west of Mucheng, and rang the doorbell with one hand on the wall.

"Master Nan, you're here." The housekeeper let out a deep breath as he opened the door.

Finally escaped from the young master.

Nan Qingfeng nodded, and followed the butler with one hand on his back. Something was wrong as soon as he entered the door, and the atmosphere seemed to be depressing.

After walking a few steps and seeing the face covered with dark clouds in the west of Mucheng, he instantly understood——

(End of this chapter)

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