Chapter 284 System Returns! (3 more merged)
Shang Hui heard the conversation between the two clearly from behind. Although the two seem to be arguing on the surface, why does it feel more like they are in Versailles from the perspective of her single dog?
When the bus arrived at the destination, the instructors got off the bus with the trainees of their respective groups, dumbfounded by the sight before them.

Green mountains and green waters are accompanied by a large area of ​​villas. The entertainment facilities visible in the yard outside and on the lake are already rich and colorful, and the smell of money is everywhere.

Swings, neon lights, benches, go-karts, skateboards, and multi-person bicycles are placed one by one on the lawn, while kayaks, surfboards, sailboats, and small yachts are all available in the sparkling lake. It seems that I don't want to come here for training at all, so it's suitable to come here for camping.

"My God, are we going to live here from now on? It's so beautiful!"

"Wow! The budget for the program group is burning."

"It's so beautiful, and there are so many entertainment facilities, are we here for training?"


The trainees began to discuss one after another, marveling at the beautiful scenery in front of them.

The chief director was in charge of the camera behind the scenes. Mu Chengxi stood at the front of the team and cleared his throat: "The next week's training will be held here. Building 1 is the training room, and Buildings 2 and 3 are dormitory buildings."

"There are no cameras installed in the dormitory building, and all facilities in the park can be used. Now, all trainees take their luggage from the car and go to the dormitory building to allocate rooms."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took his and Lu Xingyi's luggage from the staff and was about to go to the dormitory.

But when he turned his head, he couldn't find Lu Xingyi's figure.

Looking again, Lu Xingyi was waiting for Shang Hui not far away.

Shang Hui carried her luggage and walked forward with Lu Xingyi in one hand, wondering where Lu Xingyi's luggage went, when she looked up, she saw Mu Chengxi with her hands full.

"Hello, Mr. Mu."

Mu Chengxi glanced at Lu Xingyi, then nodded slightly in response to Shang Hui's greeting.

The three walked in two rows, and arrived at the dormitory in an awkward atmosphere.

The first floor of each dormitory is an event hall. Just like the outdoors, all kinds of entertainment facilities are available. The three of them didn't visit, so they took the elevator upstairs directly.

Because Mu Chengxi and Lu Xingyi were program investors, the director team specially approved special treatment, and the two suites on the top floor belonged to them.

But in fact, it doesn’t matter whether it is approved or not. This brand new resort is also an important project of the cooperation between Dingcheng and Star Entertainment. This time the recording is the first batch of tourists staying in this project. When problems are found, they are also publicized by the way. After entering the resort, kill two birds with one stone.

The director has a clear self-awareness, he is just a tool for the two of them to convey their ideas in the program group, but this tool is very expensive, and he is very willing to take on this job.

Shang Hui followed Lu Xing into the room. As soon as he opened the door, there was a large floor-to-ceiling window, and outside the window was a beautiful view of the lake and the mountains. Plated with a layer of golden yellow.

From their point of view, it is so beautiful, it is comparable to some large tourist attractions.

Lu Xingyi inspected the rooms of the suite one by one, confirmed that there was no problem, and began to pack his luggage.

"Xingyi, do the two trainees of our current period have such a room?" Shang Hui was curious as she looked at the living room, dining room, study, second bedroom, kitchen, and audio-visual room that were not missing in the room.

"No, only the two rooms on the top floor are suites like this. The other trainees live in standard rooms that are slightly larger than the hotel."

"Knock knock."

As soon as the voice fell, someone knocked on the door outside.

Shang Hui walked to the door and looked outside through the small hole on the door. It was Mo Jinsheng who opened the door without thinking too much: "Mo Yingdi, hello."

Mo Jinsheng came to look for Lu Xingyi. When he saw Shang Hui, he was surprised at first. He pushed to the door and looked. He had gone to the right room.

"Hello, Queen Shang, why are you here?"

Lu Xingyi heard the sound, and the actor and actress were looking at each other at the door.

"I invited Shang Hui to live in my room."

Hearing Lu Xingyi's answer, Mo Jinsheng felt a little depressed, and muttered in a low voice: "Yes, you are the CEO of Star Entertainment, an investor"

Lu Xingyi took three bottles of drinks from the kitchen refrigerator, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Although Lu Xingyi didn't hear his muttering, Shang Hui heard it, with a slightly unnatural expression: "Ah, then you talk first, I'll go to the room to pack things."

"Okay, thank you." Mo Jinsheng said gentlemanly.

Shang Hui went straight back to the room, taking the juice that Lu Xingyi handed over on the way.

After the bedroom door was closed, Mo Jinsheng and Lu Xingyi sat down on the sofa in the living room.

"Here." Lu Xingyi put another bottle of juice in front of him.

"Thank you. Xingyi, I came here now to tell you that I said something on impulse this morning, without thinking about it, I hope you don't mind."

Mo Jinsheng hesitated for a long time before coming over bravely. He wanted to clarify his liking for Lu Xingyi's leak.

"I don't mean anything else to you. I'm just thinking for you as a friend. In the entertainment industry, I have slightly more senior qualifications than you. My starting point is that I'm afraid that you won't dare to resist Mr. Mu, so I want to stand up for you." You were in the early stage because you were impatient for a while, and now I have calmed down and realized that I said something wrong."

The corners of Lu Xingzhi's lips curved slightly, and he slowly took a sip of the ice juice in his hand.

Mo Jinsheng watched her every movement: unscrew the bottle cap—raise head—drink juice—bow head—close the bottle cap.

Her every move affects his heart, and he is very nervous at the moment.

He didn't know what kind of feedback Lu Xingyi would give after drinking the juice. Would he believe his words?
After drinking the ice juice, the whole person feels refreshed.

"It's okay, I didn't think much about it."

Mo Jinsheng breathed a sigh of relief in an instant. He thought that Lu Xingyi had settled down on his small thoughts in his heart, but he didn't expect her to be so simple and believe what she said, so that's fine.

"It turned out to be like this, then I was too worried, sorry to bother you."

"Is there anything else?"

"No more, Xing Yi, go and pack your luggage, see you tonight."

"Okay, see you tonight."

In the bedroom, Shang Hui squatted on the ground to sort out her thoughts, holding the clothes to be sorted in her hand, but squatted on the spot for a long time without moving.

She heard what Mo Jinsheng said just now. If she didn't misunderstand, he should be talking about Lu Xingyi. According to this idea, the president and investor of Star Entertainment Group are both Lu Xingyi. .

Also, in the previous variety show last time, the director always called Lu Xingyi "Boss Lu", so it all went smoothly.

However, Star Entertainment Group has always been a mysterious existence in the industry, involving many joint and several relationships.

Because of the president's non-disclosure, rumors and gossip about this group in the entertainment industry have never stopped, but all the artists agree that the background of this company must be very deep, and it has been deified to the point that once there is a chance to sign a contract, everyone will rush to it the fluttering kind,
It is even more attractive to entertainers than the entertainment company under Mr. Mu Dingcheng Group, because the entertainment industry is only a small branch in Dingcheng, and Star Entertainment is backed by a big tree and specializes in the entertainment industry. Out-and-out meat and potatoes.

But as Shang Hui at the moment, after learning that the president of Xingyu is a friend she is familiar with, the first thing that strikes her is not joy, but a sense of alienation.

Everyone's speculation and praise all the time made the identity of the president of Star Entertainment very high in her heart, and when Lu Xingyi brought him in, the distance between herself and her seemed to be widened.

It took a long time before she sorted out her emotions, packed her things and went out. Lu Xingyi was in her bedroom, not in the public area outside.

This made her feel a little more relaxed, and for a while, she really didn't know how to face her.

"All trainees and judges are invited to gather on the lawn for tonight's BBQparty! All trainees and instructors are invited to gather on the lawn for tonight's BBQparty! All trainees and instructors are invited to gather on the lawn for tonight's BBQparty!"

Mo Jinsheng's voice rang out from speakers all over the resort, attracting everyone's attention, and they walked towards the lawn one after another.

Lu Xingyi had just shared a video with Wang Chuan and came out of the bedroom, "Let's go, let's go downstairs."

"Okay." Shang Hui opened the door, let Lu Xingyi pass first, and followed her out.

Mu Chengxi came out from the next room. He seemed to be dealing with official business just now, with a pair of silver square eyes on the bridge of his nose, he was full of official business.

"Come to my room tonight." He said suddenly.

"what happened?"

Lu Xingyi saw that his brows were uneven, as if something had happened.

"Speak at night."

The three of them happened to walk to the elevator and entered the elevator at the same time.

The elevator went down and stopped on the floor below them.

More than 20 trainees were bustling at the elevator entrance, waiting to go downstairs.

As soon as the door opened, they who were about to squeeze into the elevator saw Mu Chengxi, and hurriedly said hello: "Mr. Mu."

Mu Chengxi's majesty made their voices resound together, as if they had practiced in advance.

The man nodded slightly, and several trainees who were close to the elevator squeezed in, and some girls who wanted to stand with Mu Chengxi also squeezed in desperately. The elevator was overloaded, and the scene was once chaotic.

Mu Chengxi looked at Lu Xingyi who was standing in the corner. Even in the crowd, she still exuded a cool demeanor, and the noise around her did not affect her at all.

The trainees at the elevator entrance were still adjusting, Mu Chengxi took a step away and walked in front of Lu Xingyi, turned around and pushed her against the corner behind her, looking at each other.

The face of the man in front of him suddenly enlarged, and Lu Xingyi was caught off guard: "You"

【Ding! 】

[Host Your system has returned.Release task: Please hug the man's waist now and hug him.After the task is completed, the love power score +2]

The mechanical sound that I haven't seen for a long time sounds.

Lu Xingyi was puzzled: Where did this system go all that time ago?Why did it suddenly appear again now?

(End of this chapter)

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