Chapter 289 Mucheng West is also very fierce (2 more merged)
recording site,

Lu Xingyi pulled Mu Chengxi off the stage, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the backstage music teacher wiping off his sweat with difficulty.

The latter looked up and saw her looking over there, nodded in meeting her eyes, and gave a thankful smile.

Lu Xingyi also nodded in response.

She really didn't expect that Mu Chengxi's singing was so out of tune.

Fortunately, the original singer was a male voice, and the music teacher amplified the original singing while working hard to tune, so the whole performance was not broken.

She and the few trainees who were sitting in the front row and listening closely were all impressed by Mu Chengxi's singing skills, and even began to doubt life.

Since Lu Xingyi was in the music industry, no one has been able to take her tune away, but Mu Chengxi almost did it, and fortunately she stopped it in time.

"Hey, Sister Lu, Mr. Mu, take a sip of the juice I brought you after singing." Ji Jiayan handed over two bottles of freshly squeezed juice, "I just watched the whole process intently, you two really feel CP, no wonder So much CP."

"If you can't talk, talk less."

Ji Shao scratched his head, embarrassed to the point of embarrassment.

Lu Xingyi opened the bottle cap and raised his hand to take a sip of the juice.

"How is it?" Ji Jiayan asked impatiently, Sister Lu was so stupid that she didn't see his prank.

Lu Xing moved his red lips, seeming to recall: "Tomato and carrot juice?"

"Yes, isn't it super nasty. Hahahahaha, Sister Lu didn't expect you to be included in the list." As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

Lu Xingyi looked at him who was laughing suspiciously: "It's not bad."

"Huh?" Ji Jiayan suddenly stopped laughing, and made a strange sound unnaturally.


Successfully amusing the surrounding circle of people laughing.

Mu Chengxi's gaze was always on Lu Xingyi's face, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and reached out to wipe off some fruit stains on her lips.

Playing until very late, the BBQparty finally ended, and the trainees went back to their rooms, boasting about each other's performance tonight, and looking forward to the results of the next round of promotion.

"Miss Lu."

Lu Xingyi and Shang Hui were about to get on the elevator when they were stopped by a strange voice.

She turned around and saw a somewhat familiar face.

This trainee seems to be from the same company as Yang Ye, and was lucky enough to be selected into a group with Yang Ye in the last round. The relationship between the two seems to be good, but Lu Xingyi, Shang Hui, and her have not met yet. intersection.

"Hello." Lu Xingyi stretched out his left hand and greeted her politely.

"Hello, Miss Lu, I've heard your name for a long time. I heard that your arrangement is very good. I've been trying to write an arrangement by myself these days, can you?"

She didn't continue talking, waiting for Lu Xingyi's reply.


"That's right, can you please take a look for me."

Lu Xingyi looked at her holding the computer, and really wanted to ask for advice. After thinking for a moment, he nodded: "You can send the file to my email, and I will listen to it tonight."

The person opposite seemed not very satisfied, but he still pretended to be grateful: "Thank you, Miss Lu, please listen as soon as possible, I really want to learn well."

"Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible." Lu Xingyi turned around, and the last elevator had already left. He turned his head and asked Shang Hui, "Let's take the stairs."

"it is good."

The two walked away from the elevator and went up to the stairwell.

"Xing Yi, that trainee just now, do you really want to help her?" Shang Hui couldn't help but said, "Most of those in the circle who use the excuse of helping are out of good intentions."

"It was the first time she asked me to speak, and I had to give her a chance. Maybe she really wanted to learn."

"That's right, we are not acquaintances yet, and in front of so many people, it would seem petty of us to refuse."

On the fifth floor, Mu Chengxi was waiting at the door.

"Wait for me, I'll go back to my room to get my computer."

"it is good."

Shang Hui looked at the picture of Lu Xingyi busy walking to the west room of Mucheng with the computer, and then remembered what happened in the elevator just now, and wondered if she should speak.

"Hey, Xingyi," after a little hesitation, she thought she should say it.

"what happened?"

"When you went downstairs just now, you hugged Mr. Mu in the elevator, and all the other trainees saw you."

Lu Xing moved his feet and stood still, unwilling to accept it.

Damn system!
[Host, I'm still here. 】

Lu Xingyi: Just be here, and listen to the good deeds you have done!
When she heard the mechanical sound, she immediately snapped back.

[Host, you can’t blame me for this, just now your crush was clearly wearing a suit jacket, the host should think about it and hug him inside the suit]

Lu Xingyi: It makes sense!

【Must be reasonable! 】

Lu Xingyi: You are quite confident!

【strong! 】

Lu Xingyi:
Resting her slender fingers on her forehead, she sighed softly.

"I see, thanks."

"Hmm, have you brought your room card?"

"Bring it, if I come back late, you can go to bed first, don't wait for me."

When Shang Hui heard this, she was taken aback: "...OK."

Lu Xingyi walked into the suite in Muchengxi with the computer in his arms. The overall layout of this room was exactly the same as that of the suite next door. She sat down in the study with ease and turned on the computer.

Mu Chengxi was busy on another table in the study, "Nan Qingfeng said in the afternoon that he wanted to cooperate with us on a new project, and he will have a video conference right away, please accept?"

As soon as the words fell, a strange sound sounded in the room.

Mu Chengxi frowned at the unpleasant and harsh tune: "Where is the noise coming from?"

Lu Xingyi listened to the audio opened from the mailbox, and within 30 seconds, he couldn't help but press pause.

Is this an arrangement that a professional singing and dancing artist can make?
Or to put it bluntly, is this an arrangement that one person can make?

It is no exaggeration for her to say that for this arrangement, uploading it to the audio software will not pass.

Does the company Yang Ye works for usually do such paddling in training?Did not learn the basic music theory.

The bell of the video conference rang, and Lu Xing moved back to God: "What project?"

"I didn't say it."

"Go ahead and listen to it."

"Okay, come here."

Lu Xing stepped up and walked to Mu Chengxi. The screen in front of them had already displayed Nan Qingfeng's face and Wang Chuan.

"Hey, Xiao Lu, are you there too?" Wang Chuan said in surprise.

"Well, how about a hug?"

"Already asleep."

"it is good."

Seeing Lu Xingyi standing with one hand propped on the desk, Mu Chengxi said, "Come and sit."

"No, you sit down."

Not only did it not pass, but it also moved to the other side.

Mu Chengxi wasn't polite to her. If she didn't take the initiative to come over, he would be tough. He skillfully wrapped his arms around his slender waist, and put her weight on his lap in an instant.

"You..." Lu Xingyi subconsciously wanted to earn money, but he couldn't.

"Stop arguing, let's sit together." The man took it for granted, and diverted the topic after speaking: "Let's talk nonsense, what project."

Nan Qingfeng and Wang Chuan were on the opposite side of the screen, and the picture seemed to be still, and they hadn't reacted yet.

Mu Chengxi is also quite fierce.
(End of this chapter)

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