Chapter 293 Breaking the System
"Uncle Liang? Uncle Liang!" Xiao Mengbao yelled repeatedly to no avail, and poked Liang Ming's arm with his hand.

"Ah!" Liang Ming snapped back to his senses, looking at Lu Baobao with horror in his eyes: "What's wrong with you!"

Lu Baobao was so frightened that his little butt moved back. Uncle Liang's terrified look should be due to him asking him what's going on!
"Uncle Liang, are you bewitched?"

Xiaomengbao grew up abroad, and she is quite good at Chinese, so she actually knows "bewitched".

He was bewitched by an evil spirit, bewitched by his parents.

"Hey, hug, can you take me to Uncle Mu's room?"

Huo Huo doesn't understand, Liang Ming has known Uncle Mu much longer than him, so it's impossible that he doesn't even know where the room is: "Uncle Liang, don't you dare to go there by yourself?"

"My Uncle Mu is too authoritative, I dare not."

"Pfft, alright, then Huo Bao will take you there." Huo Bao jumped off the sofa, landed on the ground, took a piece of pastry from the coffee table in front of him, ate it while walking, and brought Uncle Liang to the room he was in just now .

"Thanks for the hug, can I borrow one of your hair?"

"What? Hair?"

"Yes, just one."

"h" Lu Baobao was just about to agree, when Mama told him that if anyone wanted his fingerprints, hair, or dander, he couldn't give it back, so he immediately changed his words: "No, the hair can't be returned. ~"

"Then, give me one?"

"No, no, my aunt said that hair volume is very important, and we should protect it from an early age!"

Pfft. Is this rhetoric for fear of becoming bald in the middle age?
Liang Ming didn't give up, he talked for a while, his tongue was about to smoke, and he still didn't let go of the hug.

The call from the hospital came in suddenly, there was an important operation that he needed to rush over to perform.

Forget it, let's test the DNA comparison between him and Master Mu next time.


Lu Xingyi successfully detected the opponent's anti-tracking system on the helicopter, but only for a short 2 minutes, and was quickly detected by the opponent again.

However, within 2 minutes of the detection, the location remained unchanged in a suburban villa.

Chances are, that's the destination.

Kai drove the helicopter straight to the villa. Because they were worried that the sound of the propellers would be too loud, they chose to land two kilometers away, and then proceeded on foot.

Along the way, the three of them kept observing the surroundings, and there was nothing unusual, and they didn't see anyone in the west of Mucheng.

"It seems that the west of Mucheng is not as capable as Xiao Lu, and the address cannot be traced." Wang Chuan leaned behind a bush and straightened his equipment.

Lu Xingyi stared at the red dot on the pure black metal mechanical watch. Now they were very close, and there was still a distance of 300 meters. They could see the villa when they turned a corner.

"Here, Xiao Lu." Wang Chuan threw the pitch-black gun onto the lawn, and Lu Xingyi quickly took it over, hiding it in a convenient and concealed position on his body.

Kai was also ready, the three of them exchanged glances and moved on.

The closer they got to the target, the slower their steps became, and the distance from the villa gradually shortened. The three of them stopped and looked around.

So far there has been no movement around the villa, and looking into the yard from their position, there is no one there.

At the same time,

Mu Yue in the villa just received the news that the system was briefly compromised, and his nerves immediately tensed up.

Looking at the professor who was studying the vase with a magnifying glass, he gestured to Lao Wu to lurk behind the professor while the other party was not paying attention.

The fifth child nodded, and moved in small steps, barely making any movement, aiming the black muzzle of the gun at the back of the professor's head.

(End of this chapter)

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