Chapter 296
The three younger brothers formed a circle around Mu Yue, pointing their guns at countless hostile people.

Lu Xingyi observed the situation outside, and there was nothing unusual.

Soon, she noticed Mu Yue and his party coming out from the double mirror, and retreated step by step.

The orphanage is backed by a cliff, and there is a vast ocean below the cliff. Lu Xingyi watched Mu Yue's footsteps getting closer and closer to the edge of the cliff, and felt a bad premonition in his heart.

Could he be jumping off?

He was also the one who jumped from the [-]th floor last time, and it is very likely that he will do the same this time.



She fired a sharp shot and shot Mu Yue's leg, and the blood red quickly smeared on the pants.

Mu Yue was in pain, his legs gave way and he almost fell off, but luckily the two younger brothers beside him quickly supported him.

"Who! If you dare to shoot again, I will shoot this old man in the head!" Mu Yue roared, but the pain made his voice change.

Looking at Mu Yue's embarrassed look, Mu Chengxi sneered, "There's no way back."

"No way to retreat?" Mu Yue would give Mu Chengxi a sneer, "You still underestimate me."

Mu Yue glanced at the vast ocean behind him. The waves beat violently on the surface, stirring up countless white foams.

Seeing his action, Mu Chengxi felt a "thump" in his heart, and stepped forward quickly.


Mu Yue jumped down resolutely, leaving a sound of falling into the water.

The professor was pushed forward and fell on Mu Chengxi. He supported him with one hand, and Cui Han immediately stepped forward to take over.

The three younger brothers were taken aback when they saw the boss jumping into the sea, and after a moment of hesitation, they were caught by the people from Muchengxi and pinned to the ground.

After double the mirror, Lu Xingyi frowned, it was still a step too late.


Two hours later, the helicopter landed in the imperial capital.

It was already dark now, and Lu Xingyi and Mu Chengxi walked towards the dormitory building at the same time.

The moonlight accompanied by the starlight sprinkled under the two of them, neither cold nor cold, there was a different kind of situation.

Haicheng sent people to search the sea area, and the professor was sent to the hospital for resettlement. The three younger brothers were taken away by Cui Han, and the children from the orphanage were also sent to an orphanage with better equipment in the imperial capital.

Except for one of the kids.

Lu Xingyi noticed that taciturn child during the last variety show recording, and in this experience, his performance was different.

No matter how dangerous the environment was, how dangerous the situation was, he seemed extremely calm. After escaping the danger, all the children cried, and he was the only one who sat down with his back against a big tree, without making a sound.

Mu Chengxi put him in an apartment and arranged for him a servant to assist him in his life.

The origin of this child is definitely not simple. Being so calm at such an age has to arouse his curiosity.

The two walked to the elevator entrance together, each with their own thoughts, and they were silent all the way.

Back in the room, Shang Hui saw her coming back and immediately greeted her: "Xing Yi, you are finally back, do you remember the trainee who asked you for help last night?"

Lu Xingyi's mind is now full of Mu Yue's affairs, unable to get back to his thoughts, he just nodded dully.

"When everyone announced the song selection tonight, she didn't mention you. Even if it's just to help, you should mention it, at least let the audience know." Shang Hui complained dissatisfiedly, she was apologetic for Lu Xing.

Lu Xingyi probably understood what she meant, and waved his hand generously: "Forget it, she thanked her verbally this morning, and we can't pursue it."

Shang Hui noticed that Lu Xingyi was in a low mood, "What's wrong? Didn't it go well today?"

"Well, it didn't work out."

"So that's the case, then you should go to rest early, and you will continue training tomorrow."

Speaking of this, Lu Xingyi withdrew some thoughts: "By the way, can I trouble you to get up early tomorrow morning and take me to make up lessons."

Shang Hui immediately agreed: "Okay, no problem, we just learned a little bit today, and my movements are not very standard, as long as I don't mislead you."

Lu Xingyi smiled: "No."

The next morning, Lu Xingyi prepared breakfast and sent it to Mu Chengxi.

Mu Chengxi opened the door and saw the sandwich and milk in her hands, a smile appeared on his face after a dull day.

"Any news?"

"Come in first." Mu Chengxi stretched out his hand to wrap around her small waist, which he couldn't grasp, and walked into the room.

The two sat down in the restaurant. Mu Chengxi took a notebook from the study and found two recordings.

Five minutes later, Lu Xingyi finished listening to the complete recording.

One of the two recordings is from the professor, and the other is from several younger brothers of Mu Yue.The second paragraph has almost no useful information, but the professor's recording said some key information.

How Mu Yue contacted him, where Mu Yue asked him to go, and some information about the vase.

"Send me the recording."

"it is good."

Mu Chengxi was operating the computer when the mobile phone that was placed aside rang.

"Help me pick it up."



"Well, Cui Han's phone is on speakerphone."

Lu Xingyi obediently obeyed the words, picked up the phone from the table, connected it, and turned on the speakerphone.

"Mr. Mu, the divers salvaged in Haicheng said that they sent a message saying they found the vase, but Mu Yue ran away."

"Run away?" Mu Chengxi's voice sank.

Cui Han's tone weakened significantly: "Yes, the divers found footprints near the shore, and they have already sent people to search around, no."

The more you talk, the less confidence you have.

Mu Chengxi's face was not very good-looking.

Let him run away again!
"Understood, thank you." Lu Xingyi answered for the man, and then hung up the phone.

"Can you show me the vase after you get it back?" Lu Xingyi knew that this vase was very important to Mu Chengxi, so he asked in a questioning tone.

"of course."

The man didn't know when his face became bright again.Cloudy and sunny.



The practice is sunny outside, which is a rare good weather in winter.

Lu Xingyi has basically mastered the dance after a morning of training, and went to the restaurant for lunch with the team members.

"Hey, have you visited so many interesting places outside? Let's go out and have a look during our lunch break."

"Okay, okay, I saw people from other groups playing outside yesterday, I haven't gone out to see it yet."

"Our group is the most serious in training, and the Sangong stage is bound to be won."

"What do you think, team leader, let's go together?"

Lu Xingyi nodded: "No problem, play casually during lunch break, combine work and rest."

When the team members heard the words, they seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, quickly finished the rice in the bowl, cleaned up the table and prepared to go out to play.

Lu Xingyi looked at their expectant look and smiled. The members of this group are too obedient and listen to her in everything.

However, the moment he stepped out of the training room, Lu Xingyi realized that he was thinking too much.
A few people rushed out like wild horses that had run free.

"Wow! Big yacht! Here we come!"

"Yacht yacht, I have been coveting it for a long time. I have never seen a private yacht in my life. Go and have a look."

"Captain, hurry up, let's go together!"

In the distance, at the yacht dock, another group of trainees looked at them running this way with a look of country bumpkins.

(End of this chapter)

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