Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 298 Lu Xingyi's guts are getting fatter!

Chapter 298 Lu Xingyi's guts are getting fatter!
"What?" Not only the netizens, but also the trainees just now had the same reaction: "Know how to drive a yacht? Impossible."

Lu Xing moved to the driver's seat upstairs, and glanced back: "We are about to set off, please put your hair back."

The trainee turned his head back, feeling a little upset in his heart.

It was originally my own place, but I didn't expect Lu Xingyi to steal the limelight.

Isn't it just that she can drive a yacht, she wants to see how well she drives.

Lu Xingyi inserted the key to start the yacht, and waited for them to come back after a round of wind. The trainee who had provoked just now hadn't waited for the other yacht drivers to come back, and stood there stupidly.

Seeing them bouncing off the boat, her eyes were filled with dissatisfaction, but she could only hold back.

This is recording.

at night,

In Mu Chengxi's room, a group of people gathered.

Lu Xingyi, Wang Chuan and Kai walked out of his room and returned to their own room.

"Xiao Lu, how's it going?" Wang Chuan took a bottle of ice soda from the refrigerator and asked.

"The pattern on this vase is indeed unprecedented. The people who made the vase were very strange and made it look different from near and far."

"If you only see this vase at auctions and exhibitions, you will feel that the pattern is familiar from such a distance, like a familiar pattern in a certain period of history, but once it is photographed, it will be difficult to see it in your hand. It turns out that’s not the case.”

Wang Chuan listened and only understood the first two sentences: I have never seen the pattern on this vase.

"and then?"

"This vase should be something the Mu family wants to study, and it has nothing to do with our mission. We just have to wait. As long as Mu Yue is alive, he will definitely come back to get the vase."

Kai nodded: "Xiao Lu is right, our mission is Mu Yue, and the vase is just a bait for us."

"Understood." Wang Chuan drank the soda in his hand in one gulp: "Mu Yue, it is indeed the highest level task, and I wasted a year of my mother's time!"

"The local organization has been chasing him for several years but failed to find Mu Yue, which proves how cunning he is, and it should take some time." Kai comforted.

"Don't talk about him anymore," Wang Chuan waved his hand: "By the way, Xiao Lu, I have inspected the homestay that your company's annual meeting has set up, and it's pretty good. Are there any handsome guys attending this year's annual meeting? Take me with you."

Lu Xingyi frowned slightly when he heard the words, "Don't you want to calm down?"

"Don't you have to find someone to accept it." Wang Chuan smiled "hehe": "How about it, is there any?"

"There are a few newly signed younger brothers, but compared to those in your fish pond, their looks are not top-notch."

"Is there any photo, show it to my sister."

Lu Xingyi hesitantly took out his phone, Wang Chuan was a "pit", she shouldn't have pushed her younger brothers down.

As soon as he found the photo, Wang Chuan snatched it up and looked at it.

"Wow, so tender, how old is it? My sister likes it." She licked her red lips in satisfaction, as if she was about to pounce on her in the next second.

Lu Xingyi:
"Be normal, I'm afraid."

"Then it's settled. I'll go with you to see my younger brother at the annual meeting. He looks tender, young and strong, not bad."

Lu Xingyi coughed twice, and apologized to his brothers in the company in his heart.

It's her fault, she didn't like the LSP Wangchuan.

When Wang Chuan and Kai were going out, they happened to meet Cui Han who was next door leading someone away, and Mu Chengxi who was next door heard the sentence "Look at my brother" that he confirmed with Lu Xingyi again, his face sank, and he walked to the next door with long legs, Take Lu Xingyi away horizontally.

You're getting more courageous, and you still make an appointment to see your brother? !

(End of this chapter)

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