Chapter 308 Crying in Lu Xingyi's arms? (2 more merged)
The next morning, Lu Xingyi was woken up by the itchy sensation of his furry head on his neck.

Just as he opened his eyes slightly, before he woke up, he heard a familiar mechanical sound.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for mentioning the person he loves! 】

[System prompt: After the milk cats fall in love, your love partner will be injected with a milk character. If you encounter a situation where the host object is crying in the host's arms, please don't panic! 】

[I wish the host a happy relationship, add more points, and complete this stage as soon as possible~]

Then the mechanical sound faded away.

After listening to it, Lu Xingyi looked at Mu Chengxi who was hugging him like a big milk dog protecting his master, and understood.

It's a little uncomfortable to change from a domineering and paranoid wolfdog to a cute little milk dog wagging its tail.

The faint winter sun shines in, and the slightly golden white light falls on the side of the man's face. He looks even more milky, handsome and milky!

Thinking about it, he couldn't help touching the man's soft hair with his fingertips, then slid to his forehead and continued down.


"When did you wake up?" Lu Xingyi was terrified by the man's open eyes.

Mu Chengxi's hand holding her tightened slightly, and he was very satisfied with seeing her for the first time when he woke up in the morning: "What did you do while I was asleep? You are so afraid of me."

"Ah, no." Lu Xingyi foolishly shook his head.

"What time is it?" The man asked directly, not wanting to let go of the phone.

Lu Xingyi wanted to take it, but he couldn't move it.

"Let go of your hand, I'll take your phone."

"Then don't look at it."

"." Lu Xing was at a loss for words, Mu Chengxi's naive personality was a little too outrageous.

After a long time, Lu Xingyi finally coaxed him and turned to get his phone.

It's okay not to move, but when I move, my waist hurts.


"What's the matter, baby?" Mu Chengxi jumped up from the bed in an instant, and looked over with worried expression.

Lu Xingyi stretched out his hand to touch his waist, but found no problem, it must have been hurt by Mu Chengxi's hand all night last night.

It's so hard to fall in love with a puppy!It was just one night.

"It's okay." She touched her mobile phone and looked at the time: "It's still early, eight o'clock."

Mu Chengxi is in no mood to worry about time at this meeting, he still doesn't know what happened to his baby just now.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Listening to his baby, Lu Xingyi got goosebumps.

"It's okay, it's just a backache."

"Back pain?" The man was puzzled, he didn't do anything last night, how could he have a back pain?
Lu Xingyi didn't bother to explain, so he slowly got up from the bed,
His waist was twisted heavily, and his brows were all knit together.

Seeing this, Mu Chengxi quickly got out of bed, and hugged her up: "Where are you going?"

" wash up."

"it is good."

The two moved to the bathroom, and Mu Chengxi put her down and warned: "Baby, wash first, I'll go to the guest room to wash, and I'll be right back. Don't move around until I come back."

The girl Mumu nodded, picked up the toothbrush and cup to wash.

Mu Chengxi left quickly.

Lu Xingyi couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart, and asked the system in his heart.

Lu Xingyi: Is it normal for my partner to react like this?

[Host please rest assured, it is normal, even if it is better than the situation I just exemplified, it is normal too]

Lu Xingyi recalled, the system was saying.
Crying in her arms?

It is estimated that Mu Chengxi can't do it, but he has hugged him before.

[Host, please don't doubt my professional ability, this is all from experience. 】

The system is dissatisfied.

Lu Xingyi: Experience?Isn't she the first to have this system?
【That's right, the host will gradually understand. 】

【Get along well with your partner~】

As soon as the words fell, the bathroom door was opened, and Mu Chengxi came in after washing.

Lu Xingyi was only halfway through washing, and he couldn't believe it when he saw the man returning at the speed of light.

"Are you ready?"


Withdrawing his surprised expression, Lu Xingyi speeded up, and 2 minutes later, Mu Chengxi carried him downstairs for breakfast.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, Lu Xingyi suddenly struggled, as if he had escaped from Mu Chengxi's arms.

what the hell!

What time is it, why are Bao Bao, Wang Chuan and Kai here?

If she was hugged in, would she still be able to keep her face?

"What's wrong?" Mu Chengxi didn't understand.

Lu Xingyi hurriedly turned his back to the restaurant and leaned into the man's ear: "Put me down quickly, why are they all here? I'll walk in by myself."

I can't even take care of my back pain now, I just think about embarrassment.

The man stared at her cute expression, and curled his lips: "I think it's easier to attract attention if you walk in with your waist supported than if I hug you in."

"I endure!"

The man looked at the girl's stubborn look, and reminded him in a low voice: "Actually, the fact that you stayed with me last night means everything."


What's the meaning!
Could it be that apart from hugging, Wang Chuan and Kai also knew about Mu Chengxi's plan?
Well, the friendship of several years is as thin as a cicada's wing, and no one has tipped her off about such an important matter!

"So, can I carry you in?"

Lu Xingyi let out a long sigh and nodded slightly.

As soon as the two entered the restaurant, the three inside immediately turned their heads and looked this way.

Hugging with an excited face, while Wang Chuan has a complete face of eating melons, watching the excitement is no big deal.

"Yo yo yo, is this out of order?" Wang Chuan probably turned to Lu Xingyi who had just taken his seat: "It was only a night later that I hugged him out. What did you do last night?"

Mu Chengxi's face darkened: "Hug here."

"Huh?" Baobao was dumbfounded: "Is there no hug? Uncle and aunt continue to talk."

"We still can talk while hugging."

Lu Xingyi glared at Wang Chuan, then cut a small piece of egg with a knife and fork and put it in his mouth.

"Eat more." Mu Chengxi added.

"By the way, I'm going to pick up Grandpa at the airport in the afternoon. The weekend is the annual meeting, and he flew back early." Lu Xingyi swiped his phone and found that it's already Wednesday.

Wang Chuan and Kai immediately replied in unison: "Okay."

"How are the preparations for next week's annual meeting?" Mu Chengxi asked.

Lu Xingyi opened the WeChat account of the person in charge of the annual meeting in the phone's address book, and showed Mu Chengxi a picture of the scene: "The basics are complete, see if you have any comments."

Judging from the pictures of the scene on the mobile phone, Lu Xingyi's preparations were perfect, and there was no need to question her ability at work.

"There is one less invitation letter for me."

"Pfft—" Wang Chuan burst out laughing, "Is this still Mu Chengxi from before?"

The man's face sank again, and he glanced at her coldly: "Have you finished eating?"

Lu Xingyi choked just now, and he took a sip of milk before recovering: "Wait a minute, I'll ask the company's PR department to give you another one."

She had neglected it before, but after he reminded her, she realized that there were really no people on the list, and she had neglected the people who stayed with her every day. Lu Xingyi immediately reopened the invitation list and looked at it again, afraid that there might be others. loophole.

(End of this chapter)

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