Chapter 338
Lu Xingyi glared at Mu Chengxi again, blaming him, everyone knew about it!

"I was drunk last night and he just took care of me." She tried to quibble.

Hearing her strange voice, Wang Chuan felt more enlightened in his heart, "Is that so, the video?"

"It wasn't from last night." Lu Xingyi wasn't lying about this, the video Mu Chengxi posted was indeed not from last night.

"Oh~" Wang Chuan intentionally drew a long tail: "Then why can't you get out of bed today?"

"I..." Lu Xingyi's face turned pink, he was at a loss for words, he couldn't turn his head for a while, and couldn't find a reason.

"Have you finished asking?" Seeing that his wife was upset, Mu Chengxi immediately stepped forward to protect the lord.

Wang Chuan shifted his eyes to him, "Tsk tsk, you're being good when you get a bargain."

"That's right," Nan Qingfeng echoed: "Chengxi, you are a man, you have to be more generous, what's wrong, is there something wrong with that, it's hard to talk about it?"


Lu Xingyi blurted out two words in his heart.

If there are problems in the whole world, it is not Mu Chengxi's fault. Although she has only experienced him, it does not affect her certainty that his ability exceeds 99% of men.

"Get out!" The man yelled, and then chuckled lightly: "A man who can't straighten up after being squeezed, still has the face to criticize me?"

"Damn! Why did you expose me directly, Wang Chuan is still here, I don't want to lose face!" Nan Qingfeng was ashamed and annoyed, and angrily spoke out, but Mu Chengxi didn't take it seriously at all.

On the other hand, Lu Xingyi, who was working on the keyboard, froze his dancing fingers on the keyboard.

"I can't straighten my waist after being squeezed", no matter how I heard Mu Chengxi was connoting her, she glanced coldly at the man.

Mu Chengxi immediately realized that he was wrong, pursed his lips and shut up.

These two uninvited people are so annoying and lead him to say the wrong thing.My wife also told me to be restrained in front of outsiders, and I didn't dare to coax him. I hope the baby won't be angry, and when the two of them left, he would immediately kneel down and apologize to his wife.

Nan Qingfeng also noticed the situation, covered his lips and snickered.

"Is there anything else?" Mu Chengxi said in a bad tone, with the obvious intention of expulsion.

"We just came to see your battle last night, and by the way, book the tickets for the finals of "Top Stream With You." Wang Chuan said casually.

Lu Xingyi paused when he heard the words: "What do you want tickets for?"

"There is a small task that the headquarters gave me today, investigation, a small problem." Wang Chuan turned the thin silver chain on his wrist: "Take a good rest, the headquarters has a lot of small tasks recently, it will be hard to explain if you can't get out of bed by then gone."

"I'll keep the tickets for you." Lu Xingyi answered only half of the words, and didn't know how to respond to the other half.

Wang Chuan made an "OK" gesture, brushed his long hair, and walked out of the bedroom.

"Wait," Lu Xingyi suddenly thought of something, "Are you at home?"

"Yes, do you want to bring him here?"

Lu Xingyi nodded: "Bring him over for dinner later."


Nan Qingfeng followed Wang Chuan's footsteps: "Wait for me."

After the two left, the master bedroom returned to calm, and Mu Chengxi knelt down on one knee beside the bed with a "plop",
"My wife, I was wrong."

Lu Xingyi was taken aback by him, and the movement of his hands stopped again: "What's wrong with you?"

Mu Chengxi was focused on repentance, and the other knee also fell on the carpet, and his head stuck into her arms: "I didn't mean to say what Nan Qingfeng said just now."

"I don't mind that much." Lu Xingyi took a deep breath, and she also reflected on herself the moment she saw Wang Chuan just now, "I will exercise more in the future."

"Is the baby not angry?" Mu Chengxi raised his eyes, his black eyes were sparkling at the moment, like a well-behaved lion lying on the girl's lap.

The latter shook his head slightly, pressed the "Enter" key on the keyboard with his fingers, and put the computer aside.

"Okay, the work is almost finished, can you hug me up?"

"Of course, where does my wife want to go?"

"Get out of bed and walk around, you can't stay in the room all day."

Mu Chengxi embraced her slender waist with both hands, dragged her waist to make her sit up, and then squatted down to help her put on the fluffy kitten white slippers.

Lu Xingyi's whole body seemed to have been reorganized. Whenever any joint was moved, that joint would hurt. Except for the fingers and toes, there was almost no movement in the whole body.

Really need to strengthen exercise
Putting on the slippers, the man's solid, muscular arms hugged her again, loosening his strength little by little, until finally he still supported her.

Lu Xingyi put his hands on his shoulders. People who don't know this scene may think it is some rehabilitation exercise after a fracture.

It's too ridiculous.

"Let go." She said softly.

Hearing this, the man slowly took a step back and completely relaxed.

Lu Xingyi thought that after half a day of cultivation, she should be almost ready, but she didn't expect that the moment the man let go, her legs still became weak uncontrollably, and she fell onto the bed.
"Let me help you, baby."

"No!" she insisted.

The last time she went to the airport to fly alone that day, after several years of physical training, she couldn't be worse than before!

Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to stand up. Although she was still a little trembling, she stood up, didn't she?
Seeing her stubborn look, Mu Chengxi curled his lips, and glanced at the geometric clock in the room: "It's still a while before dinner, baby, do you want to watch a movie?"

"Have you seen any good movies lately?"

"Go to a private theater to choose, from old classics to recent hits."


He wanted to go forward to help Lu Xingyi, but was ruthlessly pushed away: "I can do it myself."

Walking slowly all the way to the private theater in the basement, and sat down on the large leather sofa, Lu Xingyi sighed comfortably.

Finally I can rest.

She vowed to hit the gym tomorrow when she recovered, focusing on her abs and legs.

The servant in charge of cleaning and tidying up the private theater saw the young master coming down, and immediately came up with the movie catalog: "Master, Doctor Lu, what do you two want to see?"

Mu Chengxi had no objection, and directly handed over the decision-making power to Lu Xingyi.

Looking through the list, she caught a glimpse of a very classic love movie. She wanted to watch it for a long time but never took the time to find it. She didn't expect it to be available at home.

The servant responded immediately after seeing it clearly. After 2 minutes, the video began to play.

Two days later, the trainees who advanced to the final round returned to the resort again to start the next round of training.

The next performance will be the finals. This practice is directly related to the final quota of the show. All the remaining trainees pay special attention to the competition rules, selection and order of appearance.

We have already come to this point, everyone wants to fight for the limited debut quota.

Lu Xingyi and Mu Chengxi arrived together. When they came back this time, the other trainees and staff except Shang Hui obviously showed some respect to her.

Now Lu Xingyi is no longer Lu Xingyi who represents her personally. She is the president of Star Entertainment Group. For other trainees, she can determine the resources of the entertainment industry to a certain extent, which is about their future. .

In the last round, this grouping adopts the way that the instructor selects the students, and the repertoire is also freely selected by the instructor.

Mu Chengxi was the first to choose, and he chose Lu Xingyi without hesitation. This time, the latter had no right to refuse and entered his team smoothly.

[After Mr. Mu's unilateral official announcement, the sincere CP fit together for the first time! 】

【It's finally the finals! ! 】

[President Lu rushes forward, the future is promising! 】

[Sisters in front!Official announcement?Unilateral official announcement?where!ask for directions]

[Finally let me see a sincere CP that can move!Those ceremonies in the past two days were all photos, or just short videos, I want to see their interactions! 】

[President Lu's identity is too good!Hidden for so long!I love her to death! 】

【What is a good match!Those girls who hadn't been able to figure it out with Mr. Mu before were dismissed in one fell swoop! 】

[The previous one, the official announcement is in the comment section of a Weibo post by Mr. Mu]

【receive!Go see it now! 】

[Hahaha sisters are so cute, come back in seconds, is it a squatting one? 】

[No one calls Sister Lu today, all of them are Mr. Lu eh heh]

【Hey hey Mr. Lu. Hey hey hey】

[Nympho upstairs, watch out for Boss Mu hitting you! 】


The comment area was full of enthusiasm, and comments from Lu Xingyi and Mu Chengxi accounted for at least 50.00%.

In the camera, now is the time for other instructors to choose trainees. Mu Chengxi took out his mobile phone from his suit pocket, opened Weibo, flipped through it casually, and found that there were no hot searches, and then clicked on the "+" sign in the middle of the bottom of the page .

It was well captured by Lu Xingyi's eyes.

"What are you going to post again?"

The man's bony fingers stopped, and he turned his head to meet his wife's gaze: "What does the baby want me to say?"

"It's outside." Lu Xingyi lowered his voice.

The sexy thin lips drew an arc, Mu Chengxi restrained himself a little, clicked to select the picture, and handed the album to Lu Xingyi openly: "Baby choose."

This time the voice was played so softly that only the two of them could hear it.

But not being able to hear it doesn't mean not being able to see it. CP fans are already crazy.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 】

[The mentors and trainees of the talent show publicly show their affection!This setting is so touching, I love it! 】

[It's official!It's really official!I believe it! 】

[Mr. Mu is really reliable, they must be real! 】

[What kind of brainless animals are the fans upstairs?Do you have the quality to play with your mobile phone unscrupulously at the recording scene in public?The rice circle stinks! 】

[It’s so sweet to me, they are already married in my heart]

[Be rough, I've imagined that they had three babies]

[? ? ?Will the first two be too aggressive?]

[The royal family still has so many brain-dead fans, absolutely nothing]

[The embarrassment is poisonous, how many people in the audience are playing with their mobile phones, and the trainees are still playing, let alone these two presidents, you will lose billions of dollars in business if you miss it?Oh no, I'm afraid you haven't even seen billions. 】

[What the hell, Mr. Lu's business ability is worse than other people's. As the president and program investor, we don't show off in the program at all. It's much better than you people who have to pick up the keyboard and beep at the slightest thought.]

[Laughing, you are an investor, you have to endure the royal family]

[Mr. Mu posted on Weibo! 】

【just!I saw it too]

[Oh my god, Mr. Mu's little cat is so cute! 】

[Not only is Meow Meow cute, but the image of Mr. Mu in my heart is also suddenly cute! 】

Mu Chengxi v: Follow in the footsteps of Tuanzi! /Cat's claw compares heart/Cat's claw compares heart【Video】

The content of the video is a picture of Tuanzi stepping forward with four short legs, and he followed all the way behind. The white ball raised a tail and flickered, very cute, and he followed closely behind Gao Ding Shoes form.

Lu Xingyi looked at the Weibo he edited and was very satisfied. Mu Chengxi took back his phone and only glanced at it. He sent it without changing a single punctuation mark.

Seeing how straightforward he was, Lu Xingyi raised his lips in satisfaction.

"Weibo copywriting, you have to do what you say!" After successfully fooling her, she was very happy.

It took Mu Chengxi a few seconds to understand Lu Xingyi's words, then glanced at the screen again, and said in a doting tone, "When will I be disobedient?"

Lu Xingyi thought about it for a while, and it seems that there is really nothing so far.

He wanted to reach out and rub the man's hair, but he didn't do it because of the camera: "So far, it's doing well, keep it up."


[With a spoiled face, this is not the Mr. Mu I know! 】

[Mr. Mu and Mr. Lu seemed to be different people when they were talking, and they were too spoiled. 】

【Immortal love, envy】

[Ah hey, pay attention to the camera, the single dog said that he received [-] critical hits]

[No, don't, don't pay attention to the camera, it's better to give me some physical contact]

[That's right, I don't mind kissing one]

【Ok?Am I on the wrong set?Is this a blind date or a draft? 】

[Sisters upstairs, I would like to introduce you solemnly. This is a love life reality show, and there is nothing to watch, but the guests are very good-looking, all-round, and perfect, and love is especially good and sweet]

【Ahahaha successfully aroused my interest in watching】

【Let's eat CP together, sister】

【Can't stop laughing.】

The two whispered, and quickly finished the process of this scene, ready to go to the dormitory to pack their luggage.

Mo Jinsheng has been watching the interaction between the two from a distance today, his eyes are looking this way intentionally or unintentionally, and he doesn't know what it feels like.

Lu Xingyi's identity and the last time he was drinking with Wang Chuan were all stumbling blocks in his pursuit of Lu Xingyi, and the relationship between Mu Chengxi and her seemed so close now, he was really afraid that if he was not more direct chance

But the stumbling block is still a hurdle in his heart, and he is trying to break through.

the top floor of the dormitory building,
Mu Chengxi pushed his and Lu Xingyi's luggage back to the same room.

I remember that the last time the two stayed here, they still lived in two separate rooms. It wasn't long before the relationship developed so rapidly. Lu Xingyi recalled it to himself, and his fair face turned red again.

"Honey, why are you blushing again?"

Lu Xingyi quickly came back to his senses: "It's nothing, just go to the group."

"What did you think of?" the man asked.

Looking at his expression, Lu Xingyi knew that he had guessed it. With a smirk on his face, he pushed his strong chest: "I'm going downstairs to exercise soon, do you want to go?"

"I only practiced for five hours last night, and I went again this morning?"

"Hmm!" Lu Xingyi remained firm: "I feel that my physical fitness has declined rapidly recently, and I need to exercise more."

How can a man not know her thoughts,
"Actually, don't bother so much, next time I will"

Lu Xingyi quickly realized what he was talking about, and quickly stretched out his hand to cover his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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