Chapter 340
Lu Xingyi took the little cute bag back to the guest room to wash up, while Mu Chengxi was shut out.

Whoever made him talk nonsense just now, Lu Xingyi just refused to let him in.

Poor Mr. Mu could only hug his phone, his tall body nestled on the sofa, flipping through his wife's previous Weibo and Moments, while waiting for her to come out after coaxing her.

Lu Xingyi took out the cute bag wrapped in a bath towel from the bathroom, and stuffed him under the quilt, only his little head was exposed.

"Ma Ma, have you hugged and washed the fragrance?"

"Well, my baby smells delicious all over now." Lu Xingyi smiled, and reached out to touch his little head that had just been dried.

Xiaomengbao also smiled happily: "Uncle said my storybook is in the bag's interlayer, so hurry up and get it."

Lu Xingyi hung Xiaomengbao's nose: "It's better to hug and remember, I have forgotten about it, and I am going to look for it."

"Hey, I know Mama didn't remember."

Lu Xing moved out of bed and found the story book from his bag, asked where Huo Bao heard last time, and began to read the story emotionally.

Lu Baobao's big eyes stared at Ma Ma brightly, and he didn't feel sleepy for a long time.

Lu Xingyi was so engrossed in the story that he came back to his senses after finishing reading a storybook. He turned his head, and Xiaomengbao still had a pair of big eyes open.

"Huh? It's nine o'clock, isn't baby still sleepy?"

"Ma Ma, am I going to school soon?" Bao Bao suddenly asked, looking forward to it.

"That's right, does Huo Bao really want to go to school?"

Lu Baobao nodded frantically: "Well, well, I like going to school, I can learn knowledge, and I can also play with children. But..."

He suddenly stopped talking.

"what happened?"

"After school, every time Mama comes to pick me up, should I be called 'Auntie' or 'Mama'?"

Lu Xingyi didn't expect him to ask such a question, and thought that Huo Bao's concerns were about making friends, school teachers, or the environment.

That's right, the most normal address for other children has become his concern all along.

Lu Xingyi thought of Mu Chengxi who was outside the door, looked at the eyes that had hidden the light just now, and smiled,

"Of course it's called Mama. Mama will take care of everything before you go to school. Don't worry, baby."

"Really? Then Huo Huo will soon be able to openly announce that Ma Ma is my Ma Ma in front of everyone?"

"Yes! Believe me, it will be soon."

Lu Baobao jumped out of the quilt happily, never been so happy.

"Yeah! Long live Mama! Hug my favorite Mama!"

Lu Xingyi followed him with a smile, and after he bounced a few times, he hugged him back and stuffed him into the quilt again.

"Hug and be good, it's winter, you can't kick the quilt at night, you can ask Ma Ma for an inspection in the middle of the night."

"Yeah, yum," Xiao Mengbao agreed to say anything now: "Mum, go and sleep with Uncle Mu, he is more childish than hugging, and he needs someone else to sleep with."

Lu Xingyi's face warmed up, and he refused: "Wait until Huo Huo falls asleep before going out."

"Huh? Hug and sleep now!" After saying that, Xiaomengbao closed her eyes, and fell asleep very obediently, with a smile on her lips in the dream.

Lu Xingyi looked at his sleeping face, got up from the bed, tucked the quilt for him, and left quietly.

As soon as he closed the door, he turned around and ran into the man's arms.


The tall and small nose bumped into the man's chest muscles, his nasal cavity was sour, and tears came out.

"I'm sorry baby." The man apologized subconsciously. He originally wanted to surprise her, but he didn't expect this to happen.

Lu Xingyi pushed him angrily: "I'm not allowed to exercise in the future, all my muscles hurt me."

"Really?" The man showed a smirk: "But does my wife usually like to touch it?"

"Fart!" Lu Xingyi shyly turned around and went to the bedroom: "I'm going to wash up first."

Mu Chengxi followed without stopping, and saw her walk into the bathroom, sit on the sofa in the bedroom with her legs crossed, staring at the bathroom door with a satisfied face, waiting patiently.

The sound of pattering water came, and Lu Xingyi's body and face were covered with clear water droplets, surrounded by the noisy sound, and her thoughts were confused.

She promised to hug her just now, but that means she has to confess to Mu Chengxi,

However, how could she speak out frankly about memories that she herself hadn't fully accepted yet?
I will take Baobao to school after the next year, there is no time for her to delay
The sound of water came suddenly, she tore off the bath towel to wrap her body, and came to the bathroom door after doing skin care casually.

"Baby washed?"

The man's voice entered the eardrum for the first time.

Lu Xingyi raised his head and nodded slightly, "Go and wash."

Looking at the man's relaxed expression at the moment, thinking about the little things he clings to me these days, and thinking about what I have to say, some fear arose in my heart.

She was afraid that the man would turn his back on him, but if it was her, she would definitely turn his back on it.

He lay down in bed in a daze, turned up the heater a few degrees, and sat in a daze with a blank expression on his face.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, but she still couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Forget it, let's look for another chance after tonight.

Soon the man's breath rushed to her face, swept her nasal cavity, and her petite body fell into a firm embrace.

"Wife" has a low voice.

The alarm bell rang in Lu Xingyi's head immediately. In Mu Chengxi's situation, he must have thought of something good.

"Do not talk."

"Why." The man refused to accept, and then said: "I hugged and said today, I want younger brothers and sisters, do you like children?"


really! ! !

She just knew it! ! !

"What?" She lay down flat and put down her phone while playing sloppy eyes: "I didn't hear the heater is blowing too much, I'm so sleepy, go to sleep."

Mu Chengxi saw her eyes closing quickly, and her slender eyelashes were still trembling slightly.

Fake sleep.

"Humph," said dissatisfied, and then turned off the light with a resentful expression: "The future will be long."

Lu Xingyi twitched the corner of his lips pretending to be sleeping, and then turned over seemingly inadvertently, putting one arm around the man's waist.

A week of intense training passed quickly, and the finals arrived in a blink of an eye.

All the audience at the scene had been sitting in the audience for a long time, Wang Chuan was in the middle of the front row, she had a mission, and Lu Xingzhi arranged the best position for her, only from the perspective of the instructors.

Beside Wang Chuan, Nan Qingfeng got the ticket from somewhere, and sat next to her in a suit and leather shoes, with a bag in his hand.

"Why are you here?" Wang Chuan noticed a handsome guy sitting next to him, and habitually turned his head to look at his appearance, but he didn't expect it to be Nan Qingfeng.

"What's the matter? Can't I come to see President Lu's finals? I most hope that President Lu will win the first place."

Wang Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked down: "You know I'm talking about your location, what a coincidence? Next to me?"

"That's not true." Nan Qingfeng took out a bottle of red wine and two goblets from the bag in his hand: "I found someone to buy the location, and I can't sit alone in a crowd of strangers watching Bar."

This reason is quite reasonable, Wang Chuan looked at the quilt in his hand, and raised his eyebrows: "Will you be able to taste the red wine while watching a talent show?"

"It's necessary, otherwise how can I have fun."

"The director didn't arrange a few more private rooms on the spot, I really wronged you."

Nan Qingfeng:? ? ?

"Why does it sound like you are very dissatisfied?"

"It's okay, you don't need to worry about it, I just think you are delicate, but it's normal for you to be a son of a wealthy family."

"How can I? I can roll mud and climb grass, okay?"

"I know, I know, let's have a quiet meeting, you talk more than me."

Nan Qingfeng twitched the corners of his lips, feeling disgusted.

No way, he dug out a corkscrew from the bag of a high-end winery, opened the wine on the spot, poured two glasses, and handed Wang Chuan a glass.

Wang Chuan drank half a glass without saying a word.

"Huh? I thought you didn't know how to drink." Nan Qingfeng couldn't help but said.

Wang Chuan glanced over coldly: "Do you still need money?"

"No, no, you clearly know that I don't mean that. But drink at the beginning, be careful not to get drunk."

"If you feel bad about wine, just tell me, I don't need those two drinks." Wang Chuan waved his hand, took out a wad of cash from his trousers pocket, and threw it on the man next to him: "Be quiet, I have money tonight." Task, drinking is for refreshment."

Obviously, Nan Qingfeng couldn't be quiet: "Refreshing? Did you not sleep last night?"

At this moment, Wang Chuan can't wait to find a needle and thread to sew a zipper on the man's mouth, but it's a pity that she doesn't have that skill.

"Can't you understand that I didn't sleep?"

"Go to the bar?"


Nan Qingfeng's words froze for a moment, with mixed emotions in his heart, and he was speechless.

She went to the bar again, it was the same Wang Chuan.

The man next to him was clean, and Wang Chuan took another sip of the wine in the goblet in satisfaction, shaking the wrist holding the glass casually. Not long after, the time reached the hour, the lights of the audience went out, and the spotlight came back on a second later. Lit up and landed center stage.

Mo Jinsheng rose up from the lifting platform in the center of the stage to meet the audience.


"Mo Yingdi—"


The screams in the arena continued, and there was a diehard fan of Mo Jinsheng sitting behind Wang Chuan and Nan Qingfeng, the decibels directly gave them tinnitus.

Wang Chuan glanced back in dissatisfaction, but the latter obviously didn't notice and kept shouting loudly.

The position of the two of them was too central and conspicuous, and Mo Jinsheng on the stage quickly noticed them, Wang Chuan keenly caught his eyes froze, and the host speech on his mouth also paused slightly,
Smiling, he slowly raised a hand to greet him.

Mo Jinsheng caught a glimpse of Wang Chuan, thought about what happened that night, his expression tightened, and the notebook in his hand almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, his quick reaction did not cause any mistakes.

After a brief welcome and curtain call, he grandly invited the five mentors of "Top Stream With You" to enter.

The five people with Mu Chengxi in the middle also took the stage on the elevator platform. Mu Chengxi wore a pure black suit with a smart belt, his hairstyle was fixed meticulously by hairspray, and the gold-rimmed mirror was framed on the bridge of his nose. He was full of gentle scum.

This outfit was chosen by my wife, and he is very satisfied.

As soon as he came out, the audience was not as silent as usual in the company. On the contrary, the audience cheered even louder. The number of people who called "Mr. Mu" obviously surpassed the number of people who called "Mo Jinsheng" just now. number of people.

"Wow, Chengxi is doing well now, and the popularity is so high."

"Is your home internet disconnected?" Wang Chuan cast a sideways glance.

Nan Qingfeng shook his head blankly: "No. Wang Chuan, do you think we will gain such a high popularity just like Chengxi Xiaolu after participating in our variety show?"

"will not."

Answered without hesitation.

"Why?" Nan Qingfeng originally thought she would give an affirmative answer.

"With our personalities, it's not bad if we don't recruit gangsters."

"Impossible, didn't you broadcast live before? How can there be black fans?"

Wang Chuan drank the wine in one gulp: "Pull it down, don't talk, it's obvious that you haven't watched my live broadcast, and every time there are people scolding me in the live broadcast room."

Nan Qingfeng was embarrassed. He did not catch up with the live broadcast every time, and there was no comment on the replay.

The live broadcast platform is too tasteless.

Mu Chengxi saw the two sitting in the front row talking on the stage, Nan Qingfeng licked the dog with the naked eye, and let out a light snort.

The backstage was actively preparing for the battle. Lu Xingyi saw the man's expression through the real-time broadcast, but didn't understand.

At this moment, the live broadcast channel has been opened, and fans of trainees, mentors, and hosts all flocked in, as well as the audience who were tracking the latest progress of the program, all looking forward to tonight's exciting finals.

The competition system of the finals is different from the previous ones. In addition to team competitions, there are also individual single performances. The final voting is also counted by individuals. The top seven will make their debut under the name of the group of the program, and participate in group activities that will last for half a year.

This is a competition for resources for artists who have already debuted, and it is an opportunity for students who have not yet debuted to participate in the company to participate in the audition for the first time.

Mu Chengxi and another mentor were arranged to be seated, while Ji Jiayan, Ren Yu and the dance instructor stayed on stage, bringing the audience their opening show as mentors.

Nan Qingfeng foolishly greeted Mu Chengxi in the audience, and Wang Chuan gave him a disgusted look again.

From the beginning of the music, professional musicians, professional dancers, and an instructor who takes both singing and dancing as an artist will perform together. The first one to appear on the stage is Ji Jiayan. He chose a popular piece of music and asked Sister Lu for advice during the practice period. He has a lot of singing and dancing knowledge, is very expressive on stage, and cooperates with the camera. Even if he is not at a professional level, his performance still won a lot of applause.

Then came the dance instructor and Ren Yu, one singing and the other dancing. First, there was an extremely soft dance, and then an extremely elegant singing voice.

The last surprise was that Mo Jinsheng joined in. The four men moved in unison on the stage, and the harmony was perfect. After the ending pose, the audience applauded.

Call each family's husband!

It was the first time for Wang Chuan to sit in the front row, and the waves of sound coming from behind made her realize the power of the girls in the fan circle like never before.

Lu Xingyi's group had the highest total number of votes in the last round. In the first round of team competition, they got the finale order of appearance, which was very favorable. In the second round of individual competition, Lu Xingyi got the middle one. order of appearance.

In the finals, there are very few groups competing for team performances, and all the trainees are tensing the strings in their hearts at this moment, making final preparations.

(End of this chapter)

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