Chapter 350 The second stage is estrus?

The exact same file already exists on the computer.

Lu Baobao was puzzled, and clicked to confirm again.
The content was roughly the same, and even more comprehensive than the ones he was looking for.

He got out of bed with the computer in his arms, and went next door to find Aunt Wang Chuan.


"Come in." Wang Chuan said, "Yes, I don't live alone."

She was leaning on the bed and talking on the phone with a certain little brother in List, Lu Baobao took the computer and sat aside first, waiting for her to hang up the phone.

Seeing Xiaomengbao's expression, Wang Chuan seemed to have something important to do, and immediately turned down the phone in his hand: "I have another little brother calling here, let's talk next time."

"Well, good bye."

After hanging up the phone, she threw the phone aside.

"Auntie, I'm not the little brother in your fish pond." Lu Baobao said lightly, with a helpless expression on his face.

Wang Chuan waved his hand and smiled casually: "Of course, I'm just reminding my little fish that he has to perform well, and the fish lining up behind him will take his place."

"Okay." Lu Baobao heaved a sigh of relief, then handed over the computer.

"Auntie, what are these files in your computer?"

Wang Chuan took the computer from him, looked at it carefully, and then understood: "Oh, this, you saw it."

"This is on Xiaolu's computer. I have made an extra copy here. You should know all these things, right?"

"Well, I got it." Lu Bao was puzzled: "Since Ma Ma has found these scandals a long time ago, why didn't they release them in time?"

If any scandal in the document is released, not only the Lu family, but also Mu Yue will be ruined.

Although the latter doesn't seem to care.

Wang Chuan's lips curled into a wry smile, she also asked Xiao Lu the same question.

"What Xiaolu wants is the direct evidence of that incident back then, and these are just auxiliary."

"Can't find it?"

It shouldn't be possible to investigate what happened five years ago with current technology. Ma Ma's hacking skills are better than mine, and Uncle Mu, can't they do it?
"Hug, the Lu family doesn't have that ability, but the Mu family does." Wang Chuan hesitated for a moment: "The last time Xiao Lu's gunshot wound was also designed by Mu Yue, although his reputation at home and abroad has completely collapsed, But there's no denying he's a formidable opponent."

Wang Chuan put the notebook aside: "You already know almost everything you need to know, go to sleep, and leave this matter to us."


"Don't get involved." Wang Chuan denied his idea before he could speak.

Lu Baobao bowed his head, stood there for a long time, finally nodded, and walked away slowly in a low mood.

Wang Chuan took out a thin cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

At noon the next day.

It was already noon when Lu Xingyi woke up, and his stomach was empty.

She was woken up by starvation.

The first thing to do when you recover is to scold the system.

Lu Xingyi: The system will come out to me!

[Host, here I come! 】

Lu Xingyi: The second stage you mentioned is the estrus period? ? ? ! ! !
The inner roar scared the system.

[Host host, don’t be so angry in the morning. This is the practice of the meow clan. The second stage of every meow clan is like this, and I can’t change it.]

Lu Xingyi: It's not the broken rules you set at the beginning!

【Actually. Host, do you believe me when I say it's not me? 】

Lu Xingyi: Believe in you big-headed ghost!

【Host, are you okay? 】

Lu Xingyi gave something in the air a big roll of his eyes, could it not see it?
[Although I didn't expect the host to be so fierce before, but this is a normal phenomenon, the main reason is that the fighting power of the host and the target is too strong]

As the system spoke, its voice gradually weakened, and it dared not speak.

It seems to have said something wrong.

Lu Xingyi didn't bother to care about it anymore, and the soreness on his body wouldn't disappear even after thinking about it for a long time, and it was a waste of effort, just pouting this pink lip: Where's Mu Chengxi?

[Report to the host that the object of interest is working in the study. 】

It's the end of the year, and the annual meeting is approaching. The affairs of Dingcheng Group must be complicated. Lu Xingyi thought about it and said nothing.

The system heard the sound of someone's flat belly in the air, and opened his mouth cautiously.

[Host, do you need the system to help you call your crush over? 】

Don't dare to speak loudly, the system doesn't dare to mess with the powder keg on the bed.

Lu Xingyi was taken aback: Do you still have this function?
[Although I can't communicate with the person I'm interested in the same way I communicate with the host, I can control the host's mobile phone]

Lu Xingyi thought about it, and finally shook his head: Forget it, no need, I'm too tired, I'll sleep later.

The system retreated silently upon hearing the words, and it was normal for the host to be sleepy. Since the wind and rain stopped last night, she has only slept for less than eight hours, which has not yet satisfied the basic sleep requirements of human beings.

Lu Xingyi was tired and hungry, and within a minute of closing her eyes, she re-entered the dream. This time, she was woken up.

"Wife." A hoarse voice rang in his ear.

The girl faintly heard the man's soft call in her sleep, regained her senses from the sweet dream, and tried to open her heavy eyelids.

"Hmm," she murmured, "I'm so sleepy."

The sunshine outside the window was particularly good today, even the curtains couldn't block the dazzling light, and it slightly let in, brightening the girl's fair face.

Mu Chengxi stared at her melon-seeded face, the flabbily skin, the thick and slender eyelashes, the small and beautiful bridge of the nose, and the soft pink lips that fascinated him, none of which he could fault.

"Aren't you awake yet?" His tone was gentle as if he could pinch water, his eyes were full of concern, and he stroked the girl's belly with one hand: "But I heard that my wife's stomach is upset."

Lu Xingyi was amused by his words, and covered his eyes with one hand to block the faint sunlight: "Are you coaxing the children?"

"Yes, my wife is my baby."

"What about hugs?"

Lu Xingyi asked suddenly. Although she had just woken up, her thoughts were already clear.

The man wrapped his index finger around the girl's hair: "Hug is our baby, whether he can accept me or not, I will love him the same."

Now that this is mentioned, Mu Chengxi propped himself up a bit, and said solemnly: "Honey, the previous five years were the life of hugs that I was absent from, and I will try my best to make up for it later. I can't imagine you going abroad with a hug alone .”

At this point, his tall nose became sour again, and he lost his voice.

Lu Xingyi fully understood his guilt, and stretched out a hand to hold his face: "Don't talk, I only look at actions."

The man restrained his emotions and nodded decisively: "Okay."

"Last night, I didn't do it on purpose." Lu Xingyi said shyly, avoiding the man's sight, blushing on his face.


"I..." Lu Xingyi couldn't continue speaking shyly.

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and confessed: "Tuanzi's estrus period has come, so I"

"So that's how it is." The man looked at her tightly closed eyes and smiled, "No wonder she was so active last night."

"I didn't do it on purpose." Lu Xingyi opened his eyes to peek, and then retracted the moment his eyes met the man's.

The man smiled heartily, and his magnetic voice attacked her eardrums: "It's okay, I like it."

"Bad guy." The girl said sullenly.

"I won't tease you anymore." Mu Chengxi didn't forget that Lu Xingyi was hungry, "Can you get up?"


".It's quite honest."

Lu Xingyi curled his lips, "It's not your fault, I didn't restrain myself at all."

"Well, I think it's time to buy a new bed?"

Lu Xingyi was puzzled by the jump in the man's thinking, and frowned slightly: "Why?"

"It has to be replaced with a height-adjustable bed board like the one in the hospital, lest you can't get up."

"." Lu Xingyi really wanted to do it now.

"Get up, it's not that you can't get up."

What she feels now is just a combination of stiff neck, stiff shoulders, twitching, leg cramps, and muscle strains.

Lu Xingyi propped himself up with his hands, took a deep breath, endured and endured, and finally succeeded in sitting on the bed.

"Get up!" She raised her head proudly, begging for praise.

In fact, this movement made her neck hurt again.

"My wife is awesome." Mu Chengxi cheered.

Just now Lu Xingyi felt that his body was not just because of last night.
It felt like I was still sleeping on the hard floor tiles all night.

"Muchengxi," the man who was clicking something on his phone looked up when he heard the voice: "Where did I sleep last night?"

"On me."

She knew it.

"Knock knock."

There was a knock on the door, and the butler came in pushing the dining cart, with all kinds of delicious food on it. Compared to usual, today's food looks very nutritious?

"Master, do you need any more food?" The butler first smiled at Lu Xingyi, and then asked Mu Chengxi.

Mu Chengxi looked around, "No need."


"and many more."

"Sir, say it."

"Go to the next door and ask Lu Bao to come over, and ask him if he would like to come and have lunch with Xing Yi and me."

Lu Xingyi's heart warmed.

Mu Chengxi's mobility is still very strong, with a slight smile on her face.

"Alright, young master." The butler immediately carried out the order after receiving it.

Mu Chengxi picked up the knife and fork, first filled a plate full of Lu Xingyi's favorite meals, put it on the edge of the bed, and fed it to her mouth.

Lu Xingyi twitched her fingers when she smelled the fragrance, but she still had to restrain herself: "Aren't you waiting for a hug?"

"Hugging is well educated by you, he won't mind."

"What if you mind?"

"I coax."

"Pfft—" Lu Xingyi couldn't help laughing out loud, it seems that after the identity of the hug was released, there was an extra task for Mu Chengxi.

"Eat quickly, I can't bear it when I'm starving." The man urged.

Lu Xingyi had been hungry for a long time, and she ate spoonful after spoonful quickly. By the time the butler walked over with her hug, she had already eaten half a plate of delicacies under Mu Chengxi's feeding.

"Ma Ma." Lu Baobao entered the door and greeted Lu Xingyi first, then moved his gaze to Mu Chengxi, and opened his mouth, but he didn't think of a name yet.

(End of this chapter)

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