Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 353 Song Xueer eats her own bitter fruit

Chapter 353 Song Xueer eats her own bitter fruit

"I've had a good life recently." Lu Xingyi answered casually, and then looked at Song Xueer's clothes from top to bottom.

If this is the director's taste, she can also understand why she agreed to let these four performances with such a low degree of fit be performed together.

Song Xueer is, as always, a person who doesn't understand the meaning of the phrase "you gain wisdom from what you eat". Even though she has experienced a trough and is now relying on dishonest means to keep herself alive, she does not lose her confidence in the slightest.

"Sister, Song Lili pushed me to a desperate situation, but I survived on my own. Soon, I will make you pay the price!" She shouldn't be here with the director tonight, she applied for it herself It took a long time for the director to respond irritably.

The purpose is simple, Song Xueer is going to confront Lu Xingyi tonight.

After Lu Xingyi, a team member didn't know the situation, walked up to Lu Xingyi and asked in a low voice: "Xingyi, what are you talking about?"

Lu Xingyi didn't want Song Xueer to affect everyone's training, "It's okay, you can go to the middle stage to check the position first, I will come soon."

"Okay. Let's go." Shang Hui was the first to take up the quarrel, and led several other team members to the central stage.

The creepy smile on Song Xueer's face grew stronger, but Lu Xingyi remained unmoved in the slightest.

"What? Sister, I know I'm ashamed, so send the others away?"

"Do you have anything else to do?"

"Yes, I'm too busy. Sister, you must have never thought of it. At this point in time, I hired professionals to hack into your computer to find the original surveillance video." Song Xueer looked proud: "Didn't you back then?" Give it to me? I can get it myself."

Lu Xing moved his lips and sneered: "Really? That's good."

"I don't even have the confidence to speak. The me now is different from the me at the time. I have the funds to hire professionals, which is definitely better than the network security department of your small broken company. I didn't expect it. After watching the video for so long, In the end, it will fall into my hands.”

"Yes, bless you, I hope the person you are looking for is really professional."

Lu Xingyi left a faint sentence, then turned around and walked away without looking back.

Song Xueer's innate superior self-confidence made her think that Lu Xingyi was afraid again, and walked proudly to the audience seat to rest, crossed her legs, and raised her head arrogantly.

The middle of the stage was fixed again, and when Lu Xingyi found his approximate position, Ye Xuanyan and the director also solved the soundtrack problem and came over.

"Xiaoye, think again about what I just said. Your team has just debuted, and I still have a lot of resources in my hands."

The director walked and talked, but Ye Xuanyan didn't answer, and everyone present understood the director's hint.

Lu Xingyi frowned. This director's character is indeed very poor and needs to be greatly improved.

"Star Shift." Ye Xuanyan patted her shoulder from behind.

Lu Xing turned his head, and naturally embraced her: "Don't bother."

What Ye Xuanyan wanted to hear the most at this moment was what Lu Xingyi said. Although the two had never had a deep friendship before, her affection for Lu Xingyi became deeper from this moment on.

"The performances of our team will not be affected." The director's words are still circling in her mind.

"Don't worry, we've already arranged everything, and the director will take care of it."

"President Mu?" Ye Xuanyan asked.

"Well, after tonight."

Lu Xingyi's consolation was obviously very useful, and it gave Ye Xuanyan a reassurance.

With Mr. Mu here, what is a director?
She was very glad that she participated in the program jointly invested by Mr. Mu and Lu Xingyi. If it were someone else, the comfort she received would probably be the opposite.

Half an hour later, they were super efficient and had refined all their movements.
The next step is to cooperate with the performances of the three circles outside.

The director stepped forward, and Song Xueer came up next to him.

Lu Xingyi observed the director's satisfied expression, probably because he didn't see any incongruities in the program, so he simply said,
"Director, I think our fit with the complete actors can be further improved."

"Hello, Mr. Lu." The director stretched out a hand, wanting to shake Lu Xingyi: "What do you mean by the degree of fit?"

Lu Xingyi glanced at the flesh-covered hand, endured the disgust in his heart, and shook it politely.

Although the director was malicious, but because of Lu Xingyi's high status, he didn't do anything excessive, at least he gave him a light shake and left.

"I think there are better arrangements for these three performances. Although the current performances use a lot of skills, they don't match the arrangement of the songs, and it also increases the risk factor for the actors, which can be handled better. "

The director basically understood, nodded symbolically, and then explained his original idea, "I designed this stage from the beginning to let the actors in the outer circle use more explosive movements to set off the perfection of your stage and bring the audience a sense of perfection. The most direct visual and psychological impact will make your stage more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

Lu Xingyi frowned slightly, the director didn't seem to listen to a word she said just now.

"Sister, if you can do it, why don't you play with those actors' cars?" Song Xueer interrupted.

When the director heard her voice, his expression became fierce again, and his tone was stern and merciless: "Shut up!"

Song Xueer has said everything she wants to say, she is a person who knows current affairs and keeps her mouth shut.

Lu Xing curled her lips, her methods were as straightforward as ever.

However, when she was practicing just now, she paid special attention to the performance outside, and she did have some ideas.

Since Song Xueer wanted to push herself out so much, why not just follow her will.

"Yes, I also believe in your judgment level, will you come with me?"

The corner of her mouth deliberately raised a shallow smile, inviting.

Song Xueer was stunned, what does Lu Xingyi mean?Want to embarrass her along with her?
She is not so easy to be fooled!
"I'm not as capable as my sister, I don't know how to play these things." She thought she had escaped a catastrophe and was complacent.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask my sister, will you?"

How could Lu Xingyi let her go so easily, he took out his phone from his bag, opened the email and searched for a long-old letter.

Then make it public.

"I happened to get the driver's licenses for these three items four years ago, but I haven't practiced for a long time. I don't know if my skills have regressed."

She turned her gaze to the director and pressed her secretly: "Director, I think Miss Song is very close to you. I want to take her to experience it from the first-person perspective. Will you give me this chance?"

Lu Xingyi even spoke up in person, so the director naturally agreed.

For a person as high as President Lu, it's nothing to use Song Xueer. Besides, it's not a bad thing, it's just an experience.

When he turned his head and looked at Song Xueer, his eyes became sharper, and he said in a threatening tone, "You, follow Mr. Lu."

Song Xueer was dumbfounded, why did the situation deviate from her imagination again.

But she really doesn't want to enter this tiger's pit!
"Director, I'm too timid to be Mr. Lu's car."

"Don't dare? Why don't you dare! Mr. Lu's driver's license has been in hand for four years, what worries do you have? Besides, I don't usually see you dare not take a car. Didn't you take pictures when you were filming?"

"Do you mean Mr. Lu or me?"

The director's words were fierce and he scolded angrily.

Lu Xingyi almost felt distressed when he saw Song Xueer's low voice and dared not speak.

Song Xueer had no chance to refuse at all, she could only swallow a bad breath in her heart, gritted her teeth and nodded: "Okay, director, I'm sorry, it's my attitude."

"Hmph! You wait for me at night."

The director didn't shy away from it at all.

Under the crowd, Song Xueer's face was a bit ugly.

"Let's go?" Lu Xing smiled brightly.

She had already done her best to Lu Xing, and it was impossible for her to be lenient again.

"Director, please borrow the car keys for me."

"Alright Mr. Lu."

After Lu Xingyi got the car keys, he took Song Xueer into the car, and first experienced the motorcycle.

"It seems that the director isn't very special to you, he doesn't feel sorry for you at all."

"What do you know, as long as you have money." Song Xueer was still stubborn.

"It's been so long, the professional you mentioned, did you get the video?"

Only then did Song Xueer remember that there was still this problem, she turned on the phone and clicked on the dialog box to ask.

When he turned his head again, Lu Xingyi had already put on his helmet and got into the car, with one leg propped on the side of the car, cool and sassy: "Put it on, get in the car."

She handed herself a helmet.

Lu Xingyi looked pretty good, and Song Xueer didn't think much about it. She put on the helmet and just got into the car, when a sudden force made her fall back, and her waist hit the last metal of the motorcycle.

Before she had time to sigh the pain, Lu Xing moved the motorcycle away so fast that she couldn't stand up, the whistling wind blew past, and the huge recoil controlled her body.

"Lu Xingyi!" She didn't care about anything else, and screamed loudly, making a piercing voice: "You don't want to die!"

The decibels were really high, Lu Xing moved one hand off and tightened the helmet tightly, but fortunately he put it on early, otherwise Song Xueer's mind would be buzzing with that voice just now.

Her hand returned to the position where she was controlling the direction, and looking at the upward slope in front of her, she pulled the accelerator to the end without hesitation: "Hold me tight."

After a low cry, he was bitten tightly on the waist.

Song Xueer was not stupid at the critical moment.

Two seconds later, the car was vacated, and Lu Xingyi suddenly got up from his seat. As soon as he lifted the front of the car, the whole motorcycle turned a perfect 360 degrees in the air!
The few people who were watching, including the actors who were originally riding motorcycles, were all dumbfounded!

The height of this slope is theoretically not enough to complete a 360-degree somersault, but Lu Xingyi actually completed it, and brought people!

While lamenting her amazing skills, I also sweated for her boldness.

Song Xueer's face turned pale. She thought she was just flying into the air, but she didn't expect that the world was spinning for a while. Fortunately, the strength in her hand was not loose, otherwise she would have fallen into something.

Lu Xingyi really made a deadly move, he didn't show mercy at all!
(End of this chapter)

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