Grandpa Mu's little milk cat exploded in the entertainment industry

Chapter 371 A Good Show; Pregnancy Preparation

Chapter 371 A Good Show; Pregnancy Preparation
Lu Xingyi recalled the scene of coaxing a man, and his little face quickly turned pink.

Wang Chuan's eyes caught her expression sharply, and a charming smile instantly appeared on his lips: "I understand~"

"No." Lu Xing burned his ears, wanting to refute: "I didn't"

"Hi, don't be shy, I won't tell others." Wang Chuan raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

Lu Xingyi touched his hot cheeks. He was really disappointed. He would turn red when he mentioned something. All the courses on psychological defense and camouflage at the headquarters were for nothing!
"I might have to go back to the headquarters to make up lessons." She sighed and said helplessly.

Wang Chuan grabbed her shoulders and held her tender and delicate skin: "No need, I understand you, you just trust me too much."

As he said, he picked her chin with a finger: "I trust you too!"

While talking, he threw a Wink at her, the extremely delicate eye makeup made her extremely charming at the moment, Lu Xingyi couldn't help sighing in his heart,
If she was a man, she would definitely not be able to hold back being so teased by Wang Chuan.

Every time this happens, she expresses her understanding to the little milk dogs and wolf dogs in Wangchuan Fish Pond.

Soon, all the solo photos of the six guests were taken, and everyone gathered in the shooting area to complete the final group photo.

All six of them are proficient in shooting various official photos, but in such a multi-person event, they are somewhat at a loss.

Not only the movements, but also their positions, every point must be considered again and again.

The on-site photographer and action director looked at the six people in front of them, and there was really no one to line up. Looking around, they were all big names from all walks of life.

They tacitly silenced and let the six guests adjust independently.

Half an hour later, the shooting of the group photo was also successfully completed.

A group of people gathered in front of the computer screen and went through all the photos they just took.

There was nothing wrong with the previous individual photos, but in the group photo, Mu Chengxi and Nan Qingfeng were almost inseparable from Lu Xingyi and Wang Chuan.

The position of Ren Yu and Shang Hui is quite free, but when you look at these photos together, it looks like two couples and two individuals are put in a group photo.

Oddly too obvious.

But these four are the main investors behind the show. The cameraman who first discovered this problem looked at the expressions of several people, and swallowed back the words he was about to say.

Mu Chengxi and Nan Qingfeng are naturally very satisfied with the current photos. Like the photographer, Lu Xingyi saw something was wrong, but because of Nan Qingfeng's thoughts on Wang Chuan, she didn't say anything.
But Wang Chuan's heart has drifted into the evening, and in her eyes, today's work has been completed.

No one raised this question until the end, so nothing happened.

Private room of high-end western restaurant,
Under the huge atmospheric crystal lamp, Nan Qingfeng took the seat first, and the waiter handed over the menu after seeing everyone seated.

Just after ordering, a familiar figure floated past the door.

Lu Xingyi sat in a position where he could catch a glimpse of the door, and his slightly exposed figure was really eye-catching.

Coincidentally, the person who walked quickly also saw her, and a warning light burst out the second their eyes touched.

Lu Xingyi didn't care, and just asked the waiter to come to the door when he left.

However, the moment the waiter closed the door, she glimpsed a few figures that were also familiar to her, and her eyes lit up brightly.

"What's wrong?" Wang Chuan beside him was the first to capture her emotions.

Lu Xingyi was jumping with joy at the moment. She admitted that she was a little dark-hearted at the moment, but she couldn't control it!
"Lu Tingfeng, Song Lili, and Song Xueer are all in this restaurant." There was even some excitement in his tone.

Wang Chuan immediately raised his lips: "Today is such a good day, why don't we make a bet?"

"What are you gambling?"

"Will Song Xueer meet her excellent adoptive parents?"

Lu Xingyi frowned, without hesitation: "Deal."

"Bet on a bottle of wine?"

"Win or lose, this bottle of wine is mine."

"That's easy to say, let the waiter bring it up now, and leave the encounter to me."

Seeing Xiao Lu being so heroic, Wang Chuan let go of his hands and feet.

"No problem, pick the most expensive one."

The two chatted happily, and the two men beside them didn't understand a sentence because they didn't keep up with the rhythm. They didn't ask them what happened until the wine was served.

Wang Chuan immediately asked the waiter to open the bottle of wine, drank a glass in one gulp, nodded in satisfaction, grabbed a lipstick and got up.

"Sorry, excuse me." She greeted the other people at the same table, then pushed open the door of the box and went out to inquire about the situation.

Relying on her many years of experience and her keen observation ability after extensive training, she quickly found the two private rooms where Song Lili and Song Xueer were staying.

Sometimes by coincidence, fate is really wonderful.

Lu Tingfeng and Song Lili's private room happened to be next door to them, Wang Chuan moved his lips, and put the lipstick in his hand to a waiter: "Hello."

"Hi, may I help you?"

Wang Chuan looked at the lipstick that had already arrived in her hand: "This is a gift from a guest in this private room to the woman in a backless short skirt at the door of the private room opposite, because it is not convenient for the guest to come out, please help him Pass it on for me."

"Oh, by the way, the guest still needs you to bring a message. If the lady is convenient, let her come to this private room some time."

The waiter has not been working in a high-end restaurant for a short time. There have been such things before. Most of them are unspoken rules when they encounter this situation. They nodded and agreed without too much doubt.

"Okay, I will definitely bring it."

"Excuse me, this is a tip." Wang Chuan stuffed a banknote into his mobile phone, watched him walk into Song Xueer's private room and then returned to his original place. He deliberately did not close the door when he entered the room, waiting for the next door The show begins.

"It's done, just wait." When she sat down, she leaned into Lu Xingyi's ear and whispered.

The latter was in a good mood, and subconsciously ate all the food that Mu Chengxi put into the bowl, and the matter of losing weight was unknowingly forgotten.

Mu Chengxi was peeling the prawns in his hand, looking sideways at his silly wife, with a smile on his lips.

After waiting for almost half an hour, the familiar sound of high-heeled shoes came to her ears. After living with Song Xueer for so many years, Lu Xing could recognize her footsteps at a glance. Hostile sight.

And what attracted her attention even more was the lipstick she was clutching in her hand, the one Wang Chuan took out just now.

She tilted her head: "It's a waste."

"With such a good wine, such a good show, a lipstick is nothing." Wang Chuan waved his hand, and then slightly lowered his voice: "She's here."

"Lu Xingyi, long time no see." Song Xueer stopped at the door of their private room, her eyes contemptuous and provocative, "I'll come back to catch up with you later, I'm a little busy right now."

Straightening out his chest, he took another step towards the box next to him.

It seems that Wang Chuan's routine has succeeded, making her mistakenly believe that she is very attractive, and her whole body becomes high-spirited.

As soon as she moved away, Lu Xingyi and Wang Chuan clinked glasses tacitly: "It's the beginning."


Song Xueer just pushed open the door, and the moment she saw the backs of Lu Tingfeng and Song Lili, her pupils quaked!
The hand holding the lipstick tightened, and a feeling of being tricked emerged spontaneously, wrapped in vigorous anger, and rushed straight into his mind.

With a "teng", she suddenly pushed open the door of the private room and rushed in.

Lu Tingfeng and Song Lili inside had just turned their heads and before they could react, the latter felt a sharp pain on his face, which affected his eardrums.

"Slap——" Song Lili was slapped hard with Song Xue'er's hand still holding her lipstick, almost causing her to fall unsteadily. Luckily, Lu Tingfeng helped her up quickly.

Song Lili's head was buzzing at the moment, all her thoughts were wrapped in the severe pain on her face, her ears could no longer hear the sound, she just felt that her mind was in chaos.

Lu Tingfeng reacted as soon as possible. Looking at Song Xueer who came out of the blue, he was stunned for a second by the completely different dress temperament on her body, but only for a second.
"Where did you come from, Song Xueer?!" Behind him were a few executives of the cooperative company who had dinner with him, and he tried his best to restrain his emotions, appearing to be in control of the overall situation.

Song Xueer looked at the woman who was slumped on the chair and couldn't react. She didn't hear Lu Tingfeng's words at all. At this moment, there was only anger and some damn old woman in her eyes.

"Hmph, Song Lili, you didn't expect to meet me here, did you? You're lucky!" He said, "Pa——"


Another slap was slapped on the woman's plump face. This time her focus was lower, but her strength was not much weaker than last time. Song Lili, whose mind was still blurred, couldn't react at all.

This slap directly knocked her to the ground, Lu Tingfeng also tried to help her up, but was almost dragged into the water, in order to save face, he let go of his hand from time to time.

Song Lili fell to the ground in response, her hair was disheveled in front of her face, and her original dress was almost bursting due to her excessive movements.

But Song Xueer didn't feel the slightest pity at all and her heart ached. Seeing the woman lying on the ground, she still felt puzzled, raised her leg and kicked again, and said viciously:
"Song Lili, I said earlier that sooner or later I will return these to you. It was originally planned. I didn't expect you to come to my door today and give me lipstick? Could it be you? Zhang Gouzui used it before! Your sister is so disgusting!"

After saying this, Song Lili on the ground finally moved, trying to raise her head slowly.

Song Xueer and Lu Tingfeng saw the blood around her mouth.

Unexpectedly, there was no panic at all, Song Xueer only felt that she was not bleeding enough, she smashed the lipstick in her hand on the ground, the glass shell was shattered, and the cracking sound hurt the eardrums of everyone present, and also punctured Song Lili has several skins.

She was in so much pain that she went crazy, her mood became extremely irritable for a moment, and she couldn't even feel the pain on her body anymore!

She couldn't move for a second, she climbed up and grabbed Song Xueer's legs in the next second, and pulled down hard.

Song Xueer, who was walking on high heels, had nothing to grab and hold around, "Boom—" she fell to the ground, Song Lili immediately seized the opportunity, and grabbed her hair with a fat hand, Song Xueer yelled in pain, The backhand also grabs the opponent's.

The two wrestled into a ball on the ground covered with glass slag, which stunned the passers-by in the corridor and the people in the private room. Fortunately, the waiter responded quickly, and soon the restaurant security came in, and finally pulled away the red-eyed two people.

The scene was extremely messy.

next door,

"Please close the door for us."

After the waiter finished serving the last dish, Wang Chuan took a sip of wine and said calmly.

They are here, just listening to the sound of ding ding bang bang, they can feel how intense the scene next door is.
It has to be said that the screams of those two women were horrific,
Wang Chuan was sure that he had never made such a tragic sound when he was shot several times in the past.

"Today's bottle of wine is right." She smiled.

Lu Xingyi couldn't help but curled her lips. She didn't feel the slightest wave in her heart about the tragedy of her family next door.

It can be said that she is cold-blooded, but that is what the other party deserves!
In the next second, a roast leg of lamb was stuffed into her bowl, "Baby, eat quickly."

Lu Xingyi withdrew his thoughts, held the tin foil wrapped around the end of the bone of the leg of lamb with one hand, and gnawed it down in one big gulp, and Nan Qingfeng also stuffed food into Wang Chuan's bowl.

The good show that the two ladies wanted to watch is over, Nan Qingfeng got up and raised a glass:
"I'm sorry for choosing this restaurant. The commotion in the private room next door tonight has affected everyone's appetite to some extent. I will punish myself with a drink."

After finishing talking, I drank all my glasses of red wine.

Wang Chuan also stood up immediately: "I'm sorry everyone, I just came in from the outside and forgot to bring the private room, so I will punish myself with a drink."

Although it was said to be self-punishment, there was no trace of guilt on her face, but rather obvious joy.

"You two are too polite, thank you Mr. Nan for your hospitality tonight." Ren Yu also had a drink.

"I hope we can cooperate happily in the future." Shang Hui followed closely.

Only Mu Chengxi and Lu Xingyi remained silent.

The man's black eyes scanned the room, and then he chose a teacup from the teacups and wine glasses in front of him. His noble and slender body stood up from the seat,
"Xing Yi and I are preparing for pregnancy, so it's not suitable to drink too much alcohol. I will serve tea instead of wine to everyone for her and myself."

After a few words, the audience fell silent.

Until he sat down again, no one at the table realized what happened.

Lu Xingyi was also shocked, and then, just to be pleasantly surprised, he moved closer to the man: "You agreed?"

"I never refuse." The man smiled.

Lu Xingyi hugged the man's arm, "So you really agreed?"

"Well, but I don't want us to have any stress over it."

The girl thought of something, smiled shyly, and then leaned close to his ear, her soft breath and sweet tone like candy hit his auricles and eardrums,

"My husband was so powerful five years ago, how could I be under pressure~~"

"Honey, I found out that you failed your studies tonight." The man responded in a low voice.

"Huh?" Lu Xingyi smiled deeper: "Then which kind of me do you like?"

(End of this chapter)

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