Chapter 376 Mr. Mu is too good


No matter how the barrage and gifts are swiped, the two protagonists are still completely unaware that every bit of their actions have fallen into the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room.

The director didn't say a word, but just quietly watched the next move with the producer.

In the end, Lu Xingyi still couldn't hold Mu Chengxi back. Whether it was a man's jealous look or dissatisfied look, as long as he kept it for a long time, it would affect her mood, and she would give in as soon as her heart softened.

"Okay, I promise you." She twitched, her eyes lowered, avoiding his eyes, with a shy face.

Mu Chengxi had already slapped Lu Xingyi to death, knowing that she would agree, he turned around and gave their cameraman a warning look, and the photographer immediately withdrew, very discerning.

"Come on, baby." The man moved his face closer to her, waiting for something.

Lu Xingyi's face turned pink, and he quickly "baji".

"Okay." After kissing, she ran away and quickly left the man's embrace.

Mu Chengxi smiled, took her back casually, and said angrily, "In three days, I will take care of your problem of running away after flirting!"

"You go too far, you have to coax me if you piss me off."

"I am willing."

The bewitching voice hit his ears, making Lu Xingyi drunk for a while, his legs went limp and he almost fell to the ground.

【! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

[Oh my God! ! 】

[My hands are shaking while typing!What a bad plot! 】

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!I'm crazy ah ah ah, don't care, I'm absolutely absolutely absolutely]

[There is no picture of this dialogue yet, so it's hard for us not to think about it! ! 】

[It's rare for Mr. Mu to miscalculate. He must have never thought that things would become more exciting when he moved the camera.]

[Laughing, the two presidents lost to the microphone! 】

[What kind of peerless sweet fried candy is this? I'll throw it away. Is this still alive?Ten thousand insulin is not enough! 】

[I'll give you my life, it's too bad! 】

[Contrast cuteness is always romantic]

[Director, come out, I'll bring you a big red envelope, let this voice out, I've never been so happy in my life. 】

[Baji. Run away after flirting, Zhizhi has to coax him. I am willing. These are extremely romantic words! ! ! ! ! 】

[Fuck, shit, shit. Other than these two words, I can't say anything else! 】

[Director, come out and say, are you a loyal CP fan? 】

[The director must be! 】

[I unilaterally declare that sincerely cp is married, what you see is not necessarily true but what you hear is true, regardless of whether it is true or not, anyway, I think it is true, they must be married! 】

[Sisters in front of you, are you tongue-twistering?But I understand your excitement and express empathy hahahahahaha]

【Mom, I believe in love again! 】

[I not only believe in love, I also believe in novels, movies, and TV dramas. It turns out that such sweet plots are real.]

[Jimeis, calm down!Let us review the conversation between the two just now]

[Class representative arrived: Boss Lu kissed Boss Mu, and then ran away after flirting, and then Boss Mu took Boss Lu back and threatened to cure her, but Boss Lu was dissatisfied and went back, and then Boss Mu confessed! 】

[The story upstairs is good. 】


[After summarizing this matter, almost every step happened in a place I didn't expect. One after another, Mr. Mu and Mr. Lu are very good at it.]

[Mr. Mu still has to make progress after kissing, and my boyfriend must have a satisfied face and then leave me alone, immersing himself in his own world]

[Puff, the sisters upstairs are too cute, but your boyfriend should love you very much, very happy~]

[No, no, I can understand it when I get it back, but Mr. Mu's expression is too exciting. I really don't know that I have a microphone on me. I dare to speak out like this. If it were me, I would be worried that the live broadcast room would be blocked. 】

[! !Sister, you captured the details!I never thought it would be like this, so it means that the daily life of Mr. Mu and Mr. Lu is like this?There's a lot of chatter! 】

[Pfft --- the "saucy talk" upstairs gave me a complete defense]

[Mr. Mu is so good at it, no wonder he can find such a good girlfriend as Mr. Lu!Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

[Mr. Mu himself is also very good, okay?I didn't expect him to have such a high love quotient before, isn't it an iceberg?It's going to kill me if I show up! 】

【"President Bingshan's black belly is really amazing"】

[The final confession is also very good. If I were Mr. Lu, I would have already collapsed in Mr. Mu's arms, okay? Who doesn't love such a good man! 】

[Too good at it, too good at it, Mr. Mu, please leave a way for other men to survive, don't make any more fuss! 】

【Boss Lu is the same. After watching Boss Lu and then looking at myself, I really am nothing.】

[Aren't you eating candy?How did it start rolling in? 】

[I have to say that a certain cp's combat strength is really strong, and you can't see anything when you swipe the screen. The gift is to dominate the screen, and the live broadcast is completely blocked. 】

[If you want to spray upstairs, please find a place to spray it seriously, okay, barrage and gifts?This is fan behavior, rising to what artists do.Please click on the three dots in the lower left corner to turn off "clear screen", and shut up by the way. 】

[Drown in their conversation and can't get out ahhh!Sweet love can be my turn anytime! ! ! 】


"Xiao Lu," Wang Chuan saw the quiet movements of the two, and smiled without saying a word. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a motionless hare on the ground in the distance, caught up and patted her on the shoulder: "Look at that side."

Lu Xingyi turned his head and saw the plump rabbit on the ground. He couldn't see its movements clearly, but it was a good opportunity!

Of course, Mu Chengxi also saw the situation here, and the three of them looked at each other and quickly scattered in three directions.

Before the hare noticed it, Lu Xingyi quietly picked up a piece of stone, exchanged a glance with the other two,
The fingers holding the stone flake tightened, the wrist leaned back slightly, and then——

Quick shot!

The flakes flew towards the hare at great speed with great force,
Seeing the movement, the hare immediately reacted and tried to run, but it was too late!


Its head was hit by a stone, and it fell to the side.

"Good aim!" Wang Chuan snapped his fingers and praised, approached the beaten hare, and picked up its ears casually: "It's meat!"

Lu Xingyi took Mu Chengxi away for a distance. He was allergic to animal hair, and rabbit fur was no exception.

Ren Yu and Shang Hui just followed up from behind, and witnessed all this from a distance, stunned.

Shang Hui looked at the rabbit in Wang Chuan's hand: "Are we going to eat it today?"

Although the hare is gray and fat, it still has some cuteness. Shang Hui has a heart of blessing and compassion for all living beings.

Wang Chuan was taken aback, then glanced at the rabbit in his hand.

"Yeah, rabbit meat is quite common, isn't it acceptable to you?"

Shang Hui was overwhelmed by her question and choked: "I can accept it, but I feel a little cruel in my heart."

she said lightly.

Lu Xingyi took the initiative to take her arm: "It's okay, I was the same as you when I went to the wild for the first time to survive. I only thought it was cute when I saw the little animals, and I didn't bother them."

"But when I was frantically hungry, the image of a leopard chasing a fawn broke into my vision, and then I got it."

"This is the wild. Unlike cities, we are part of the food chain, and we cannot be its protectors. Besides, even in cities, we just don't see the process of killing certain animals."

What Lu Xingyi said was very sincere, and Shang Hui was instantly awakened.

"I get it, I'll get used to it as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Lu Xingyi smiled warmly, and walked forward with her arm.

What she said just now was actually not only for Wang Chuan, but also for all the audience friends in front of the live broadcast room.

She knows that there are many people who have the same thoughts as Shang Hui, and she doesn't expect her words to change all these people. What she can do is to explain her mental journey clearly, hoping that the audience can understand her Feeling.

[The bunny is so cute, how can you eat a bunny! 】

【Ah, just hit the rabbit like this, it's too cruel】

【Looks like the rabbit is dead】

【So cruel, why did I see this】

[I think the same as Shang Ying. 】

[Fur kids are so cute, why eat them! 】

[Let’s be merciful here, what do you want them to eat if the program team doesn’t give them food for three days? It’s not enough to catch a rabbit, but just rely on a few mushrooms to eat for three days?You’ve been vegetarian for three days and you’ve been complaining endlessly]

[Mr. Lu's small class is starting! 】

[Catching rabbits, catching birds, catching everything is the same, don't some keyboard warriors just can't see others doing anything?Criticize from the moral high ground. 】

[I rely on this to gain the moral high ground?There are so many animals in the jungle, why must it be a rabbit, can't let the rabbit go? 】

[Have you ever eaten roasted rabbit?Spicy rabbit head?Why didn't I see you so compassionate in the restaurant? 】

[This is the case for catching a wild rabbit, if you encounter any protected animal, will you spray it if you touch it?Who are Mr. Mu and Mr. Lu, who are more ignorant than you? 】

[Stay away from stupid fans, okay, what a bad luck! 】

[What Mr. Lu said makes sense, keyboard warriors, listen carefully!The comment area is pissed off]

[That's right, it was originally a wilderness survival show, do you want to starve yourself to death in exchange for praise from the audience?What's more, the audience may not necessarily praise it! 】

[Boss Lu said that the wild is different from the city. Human beings have always been in the biological chain. If you have the ability, you can escape from me and see]

[No, don’t you know that there are several wilderness survival experts who are simultaneously live broadcasting and analyzing the various practices of several guests?People have already approved the behavior of catching hares, which is necessary for survival, people who don't understand don't be a clown here, okay? 】

[Some people who stand on the moral high ground, take a good look in the mirror and see if you have lost your face]

[The experts are all on stage hahahahaha, so relieved! 】

[I'm annoyed by the barrage, clear the screen!really speechless]

From the beginning of the live broadcast to the present, everything is going smoothly, except that Ren Yu's pants are patched, everything is progressing in a good direction.

Perhaps God felt that their progress was too smooth, and soon they encountered difficulties.

After nearly an hour and a half of walking, several guests were exhausted and drank most of the water in their bags. They needed to find a place to stay quickly.

After a long circle, there is nothing but damp and dark jungle.

Mu Chengxi looked back at the people behind him. It was still early in the morning, and it was only midday. Why not rest for a while, and there is still hope to find a foothold before night.

"Rest where you are, we'll start again in half an hour." He said lightly, then put down his backpack and found a cleaner place to sit down.

Lu Xingyi and Wang Chuan watched the others sit down, planning to go around and observe the terrain.

According to their thinking, after searching for so long on flat ground without a single piece of rocky ground where the sun can shine, they must go to a higher place, but there are no easy steps to climb here.
All the places that can go up along the way need to be reached by rope climbing, which is of course a trivial matter for them, but considering the other people behind them, they have not taken this method.

"Let's go." The two put down their bags and took something with them.

Mu Chengxi raised his eyes, "Where are you going?"

"Let's look around. It would be great if there is a water source. The water in the bag is almost gone."

The man frowned slightly when he heard the words: "You stay Wang Chuan, Xing and I will move away."

Everyone knew what he meant.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mu, before you joined, I took good care of Xiao Lu."

"Really?" The man said in a deep voice. He clearly remembered that there were several scars on Lu Xingyi's body that had faded, which were obviously left a long time ago.

"Wait, I'll go with you." Nan Qingfeng stood up, his physical strength was not bad, and he came back alive immediately after adding a little water just now.

Seeing this, Lu Xingyi said, "Hey, how about this, I will look for water sources in the west of Mucheng, Wang Chuan, you and Nan Shao will look for bamboo, and Shang Hui and Ren Yu will stay here to sort out the messy things along the way just now. We'll be back here to assemble in 10 minutes."

"Okay!" Nan Qingfeng was the first to agree, Xiao Lu was assisting him.

Wang Chuan didn't think too much, and looked at his watch: "No problem, 10 minutes, I'm late to hunt at night, I must give us an extra meal today."

"OK, let's go."

As soon as the words fell, the six people divided into three teams. Lu Xingyi and Mu Chengxi had a clear goal, to go to a place with heavy humidity, while Wang Chuan and Nan Qingfeng went in the opposite direction to find bamboo.

In the wild, bamboo can be used as a pot for cooking and boiling water, because its structure is very convenient for doing these things, so many wild survivors like to use it to replace the complicated operation of tying bark into a pot.

Lu Xingyi walked quickly, with a bundle of hemp rope on his right shoulder and two water bottles in his left hand.

Mu Chengxi was carrying the other two water bottles, and followed her about half a step away with a knife on his waist.

"Baby, slow down, watch your step."

The ground was all muddy, and it was hard for Mu Chengxi not to worry about Lu Xingyi's brisk footsteps.

The girl who had been walking in front turned her head when she heard the words, and reached out to hold the man's hand, but the latter pulled him over and clasped her fingers tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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