Chapter 380

【so amazing! 】

【One of my hearts, I can finally relax.】

[Why do I feel that their clients are not timid at all?Is this the so-called emperor not in a hurry to kill eunuchs? 】

【I can finally breathe normally】

[? ? ?Sister, how did you see the person involved?Aren't the sisters' portable cameras tied to their arms? 】

【Yes, I am also curious】

[As far as their movements are very straightforward, and the camera angle of view has been changing, it seems that there is no hesitation]

[Wow!Sister, you have observed carefully]

[So that’s the case, I blamed me for being too nervous just now and not paying attention]

[Boss Lu and Wang Chuan are really so courageous, I even wonder if they have received any professional training hahahaha]

【possible!very possible!According to Mr. Lu's usual style, maybe rock climbing is also within the range of her skills! 】

【Wrong sister, she is very good at it】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

[Mr. Lu: You guys understand me better than myself]


The pond with a diameter of about five meters reflects the silver-white moonlight, and the rippling water creates a cool atmosphere. Although it is night, the bottom of the pond can still be seen through the light of the flashlight.

The water quality in this area is very good.

Lu Xingyi shined the flashlight on the bottom of the pool, and carefully captured what seemed to be animals in the water. They were black and could not be determined yet.

Wang Chuan chased after Lu Xingyi followed the animal's light, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he didn't know where to find a sharp wooden stick to stick it on.

A lively fish was caught.

"Continue." Lu Xingyi immediately caught another animal in the water, which was also pitch-black, but looked much thinner than the previous one.

Wang Chuan was so quick that he couldn't cover his ears, and got another thing,
I picked up the branch and saw that it was a loach this time.

"There are quite a lot of fish and shrimp in this pond." Wang Chuan said casually.

All the fish in this area were scared away, so they switched sides and caught again.

In less than 10 minutes, a not-too-short branch was already strewn with fish and loach.

Lu Xingyi glanced at the fish pond, and if he caught it, there might not be a few left. Although it was running water, judging from the small streams around it, the number of fish swimming over would not be too many.

"The fog is getting heavier." She looked at the misty water vapor around her: "It's almost time to return. On the way back, I picked the wild vegetables I saw when I came."


The two returned the same way, and returned to the camp with fruitful results in 10 minutes.

Mu Chengxi and Nan Qingfeng were standing by the fire, wondering what they were talking about, Shang Hui was sitting opposite them, and Ren Yu was looking for something in his bag.

"Xing Yi, Wang Chuan!" Shang Hui sat facing their way back, and was the first to see their figures, and spoke excitedly.

The two men on the opposite side turned their heads.

"came back?"

"Hmm." Wang Chuan took the fish and loach aside to deal with them. They must be cooked thoroughly tonight. These caught fish and loach have been out of the water for a long time, and with the wounds on their bodies, each one is dying. Not until tomorrow.

Seeing this, Nan Qingfeng immediately went up to help.

"let me help you."

Wang Chuan casually found a piece of not-so-humid soil and sat down, looking sideways at the man sitting next to him.

"You, even fried eggs, are you sure you can handle fish?" She raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Teach me." The man looked at the fish in her hand, chose a fish of similar size, and held it in his hand.

Wang Chuan paused, did not stop his movement, but hesitated for a moment, then took out a portable knife from his pocket, pulled out the blade neatly, and struck.

Nan Qingfeng followed her movements step by step.

Wang Chuan glanced to the side: "Not bad."

"I will definitely not hold you back." Nan Qingfeng smiled: "Did you and Xiao Lu go up smoothly just now? Did you encounter any danger?"

Wang Chuan didn't hesitate to think: "No, there haven't been any large animals in this area, let alone ferocious beasts, so there won't be any danger."

"Is the mountain road easy to walk?"

"It's not difficult for Xiaolu and me."

"How did you catch these fish?" Nan Qingfeng saw that Wang Chuan's shoes and boots were not wet, and his pants were dry, as if he didn't want to catch fish at all.

Wang Chuan seemed to understand his train of thought, and couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, you don't have to go into the water to catch fish, haven't you ever caught fish?"

"Looking at the time, it doesn't look like you caught it." He looked at the fish covering the entire branch. It would be impossible to catch so many fish at once, and it was still dark at night.

"The branches are forked, Nan Shao, what about your IQ, why did you become stupid in the wild?"

Nan Qingfeng choked: ".I don't admit it!"

[Puff, Nan Shao is so cute, hahahahaha]

[Catching fish, I think of the previous live broadcast of Wang Chuan and Mr. Lu, the time when we encountered heavy rain and floods in the countryside, and I still remember the disaster relief video until now]

[Wang Chuan really doesn't give Nan Shao face at all hahahaha, he is also a public figure, he is a president! 】

[Yes, yes, I also watched that live broadcast, and it was flooded the next day after it was fine]

[Ren Nanshao also dotes on Wang Chuan and doesn't mind at all, she won't refute whatever she says]

[I really think I can eat, Nan Shao's eyes are different! 】

[Oni and the others were all there during the flood, as well as Ji Shao. I remember that Oni and the others helped the villagers a lot. Later, Mr. Mu also went there and donated a lot of money]

[Positive energy idol model! ! 】

[Don't believe in Neptune's love, if they don't have some tricks, they can't be Neptune. 】

[The world is awake. 】


late at night,

After the camp was reorganized, some firewood was added to the bonfire. Everyone was going to sleep, and the photographers also put away their cameras. Today's live broadcast is over.

Lu Xingyi leaned his back on the rock behind, yawning several times sleepily.

"Baby, do you want to lie on my lap and sleep?" Mu Chengxi suggested considering that the rocks behind him were too hard.

The position of the two of them is at the farthest corner, just with some corners, and no one else can be seen.

Lu Xing waved his hand to refuse, but fell into the man's arms in the next second.

The stone behind him instantly turned into a solid chest.

"Be obedient, if you sleep on a rock tonight, your back will hurt again tomorrow."

The temperature coming from behind was indescribably pleasant, Lu Xingyi didn't want to move, but just replied in a daze: "Sleeping on you will hurt my back."

Hearing this, the man frowned, and changed his mind to take off his coat and put it behind the girl's waist: "How about this? Is it softened?"

Lu Xingyi regained his composure, turned to face the man, and pulled out the clothes on his waist: "Put on well! You'll be cold!"

The distance between them was too close, her breath was scattered on the man's face, Mu Chengxi's Adam's apple moved,

(End of this chapter)

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