Chapter 383 Hit the target!

Time is running out.

He roughly recounted the observed pattern to Lu Xingyi and Wang Chuan, and when he found the right moment, he dodged in three different directions.

The sniper did not hesitate the moment the three of them separated, and directly followed Lu Xingyu's route to aim.

The task given to him by the boss is this woman, and the other two are not important to him.

"Ah" Lu Xingyi didn't retract his forearm in time and was rubbed by bullets, leaving a bloodstain.

Her position was behind Wang Chuan and Mu Chengxi, and the distance between the three of them was a bit far, and the other two hadn't noticed yet.

The small wound didn't matter, she gritted her teeth, temporarily dropped the gun at her feet, and tied her sleeves tightly to cover the wound.

on the mountain,

The sniper reported to the walkie-talkie: "Target hit, mission accomplished."

Then came a reply from the opposite side: "Very good, close the team!"

Mu Yue's voice was indescribably joyful, as if he had succeeded.

Everyone behind him ordered to retreat, heading in a non-stop direction.

Just as Lu Xingyi picked up the gun, the sound behind him became weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

"How did you get there?" Wang Chuan looked back and saw the emptiness behind him, wondering.

"Leaving?" Lu Xingyi turned around, with a look of incomprehension on his face.

A bad premonition rose in Mu Chengxi's heart, and he always felt that there was a reason for these people's sudden retreat, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

The three of them walked to the place where the large army sent by Mu Yue was standing, and the footprints were intricate and it didn't look like they were going to the same place at all.

"Look at the footprints of the sniper." Lu Xingyi quickly reacted, threw the eagle claw hook up the rock, and climbed up.

Compared to the mess below, the sniper's footprints are much clearer.

They have all chased here, and the three of them can no longer give up halfway.

Then decided to follow the route of footprints.

"You don't need to look for it." Just a few steps away, a male voice with a slightly higher volume sounded in front of the three of them, and a figure emerged from the bushes next to them, about 200 meters away from them.

The three of them found cover at the same time and held the black iron tightly in their hands, their nerves tensed.

The sniper threw aside the sniper rifle he was carrying, and found another person out of nowhere.

His eyes stayed on Lu Xingyi's body all the time, scanning the spot where he brushed her body just now.

"The boss will be here soon, the three of you, don't worry. During the waiting period, in order to prevent everyone from being bored, let me deal with a traitor first." The sniper pushed the person in his hand to the ground, and with the sniper rifle Lying side by side, stepping on his chest with one leg.

Looking up, he found that the three black muzzles of the guns were still facing him, and smiled: "Don't be so nervous, our boss likes harmonious scenes, he will not bring any weapons when he comes here, and no one else, my weapons have already been It's on the ground, relax."

Wang Chuan looked at the sniper, it was too boring for so many amateurs just now, at last he is still an interesting person.

"Don't you have a gun? That's fine. As long as he dares to show up, I can't control my hands." He raised his lips evilly.

"Hmm, do you think the boss doesn't know what you're thinking? There must be a reason why he dared to come."

Wang Chuan's heart tightened, what does this mean?Could Mu Yue have a way to make her unable to shoot?

Her complexion became solemn for a moment, and she quickly adjusted back in less than a second, but the person opposite had already caught her flash of joy.

I believe that while walking here in the distance, the boss who observes the same perspective as him through the camera is also very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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