Chapter 388 Do You Love Me?
"The reception is about to begin." Nan Qingfeng's tone was still calm, his cold unwillingness to talk to her made Wang Chuan think of a certain man in his memory.

By coincidence, she asked the sentence she often said back then.

"Do you love me?"

As soon as the words came out, the two people facing each other were stunned.

In the next second, Wang Chuan lightly covered his lips as if he had done something wrong, as if he had done something wrong, his movements were cautious, unlike her usual bold and flamboyant, the words she was about to speak changed in tone.


His hoarse voice was very soft, but it happened to float into Wang Chuan's ears clearly.

A familiar answer, but only the word is familiar, and the tone is completely different.

She trembled, raised her head slightly, and looked directly at Nan Qingfeng. He took a sip from the wine glass in front of him, with a painful expression on his face.

Wang Chuan suddenly woke up from his memories, and noticed the man's unusual emotions.

"Are you serious?"

Her voice was serious and calm, with a calm deterrence in addition to her coldness, making people have to think carefully about her question.

So far, how can I answer?
Nan Qingfeng smiled wryly, admitting it with extreme reluctance.

"Of course, I have never confirmed my love so seriously." After speaking, I couldn't help but add: "I know you won't accept me, it doesn't matter."

When he was about to drink up the little scarlet wine left in the glass, a warm and soft touch suddenly touched his lips.

Wang Chuan's face that made him miss it day and night magnified in front of his eyes, and her eyes were closed, which was particularly alluring, and a further offensive somewhere made him withdraw his thoughts from his stupefaction.

About 3 minutes later, the lights in the audience dimmed, and the two reluctantly ended the kiss, their breaths burning hot.

The light source focused on the center of the banquet hall, and Mu Chengxi's eyes followed the spotlight all the way, with eager eyes.

He was looking forward to it, looking forward to it.

Looking forward to hearing about her at the only banquet related to Lu Xingyi in half a month, and looking forward to the day when we reunite with her.

A lady in high heels came on stage, just looking at her back through the crowd, the anticipation in Mu Chengxi's eyes had already turned gray and black.

It was Lu Xingyi's assistant at the research institute, and he had met him before.

Lu Xingyi told him that she would not go to the occasions where the assistant usually attended. If she was present in person, the assistant would stay in the institute and inform her of special situations that might happen in real time.

That is, they will not appear at the same time.

Most of his hopes were lost. The man walked to the corner sofa to rest. At this moment, everyone surrounded the assistant in the middle and listened carefully to every word of her speech. Mu Chengxi seemed to be isolated and alone. One person is particularly lonely.

Rubbing the wedding ring on her index finger, the gloom in her eyes became more and more obvious.

What happened to Lu Xingyi, why did he not leave any news to him, even if he was given any chance or clue, he was sure to find her.

I don't know how long the surrounding has been noisy, Mu Chengxi has been sitting in the same place, there are many people coming and going who want to talk to him, but he has not responded from the beginning to the end, just staring at the ring, no one knows what he is thinking.

Suddenly, the light source on the screen in front of the banquet hall illuminated the gray area, and Mu Chengxi raised his eyes unconsciously. The moment his eyes touched the screen, he got up from the sofa and moved forward.

On the big screen are the familiar black robes and masks, and the sound played through the loudspeaker has always been processed by a voice changer.

Mu Chengxi and Wang Chuan walked into the screen tacitly together, trying to confirm the identity of Professor U on the screen through their own understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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