Chapter 393
In the upstairs room, Lu Xingyi had already done all the preparations. The super-large-screen TV in front of her was showing all the monitoring images of the press conference, covering all areas without dead ends.

Her gaze was almost only fixed on the one-inch radius in the corner.

Since Mu Chengxi entered the arena, he hasn't moved his position, and even his expression hasn't changed much.

But even through the screen, Lu Xingyi could clearly see the changes in him over the past month, and his haggard and tired appearance made her feel very distressed.

Her decision to rush to see him was right. Although her body hadn't fully recovered, her daily work and life were no longer a problem.

Looking at the clock in the room, another minute passed, and there were only 1 minutes left before her appearance. The big screen at the scene switched to the exterior of the research building less than one kilometer away from the venue.

Both the meeting place and the research building are in the institute base.

He got up and tidied up his skirt, and after confirming the meticulousness, Lu Xingyi was ready to go downstairs.

She covered her chest with one hand, thinking that Mu Chengxi would see her immediately, wondering how he would react?


Lu Xingyi's cell phone rang, and she picked it up.


A bang! ! !
A few large flames sprang up from the originally peaceful exterior scene on the big screen, and thick smoke came out from several windows.

Lu Xingyi shrank his pupils suddenly, listening to the simultaneous loud noise on the phone.

"Professor. Kekeke. Sorry, something went wrong in the experiment" error
Before he finished speaking, there was no sound from the other side. Lu Xingyi's mind went blank at this moment, only the reflection of consciousness remained——

save people! ! !

She didn't care about wearing a long skirt and high heels, she ran towards the research building at her fastest speed with her mobile phone in one hand and the hem of the skirt in the other.
The assistant in the venue also reacted immediately, but when she ran to the entrance of the venue, she saw Professor U's back running a long distance.

Lu Xingyi kicked off his high-heeled shoes on the way, speeding up to the direction of the research building, without hesitation to find out what's going on inside, and rushed in without hesitation.

She believes that she has the ability to deal with all situations, but the researchers who were inside may not be able to, she must save them!

Wang Chuan was the third to react. She was surprised for a second and entered the building after Xiao Lu and her assistant, followed by Nan Qingfeng and Mu Chengxi.

"Xiao Lu!" Wang Chuan shouted when he saw Lu Xingyi who was rescued from the wounded on the floor where the incident happened.

At this moment, Lu Xingyi was in the middle of several piles of flames, and the flames were about to surround her, and she was still holding two injured researchers from left to right.

At the critical moment, Lu Xingyi found the only slightly safer route to rescue the two people beside him, and handed them over to Wang Chuan.

"Take them out, quickly!" As he said, he was about to return to the fire to rescue the wounded inside.

The situation in front of him was that Lu Xing moved in and almost gave away the head, Wang Chuan quickly grabbed her arm.

"What are you doing!" she yelled.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, take them out quickly."

At this time, Nan Qingfeng and Mu Chengxi heard the sound and caught up, and saw the scene where they were arguing.

Mu Chengxi's footsteps suddenly stopped in place. The moment he saw Lu Xingyi, his emotions were about to collapse almost instantly, and all the things he had accumulated for a long time were about to come out.

Naturally, Lu Xingyi also saw the tall and handsome figure of the man. In such a dark and scorching environment,

She didn't expect their meeting scene to become like this
(End of this chapter)

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