Chapter 395 Are you bold?

against a dark background,

Lu Xingyi raised his eyes slightly, and she could clearly perceive the emotional changes of the man in front of him.
Regardless of previous suspicions, he was completely fascinated by her.

"Honey, wait for me, let's go back together tonight."

After finishing speaking, she got off the man and was about to go in the direction of the assistant.

The fire has already been ignited, how can Mu Chengxi let Lu Xingyi go?
He grabbed the girl's wrist and brought her back to him.

After turning around, he found a group of staff behind him who turned their heads away to avoid suspicion.

Instead of letting go of the hand around Lu Xingyi's waist, narrow eyes narrowed dangerously: "I haven't seen you in a month, I'm much bolder, dare to be so blatant in front of others?"

Lu Xing moved away the big palm on his waist without any trace: "My husband, why don't you dare?"

"The live broadcast is not over yet, I'll go to deal with business first, wait for me~"

After speaking, he ran away from the man's arms.

Mu Chengxi looked at her back, feeling helpless, but after all, it was a live broadcast of global attention, and such a big change happened suddenly,

Lu Xingyi must have been under a lot of pressure himself, so he could only temporarily suppress the fire in his heart and follow her steps.

My wife, follow me!

The assistant is reporting to Lu Xingyi the current situation on the Internet and the reason for the explosion just now. The current live broadcast scene is still in the banquet hall just now.
If Lu Xingyi wanted to explain, he had to go back to the banquet hall first.

Looking at the report quickly sorted out on the assistant's mobile phone, she frowned slightly.

"This reason is too rough. Go and call out the specific experimental process. I want a very clear process."

"I have asked the researcher who was rescued from the fire just now to write an explanation after checking his body, Professor."

Lu Xingyi raised his eyes, "Where is he?"

"Still in the infirmary."

Lu Xingyi thought for a while, then walked towards the infirmary on his high heels.

She also didn't want her researcher to go to work immediately after being injured, but the situation is urgent now. In order to allow the research institute to rest for a while, Lu Xingyi decided to ask for clarification in person. It would definitely be clearer and less laborious than receiving the report directly.

Mu Chengxi quickly caught up with the two of them, and during the period, he was still paying attention to the direction of public opinion in the live broadcast room on his mobile phone.

Lu Xingyi's identity as Professor U has been exposed just now, but it is not officially recognized. Some netizens still have reservations. It is hard to believe that the professor who has always been respected by the world is actually so beautiful.

However, domestic netizens did not react as strongly as foreign ones.

Fans who often follow Lu Xingyi have been amazed countless times by one surprise after another. After seeing Lu Xingyi in Professor U's live broadcast room, although they were surprised, their reactions were obviously not as unbelievable as foreign netizens. Just surprised and amazed!
What is more concerned is the sudden explosion of the research institute.

[What happened to the explosion in the research institute?Is it a coincidence that it exploded during the live broadcast? 】

[It's so scary, how does the research institute usually conduct experiments? Do such explosions happen often? 】

[? ? ? ? ? ?Can anyone tell me that the first woman who ran out just now, the one who looks like an angel, is Professor U? ? ? 】

[Could it be an explosion premeditated by some people? What about the professor, how about the casualties?The empty live broadcast room is so anxious that I scratch my lungs]

(End of this chapter)

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