League of Legends national warriors

Chapter 121 The Rat Steals Butt - Will It Explode?

Chapter 121 The Rat Steals Butt - Will It Explode?
At 30 minutes and [-] seconds, the opposing jungler Qian Jue gank off the road.

I have to mention that Zhang Dongdong's sense of smell is really very keen. He caught this wave of gank again and successfully reversed it. But at this point in time, Braum's ability to cooperate with gank is much stronger than Fengnv Yes, Fengnv's ability to cooperate with gank is almost equal to zero!

When a 3v3 skirmish broke out between the two sides in the bottom lane, ten TPs appeared on the bottom lane at the same time!
The upper and middle lanes of the two sides both brought tp, so this wave of team battles instantly became 5v5. At this time, both sides are at level four, and the difference in level is not very big.

Bron's q skill first hit the curly-haired Fengnv, who turned around with a q skill and was blocked by Bron with a shield, and then the mouse and Qian Jue began to focus on Fengnv!
After one person A, Curly took the initiative to hand in the flash. If Bron's passive was A, she would definitely give up her life.

However, Qian Jue flashed up decisively, and the third time A came out, Feng Nu was stunned in place. At this time, the four people on both sides all TP fell, and they first gathered Huo Feng Nu, and handed over the blood in Dazui Under the circumstances, Fengnv was still hit by Ike with the third ring and surrendered her first blood.

But then Yang Jian played a wonderful operation. After his time old man landed, he flashed directly to the place where the mouse and Bron Qianjue were, and then qwq!Two q skills were released in a row - a time bomb!

Both of his skills were attached to the mouse, and when the second q skill landed on the ground, he successfully stunned the three opponents.

The fallen Thain wanted to release his q skill - brutal slam, and wanted to take over the control of Old Man Time, but Lulu's reaction was not slow. The moment he teleported and fell, Thain turned into an animal.

However, when the three of them were stunned, Dazui turned on his w and began to output crazily at the mouse. With the damage of the male gun, the mouse's blood line became disabled when the mouse was stunned. When the stun ended, the mouse Quickly used a set of DF Second Company, handed over the blood and flashed and ran away, but he had already lost his combat effectiveness.

At this time, Bron flattened Yang Jian and put Yang Jian's passive. YM's people began to focus on Yang Jian, and Yang Jian retreated while flattening a.

Thain flashed directly after the transformation of sheep, slowed down to the mouse, and successfully killed the mouse!

At this time, the two sides have become 4V4, and the opponent's main combat power is still there, but the opponent's hero is still stronger than Yang Jian and the others in the early stage. In the end, with Thain and Yang Jian both dead, they He also got Qian Jue's head and returned to the tower.

This wave of team battles turned into a 2 for 3, and Yang Jian and the others lost a lot.Dazui and Thain got one head, Ike got two, and Qian Jue got one.

This means that the ability of the opponent's lineup in the early stage is indeed much stronger than that of Yang Jian. On Yang Jian's side, Thain and Nanqiang are relatively strong in the early stage, while the others' early team battle ability is very good. Poor, but the opponent is different. Except for the mouse, the other heroes are almost all fathers in the early stage of their respective positions

Ike has a three-ring passive in the early stage, Braum has a passive, and Qian Jue's damage in the early stage is much higher than that of the male gun.

Old Man Time will not be able to demonstrate his true combat effectiveness until he reaches level six.The big mouth will only explode in damage after it is formed in the middle and late stages.

After this wave of kills, Qian Jue and Bron began to engage in PG things crazily. With the addition of two real eyes, it almost completely lit up the off-duty jungle of the PG team. Qian Jue wiped out the lower half of the PG team's jungle, and then turned to the upper half of the jungle to find the male gun.

Zhang Dongdong's fight was very uncomfortable. He had already lost his vision in the second half of the field. In the first half of the night, Ike got two more kills and completely suppressed Thain. He had to be careful when playing the jungle. Qian Jue is slowly pulling away the level and level.

But fortunately, their vision is also well controlled. After the vision of the first half of the field is done, they can probably judge the position of the opponent Qian Jue, and they are not caught by the opponent again.

If Sion on the top lane was suppressed a little uncomfortable, the mouse on the other side's bottom lane couldn't take care of himself. After surrendering his double moves and Dazui got another head, he played extremely well in the lane. It's uncomfortable, the key is that Zhang Dongdong comes to the bottom lane from time to time and wanders around. Although he knows that the opponent has eyes, but sometimes he will deliberately expose the opponent's vision to put a certain amount of pressure on the opponent's bottom lane.

This is the manifestation of Zhang Dongdong's IQ in the jungler position. He is obviously behind the opponent's jungler in the jungler level, but he can still create a certain threat to the line.

YM's bottom lane was really unbearable, and he went back to the city again to change lanes to the top lane. This time, Yang Jian and the others did not follow, but cooperated with the male gun. In the 7th minute, they took down the first lane. little dragon.

The two sides began to change lanes. In the 9th minute, the two sides switched the top and bottom towers, and AD paid for the tower alone. The lineups of both sides are four guarantees and one, and the main economy will naturally be given to AD.

In 14 minutes, the towers on both sides were pushed down, and the second dragon had been refreshed at the same time.

Because the mouse was crushed badly, at this point in time they didn't make a run-down, and their vision of the little dragon was cleared by the PG, so they gave up on the little dragon again.

In terms of economic distribution, PG did not take the initiative to eat Sion's pawn line. After the outer towers were pushed down by both sides, Dazui stayed in the bottom lane, but the mouse was hoarding pawns in the top and bottom lanes. The line will be eaten, and by the way, the junglers and toads will be taken away.

However, Qian Jue mainly farms in Yang Jian's jungle area, so it doesn't have a great impact on him, but in this way, Zhang Dongdong suffers a bit. His development is very poor, and he is two full behind the opponent's Qian Jue. level, 14 knives less for clearing wild in [-] minutes.

For the next period of time, both sides played relatively calmly. Even when the old man Shi Guang had a big move, the opponent did not dare to start a team rashly. Yang Jian and the others were also waiting for an opportunity to fight a team.

At 18 minutes, Qian Jue invaded Yang Jian's blue buff, trying to counter Yang Jian's blue buff. Behind Qian Jue, Bron and Lulu followed, the mouse was in the middle, and Ike had teleportation in the bottom lane.

In fact, Yang Jian didn't get a blue in this game. He didn't want to let go of this blue. Thain just walked out of the house at this time, and he was already on the track outside the three wolves, just waiting for the fight. In an instant, he opened his big move and slammed into the enemy!
Yang Jian and the others use the blue buff to pull each other. They are waiting for the big mouth to approach, because the big mouth is the most important point on their side and the fattest point at the moment. As long as the big mouth is in place, Thain will directly start this wave war!
However, he didn't notice that the opponent's mouse disappeared from the middle, and the enemy in the grass in the river began to hide, and was quietly touching the back of Yang Jian's butt.

During this period of time, when the mouse was growing everywhere, the mending knife has gradually caught up, with a broken piece and a yellow cross in his hand.It's already in its infancy.

At this time, Ike teleported to the grass outside the three wolves, and the other party began to move forward. At the same time, the mouse appeared behind Yang Jian's buttocks, took a breath at Yang Jian, and put down his w skill. Poison barrel!

Started to output to Yang Jian, Yang Jian's reaction was not unpleasant, when the mouse handed over the dilapidated, he turned around and put two bombs, but the mouse dodged in the first time, and then opened the big move to go mad at Yang Jian output.

At this time, Yang Jian, the male gun and Fengnv were all standing in the same line. Under the penetration effect of the mouse's big move, it landed on the three of them with two consecutive A's. Fengnv and Yang Jian were almost in an instant Half of the blood was lost in between.

Yang Jian didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly flashed to the place where the three wolves were.At this time, Da Zui finally arrived, but Ike also teleported down, which happened to separate Da Zui's position. In this wave of team battles, Yang Jian's position is really very poor!

On the commentary stage, the baby couldn't help but said: "It's over, it's over, this mouse is too courageous, but it has received a miraculous effect. PG's big mouth can't enter the field to output, and it is isolated by Ike. It exploded."

(End of this chapter)

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