League of Legends national warriors

Chapter 123 7-Minute Switching Game

Chapter 123 7-Minute Switching Game
Take the blame, many people are discussing the one just now.

Almost everyone is discussing YM's adc mouse. Ning's mouse is too eye-catching. In the early stage, he was extremely suppressed by Smile in the lane, but he changed lanes and YM for him trust, gave him most of the map resources, and he did not disappoint his teammates in the game, and successfully won the game.

"Mentally retarded PG, without SKT's management, and want to learn SKT's time system, is this system you can play? The wizard's mentally retarded time is like a silver, playing group 0 effect, playing you b, back Let's raise pigs at home!"

At this time, some sunspots who black Yang Jian appeared, frantically posting posts to black him on the blame bar.

This has nothing to do with the navy. In this magical land of China, there are such a large group of sunspots and trolls, and you cannot explain the thoughts of this group of people.

Whoever is popular will hack whoever is popular. From the earliest era when WE and IG were fighting for hegemony, WE was hacked and turned into a dog, and then to OMG, when the puppy UZI joined OMG, OMG reached a peak and became WE Afterwards, the second generation of Tiantuan, but then Heizi also came, and then LGD, and then EDG!

It is true that many people are angry that these teams are indisputable, and it is true that there are some stupid fans who are really stupid.

But are these trolls really turned black because of brain-dead fans?Brainless black seems to be no different from brainless fans.

This country is like this, from Ruofeng to Strawberry to Big Brother and then to factory director UZI!

Of course, the current Yang Jian is also unavoidable. When he behaves badly, people who have made trouble come out one by one.Even some brainless fans in the PG team started to complain about Yang Jian's old time.


Chen Jing in the lounge frowned as she watched the almost one-sided negative comments on Yang Jian.

Yang Qian and Shao Keqing also frowned. Now they can only be in the backstage, and only the coach can go upstage. Some worries arose in their hearts.

In the month since Yang Jian came back, the team has never lost a game. Losing this game will cause some changes in the mentality of the players.

Originally, they had absolute confidence in being promoted to the LPL. They felt that although YM was not bad, they should not be their opponents, but this first game slapped them in the face.

Strawberry's expression was a little nervous, and he frowned and said: "This BP is still a little bad, the lineup is relatively bulky, and the opponent finally took out a mouse, this ning is really a bit strong."

"I hope they can adjust their mentality. Don't be affected by the first game." Ruofeng touched his huge nose and said.


The rest time of a game is only 5 minutes. Yang Jian and the others didn't go to the bathroom. They just briefly discussed where they lost in the game just now. What they really exploded was the team battle with the blue buff. He was reckless, and was seized by the opponent's mouse.

This is because the field of view is not good, and the mouse is not found around the buttocks. The second point is that the entry time of the smile is too slow, and it is restricted by Ike!The third point is that their lineup is too bulky. Except for the male gun, the other heroes have no displacement skills, and they are too powerfully restrained by Braum's big move.

The last point is that soft control crispy heroes like Feng Nu are really not suitable for this version!

Deng Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, and Yang Jian said: "The opponent's mouse seems to be their ultimate move. The Ning mouse is really good. Do you want to move it in the next game?"

Deng Xin shook his head and said, "No, the mouse hero is not a strong hero in the version. The next game will still be given to them. Smile, you take out your life master - Jhin, and play online with them, and you will die!" hit."

Yang Jian felt a little uneasy when he heard Deng Xin's words. He felt that the opponent's mouse was really strong. Let alone the mouse's ability to find output positions is very good, and his ability to supplement growth is also very strong.

In the last game, the opponent's mouse had already been beaten badly, but the opponent's top lane completely gave him resources to eat. When he was in a team with a blue buff, his equipment was fully equipped. Yayu smiled.And Yang Jian felt that if he got the mouse in this round, the opponent would inevitably change the line forcibly.

But since Deng Xin dared to let it go, he should have a way to target it.

The BP of both sides is over, and sure enough, the opponent still chooses the mouse in the position of AD!The final lineup is, blue side: PG team: top laner, Dashu, jungler, male gun, mid laner: Ice Girl, bottom lane Jhin and Bud.

Purple Fang YM team, top laner: Poppy, jungler: Qian Jue, mid laner, Lulu, bottom laner mouse and bull head combination.

Obviously, Team YM is very confident in their lineup for the last game. The lineup they produced was almost the same as that of the first game. Only the top laner was taken by Yang Jian and the others, and he took a Bobby himself. They removed Bron from Lu by themselves, because Bron still has a certain restraint effect on mice.

On Yang Jian's side, they also got a strong double TP lineup to target the opponent. In fact, this was a mistake made by the opponent's bp, or he believed in his team's ad very much, and believed in Ning's survivability.

The purpose of ym is to be able to get this set of four guarantees and one lineup. For this lineup, they have to sacrifice some positions for the PG team, but this also proves their own team's confidence in their mouse system .

This time, YM chose to take the initiative to invade the wild area as an eye position for the split line. The hero of the life master and Bard can almost be called the strongest bot lane combination in this version.

They also made the eyes more interesting. Instead of taking the initiative to form a group, they chose to disperse their positions, and went to the place where the toad and the stone man were stuck in time to make an eye.

In the professional arena, the bottom lane combination usually chooses to start in these two places when they go online, but YM's bottom lane combination did not go online immediately, but chose to stay in the mid lane. They don't even go to the middle lane. Hitting rocks or toads, even willing to sacrifice experience, just to forcefully change lanes.

Sure enough, at 40 minute and [-] seconds, they saw Jhin and Bud appear at the stone man on the blue side's bottom road, and then the mouse and the bull head walked towards the top road.

After reaching the top lane, the bottom lanes of both sides chose to push the line. The PG team's bottom lane chose to return to the city after pushing the line twice to forcefully capture the opponent's bottom lane combination.The opponent's bot lane team chose to change lanes after seeing the two coming up. PG chose to grab again!

They have already made up their minds, even if they can't develop themselves, they will definitely affect the opponent's bottom lane combination.

The core of the PG team is their mid-top strong opening combination, while the core of YM is their bottom lane combination. It is natural to distinguish which is more important and which is more important, but this will also slightly affect the development of Dashu!

In this way, for the first 7 minutes of the bottom lane combination, the two sides have been running the map continuously, and the level of both sides is only three. As for the last knife, the smiling Jhin still has about [-] knives, and the mouse only has a dozen knives.Dashu and Poppy were even worse. Under the frequent lane changes, they barely made up damage and their level did not improve.

Under such circumstances, only the middle lane and the jungler have developed normally. However, the junglers of both sides chose to farm in the early stage. They really have no chance to gank with such frequent lane changes.

On the commentary stage, Miller said: "These two teams change lanes so frequently, and now the development of the top and bottom lanes of both sides is quite miserable, but I think PG's choice is very good. It is to force your lane. I know that as long as the hero Jhin has a big storm sword, he has quite good combat power, but the mouse is not, for the mouse to have combat ability, he needs at least one piece of ruin."

YM obviously also noticed this problem. Their bot lane is their core. If the loop continues, neither side's bot lane will be able to raise the level. When the ice girl enters the field, it is estimated that he will be beaten Yang Jian's ice girl was killed.

So they chose to bite the bullet and line up.

(End of this chapter)

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