Chapter 126
"Retreat and retreat, we can't fight anymore." Yang Jian said quickly in the voice.

After speaking, he put an e skill towards the outside of the dragon pit, trying to escape, but he and the male gun were still held back by the opponent. They were both beaten badly just now, and YM took them away easily. The lives of both of them.

But the remaining three still ran away, successfully leaving behind three big dragon buffs!

On the commentary stage, Miller said: "In this wave, if the male gun doesn't grab the big dragon, it is estimated that PG will fall into the abyss completely. It is really the key for him to grab the big dragon this time. Fortunately, it is simple. Grab it and complete self-salvation."

Wa Wa said: "Now their economy is still a little behind, but at this point in time, it's nothing to be behind economically, and they still have the big dragon buff."

"It can also be seen from the wave just now that this one really tested the performance of the mouse. It was just an ice girl just now, which made it very difficult for him to hit output. If it weren't for Qian Jue's big move just now, the mouse would have been killed. Seconds, if the mouse was directly killed by the second and did not deal the latter set of damage, I am afraid that this wave of YM will explode." Miller continued.

"In short, in this round, I think it depends on whether the mouse will be seconded, or whether it can play explosive damage in the team battle. If it can be played, it will be YM who wins. If it cannot be played, then PG's side will win. There will be great opportunities."


The two continued to analyze, and Yang Jian and the others on the stage showed excitement on their faces. This wave gave them a big life.

Relying on this big dragon buff, Yang Jian and the others successfully took down the opponent's three outer towers!

This has to mention Yang Jian's operational ability. Their operational ability may not be comparable to those strong teams in LPL, but in LSPL, a league that focuses on fighting, their operational ability is the best. This can be seen from the split push after they got the Baron, pinning down Nata.

Then, they seized a wave of opportunities again. Because of the vision, at 35 minutes, Ice Girl and Dashu sent a perfect eye around the back, and successfully caught the opponent's red BUFF mouse and In a second, after losing the biggest output point of the mouse, they forced the high ground and killed the three opponents on the high ground, successfully winning the second round of the game.


When the second game was won, Shao Keqing and the others in the backstage finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Yang Qian hurriedly walked towards the competition field, she had to intervene in the BP.

The mouse is a hero that really cannot be given to the opponent. This hero falls into the hands of YMadc and has the ability to change the game!
You know, in the two games, Ning's mouse was suppressed in the early stage and couldn't take care of himself, but he was able to develop during the game and was able to play explosive output in team battles.

She felt very puzzled when Deng Xin released the mouse in the second game.

After she walked to the competition venue, she shared her thoughts with Deng Xin, who nodded and said, "Well, I see, this AD mouse really played well, and the next two games will not be good. This is what will happen.”

He just said the next two games, meaning that in the next two games, they will take each other away!
After a comeback victory in the second game, Yang Jian and the others improved their morale a lot. In the third game, Deng Xin targeted the opponent's 4-[-] guarantee, Lulu and Qian Jue, while Yang Jian pulled out Out of his signature hero... Zed.

In this game, Yang Jian and the others successfully contained their bottom lane combination. The heroine, the policewoman, was relatively strong in the early and late stages, but was a little weak in the middle stage.

This game became Yang Jian's personal show. The opponent's mid laner chose a Tsar. As a result, the Tsar's online life was terrible. He was solo killed by Yang Jian once at level [-]. After going online, Yang Jian went to Liuyue Tower for a strong kill!

Then Yang Jian traveled two ways and successfully won the third round. The PG team also took the lead with a big score of 2:1!
After the PG team took the lead, the PDD in the backstage showed some worry on his face. In fact, he knew that in terms of hard power, their team had no advantage over the PG team. In the LSPL, the four lines of the PG team were all It is a top-level configuration, and it is very difficult for their strongest bot lane combination to gain an advantage over the smiling curls.

In Blame Bar, most of the previous posts mocking Yang Jian were turned up, and the wizard's supporters began to slap him in the face infinitely.


In the crucial fourth round, Yang Jian and the others still kept their positions unchanged, removing Mouse, Lulu and Qian Jue, while YM removed Yang Jian's three heroes, Jie and Yao Ji. and Ice Maiden.

Among the BP, several of them are constantly communicating, this is their most critical round, they had better win the game in this round, if once the game enters the fifth round, there will be too many variable.

Finally, the BP of the two sides was over. In this round, Yang Jian and the others returned to the blue side. In this round, they released a big move.

Top laner: Dashu, jungler: Piltover law enforcement officer-Wei, mid laner: Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, bottom laner and Bard!

The color of the YM team: top laner, Gnar, jungler: Leopard, mid laner: Tsar, bottom lane: female policeman plus Thresh!

In this round, Yang Jian and the others came up with a strong lineup of Wei and Fox. The combination of Wei and Fox was the most powerful mid-field combination in the S3 World Finals.However, after both Wei and Fox were weakened later, this combination rarely appeared on the field. Even if it appeared, only one hero appeared. .

Yang Jian's fox has never been used in the competition, and he has played a little more in the rank. Anyone who has seen his rank knows how powerful his fox is!

You know, back then he relied on this hero to single-handedly kill Faker's Enchantress, consolidating his No. [-] ranking in Hanbok.

When the BP ended, Curly said loudly in the voice: "Brothers, if we win this game, we will enter the LPL, the highest level league in China. After entering the LPL, we will have the opportunity to hit the World Championship Qualifications, we can’t fail, the second game was robbed by the dragon, we all won the game in such a desperate situation, we will definitely win this round, everyone, come on, win the game, let Zhou sister treat us to a good meal tonight Yes, do you have confidence!"


"After winning the game, let's go to the waves. I'm going to get moldy if I stay at the base every day. Come on everyone!" Yang Jian also shouted loudly.

"come on!"

Everyone roared at the same time.

Yang Jian felt the cells in his whole body beating. He didn't know whether it was because of the blood spurting at the critical moment of hitting the LPL, whether it was excitement or nervousness. His hand holding the mouse was trembling.

LPL, this is the dream of countless e-sports players, but on the highest stage of Chinese e-sports, there are only [-] teams with fifty or sixty players.

And Yang Jian's goal is to enter the LPL, and then experience the feeling of the world arena, just as he said with a smile, if he can stand on the stage of the S series again, even if it's just to travel, even if he loses his reputation, he is willing.

At this time, it is the most critical battle for Yang Jian and the others to enter the LPL. If they win, they will enter the LPL and compete with the top Chinese teams for the place in the World Championship!
If they are excited, then YM is feeling the pressure. The five boys have beads of sweat on their faces. This is the second time they are standing on the LSPL final stage. If this If they lose this time, they will go to the relegation match again, facing the eliminated team from the LPL.

Finally, the fourth round of the game has begun!

Yang Jian's fox came to the middle early. In this round, both sides chose to play against each other.

The opponent came up with the combination of the policewoman and Thresh, with strong online abilities, and the police and Bud would naturally not be afraid of them.

On the top lane, there were still two lumps of meat fighting each other, nothing to see, everyone focused their attention on the middle lane.

PG has come up with a combination of middle and wild routines, obviously planning to open the situation from the middle!

(End of this chapter)

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