Chapter 208

"Drink?" Ji Ye picked up the glass on the table while talking.

Seeing that he had already collapsed, Li Han didn't say anything: "Whatever."

After a pause, the man said again: "If you don't film tomorrow, you can drink whatever you want."

Ji Ye didn't speak, picked up the wine and downed it directly: "Li Han, I seem to like a woman."

Li Han leaned over to pick up the wine glass: "So?"

Falling in love with a woman, come to him to chat late at night?

Ji Ye looked up at him: "Then do you know who she likes?"

Looking at Ji Yeyouliang's gaze, Li Han had already guessed, but he still said: "I don't know."

Ji Ye mocked, "She likes you."

"She's watching your Weibo. She's been smiling since I followed her. I've never seen her smile like that at me."

She had never shown him such a heartfelt smile.

That's why when he saw that Weibo, he was jealous and couldn't control himself.

Behavior like that in the hotel was the most regrettable thing he had ever done.

Before that, he could still pretend to be a friend, or approach her as an actor from the same crew.

But now, I'm afraid she has already blacklisted him?

"Who is she? Yanlu?"

Apart from this name, Li Han couldn't think of anyone else.

Because Ji Ye mentioned Yanlu in their group of four before.

"Yes, it's Yanlu." Ji Ye smiled wryly.

"I don't know why I like her. I can't forget the way she smiles."

Every time he closes his eyes, there will always be Yan Lu's crooked eyebrows in front of him.

She is different from other women, she always does things as she likes.

Even in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, she never lost her heart.

Taking a sip of the wine, Li Han rolled his eyelids: "Did she admit it herself?"

"No." Ji Ye replied a little uncomfortable.

Admit it personally?She didn't even want to say a word to him, so how could he have the chance to hear her confess?

Thinking of the phrase "very annoying" that Yan Lu said, Ji Ye just felt as if he was going to be out of breath.

Li Han leaned back on the sofa, swung his wine glass, and folded his legs: "You're sure she likes me without admitting it? Just because she glanced at my Weibo?"

Ji Ye was blocked for a moment: "But she laughed."

"So what? Ji Ye, you should have the analysis and judgment to not be overwhelmed by emotions." Li Han said.

The man put down his wine glass, got up and picked up the towel on the back of the chair.

His hair was still dripping, his shirt was half-unbuttoned, and he looked seductive.

But no one paid attention to these.

Ji Ye just lowered his head, he couldn't help being startled when he heard Li Han's words.

"What you have to do is not to drink away your sorrows, but to sort out your own emotions. If you like her, you can ask her openly, and express your feelings to her openly, instead of hiding alone. Here you are drinking and thinking wildly."

Li Han entered the room while talking, "Remember to turn off the lights before going to bed."

Ji Ye was the only one left in the living room.

The man's mind is full of what Li Han said before he left.

That's right, she never said that she likes Li Han, he was just thinking about it from the beginning to the end.

She just read Li Han's Weibo, but he treated her like that when he saw that page...

Thinking of Yan Lu's abnormally calm appearance with tears on his face, Ji Ye couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

MD, he's an asshole!

(End of this chapter)

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